Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wah hah hah! Feel the long text Post!

So I have an idea for a Bleach fic. I've written some of it out but I don't know if I'll ever post it up anywhere.

The basic outline is that Kurosaki Ichigo and Urahara Kisuke began life way way way back in the time of the Samurai, where they were a little more than bros if you know what I'm saying, when they died instead of losing their memories and basically reforming out of soul particles they are regressed back into child forms, Ichigo ends up being taken in and raised as a Shiba cousin while Kisuke befriends Yoruichi and gets adopted by some Shihouin retainers. They eventually become Shinigami and reunite. Theres good times, theres bad times and then of course the Hollowfication happens and the Visored and Kisuke and Tessai are exiled while Yoruichi self-exiles. Ichigo in a show of loyalty, since he's friends with a few Visored and one (Aikawa Love) is his Captain, resigns from his position and follows them before anyone can deny his resignation. Once he tracks them down in the Human realm he motivates them to continue living and not let what's happened make them unhappy, (unhappier?). Decades pass and Kaien dies then Isshin is quietly exiled, he ends up in the Human realm and falls in love with a young woman named Kurosaki Masaki whom he weds, the two keep in contact with Ichigo, Kisuke and the Visored and when Masaki gets pregnant they tell them. On the day the child is to receive it's soul (since I have no idea how a lot of stuff works) Ichigo and Kisuke discover that the Central 46 isn't allowing the soul that would end up in the child to incarnate, after a discussion with Isshin and Masaki it is decided that Kisuke will but a seal bloke on Ichigo and his soul will be the babys. Basically mostly canon happens though instead of people mistaking him for his cousin he ends up wandering how most of the older Shinigami know his name, these Shinigami end up thinking that Shiba Ichigo died sometime after his resignation and that's why he's now walking around as a Human with no idea what the heck is going on. After the war with Aizen is over Ichigo still has his powers and when he turns Seventeen the seal on his memories is broken which results in a huh moment as Urahara (the one who had created the seal) did it in the middle of a party which all of Ichigo's friends Human, Visored, Shinigami and Arrancar were attending, this results in a huh moment and also Ichigo punching Kisuke before attempting to explain what had happened and who he was.

Here's a bit of what I have written so far: "Ichigo is seven when his life changes.
He is fourteen when he makes another change.
At seventeen he thinks he's sorting some things out.
At nineteen he's settled into himself, he knows who he is and what he's doing.
At twenty-three he dies. And everything changes again.

Since he was seven Ichigo's life had revolved around the rogue samurai named Kisuke who had saved him from the bandits that killed his family. Ichigo had wanted to stay with Kisuke but was told it was too dangerous. He was placed with a noble family that owed Kisuke a favour and it was expected that he'd stay with them for the rest of his life, as they gave him stability and a new home. He left when he was fourteen, set out with a wooden sword and the need to find the man who'd saved him. Kisuke was less than impressed when Ichigo showed up in his campsite, and he became down right irritated when Ichigo refused to leave, following Kisuke around trying to learn the way of the sword. Eventually Kisuke gave in and took the boy as an apprentice. Ichigo proved to be an adept student learning eagerly, soaking up all the knowledge, his mind for battle was a truly terrifying thing and by seventeen he had surpassed his teacher. No longer were they master and apprentice. Kisuke expected the boy to leave, not to say that's what he wanted over time Ichigo had grown on him he didn't know what he'd do without the company. Fortunately he didn't have to find out, Ichigo stayed, Kisuke had saved his life and so he felt his life was Kisuke's. When he was nineteen Ichigo downed four bottles of sake and kissed his now ex-teacher, instead of being pushed away he was accepted. His saviour became his teacher became his partner became his lover, now a partner in every sense of the word. The two pledged themselves into the service of a daimyo who treated his people with fairness. They served faithfully, until when Ichigo was twenty-three they were set to guard a narrow passage into the Daimyos land, they had heard rumours that his closest neighbour wished to absorb the prosperous land into his own. For two days and three nights they held the pass waiting for reinforcements, theirs was a small group no more than seventeen men not including the messenger who had been sent off early in the skirmish, finally on the dawn of the third day they heard the bugle of their backup just as an arrow made it's way past Ichigos guard to lodge in Kisuke's chest, a moment of despair and a swift sword stroke led to Ichigo's own demise. So just as he had lived the young samurai died following the one to whom he had given everything.

However, this was not the end of these two noble swordsmen. As Kisukes lifeblood drained out and he passed to the world of death a soundless voice questioned Will you fight on, warrior? Or will you rest? Fighting was what Kisuke had known for so long, but he couldn't answer for he knew this was not something that would dictate only his life, Ichigo had long sworn he would follow where Kisuke led, “Maa I'll wait a while if you don't mind?” If you wait too long you will not be given the choice, you will remain a soul tethered to the earth until someone comes to relieve you. Before he could question this, being as he was a curious man, another form appeared in the foggy world of death, it took him not a moment to recognise the bright head of his lover, “Ah, Ichigo I thought you'd last longer.” The younger man looked rueful, “I got distracted.”
I thought I taught you not to do that?” He chastised.
Before Ichigo could respond the question was asked again Will you fight on, warrior? Or will you rest? Ichigo frowned, “I'll go where Kisuke goes.”
Resting sounds a little boring don't you think, koi? We are men of action after all.”
Ichigo smiled and nodded, “If it is well with you voice-san we will fight together as is our way.”
The voice seemed troubled as it responded, You will be sent to the Soul Society to continue fighting, as for together, this has never been asked before, you wish to remember your life when you truly lived?
Of course.” Ichigo stated as Kisuke asked, “Do people normally forget their lives?”
The people of the Soul Society are regressed when they die, they form from soul matter and so their previous lives are lost. You do not want this? But you wish to fight?
Yes.” “Of course.”
Hm, you are strong, if you retain yourselves you may perhaps be even stronger, the voice seemed to come to a decision, Very well Kisuke no Kuikkuburēdo and Ichigo za Sō though you will be regressed you will retain yourselves. Farewell Warriors, may we meet again.

When Ichigo opened his eyes there was a sky above him and a sword in his hand. The sword was much smaller than his usual katana but looking down at himself this was understandable, he heard a low groan to his left and turned to see a miniaturised version of his partner, Kisuke looked no older than fifteen, he too held a much smaller sword. “Well,” Kisuke remarked in a light tone, “I see what Voice-san meant about being regressed now, you look about four, Ichi-chan.”
Ichigo scowled at the ridiculous nickname he'd not had to hear since he was seventeen and finally defeated his teacher in a mock battle, his scowl deepened as he realised what Kisuke had just said, he was four, four, how was he supposed to fight as a four year old?
The two spent several days readjusting to their new ages, despite their memories of their lives they actually felt the age their physical (were they physical afterall they were dead this was something Kisuke was interested in looking into) ages, sometimes Kisuke was forced to pick Ichigo up and piggy-back him as the four-year old tired quickly and like to take naps.
Finally after nearly a week of readjustment and learning what people to avoid and where to get food things changed. The changes were two fold and swift, they began with a girl knocking into Kisuke apologising and running off, this was followed by a tall dark haired man who bore a striking resembalance to Ichigo stopping and staring, as the man approached the two boys heard a shriek that Kisuke noted to sound very much like the girl who'd run into him earlier, they both started to head toward the girl when the man touched Ichigo's shoulder only to find himself under the scrutiny of two near feral gazes, “I apologize, my name is Shiba Kaien and though I don't know you, you appear to have the look of one of my clan, I suspect you're one of my cousins and as such I can't just leave you wandering the Rukongai, especially not at your age.” He looked over at Kisuke, “I can take you both to the Shiba Clan Compound, there's food and soft beds and well our family.” Kisuke frowned, the resembalance between the two was too strong to be merely superficial so these Shiba might very well be Ichigo's long deceased family members who had reformed from the spiritual energy, as such the safest place for Ichigo would be with them, as they were obviously strong enough to protect him until he'd regrown into himself enough to do it, Kisuke knew that Ichigo would be able to track him down again once that had happened and so he came to the decision and looked down at his smaller partner, “Take Ichi-chan, I have to do something.”
Ichigo frowned at him something that he was rather amused to notice was mirrored on the face of the man, Kaien, “Are you sure? There's more than enough room and I'm sure he'd like to have you with him for support and familiarity.”
Kisuke shook his head, “He'll be ok.” Looking down at the smaller boy, “You'll be ok, I have to go help that girl, we'll meet again.” He grinned, Ichigo nodded and sighed, “Good Luck, Kisuke. Try not to get into too much trouble without me.”
Maa Ichi-chan you say that like I can't look after myself.”
You can't.”
Kaien stifled a laugh at the interaction, both he and his little cousin waved as the small blonde darted off. "

Currently Listening to: Demi Lovato- Nightingale
Current .gif feeling: