Friday, January 23, 2015

It's January why in Gotham are you selling Easter eggs?

Ah le New Year... tis sunny. Thus far it seems like it's going to be another year where my luck is fucked. But positivity and all that.

Good news. I updated my fanfic... both of them in fact, so that's a 'Yay me!'

Uhm other good news, there's been good music thus far this year... I got a fancy new phone for Christmas. Pillow has an xbox 360 and we have been gaming and cutting down on our near physical attachment to the internet and so huzzah!

In other news, the last month of last year was spent complaining about increasingly small amounts of money, buying Christmas presents, and going home.
B-Dizzle, Pillow and I enjoyed our last night here before Christmas with two bottles of Riccadonna Asti and Noodles and Dumplings, we exchanged Christmas presents, wrapped the ones that were being given to other people and admittedly got a leetle schloshed. My hometown was as brimming with expectations as usual, and I went to Pillows a few days after Christmas to celebrate her birthday, the big two-one as it were.

On New Years Day we bundled all of our loot into Dave (B-Dizzles car) and returned triumphantly alive to our humble little abode. The cat was pleased to see us though a little pissed that we'd all left her. Witness her sulking on the table, not best pleased with the fact that our return heralded a great upheaval in her otherwise well organised life. Poor Kitty... just the teensiest bit spoilt.
In celebration of the New Year, (which we spent dancing around to music and socialising with each other) Pillow decided that she wanted a change and so we have once more shuffled things around in our lounge, admittedly it looks really good but I'm just terrible with change.

Right that's all I can think of to talk about now so I'm off

Currently Listening to: Avicii- The Nights
Current .gif feeling: