Sunday, September 17, 2017

I was feeling happy but now I'm not

Well my birthday has been and gone, for basically the past month my sisters foster son has been staying with us while he tries to sort out his housing and uni stuff, which has been... an experience, I'd forgotten how much I didn't like staying with boys until.
B-Dizzle has been in Italy for the last two weeks for a conference and from her pictures she's been having a blast, while Pillow has been house-sitting for her brother for about the same amount of time. Usually it would just be me and the kitteh and I would listen to my music loud and clean unfortunately it wasn't and so I couldn't. 
I've felt an urge to write for the past little while and haven't really been able to channel it properly. I've enrolled in an Interior Design course for next year, don't know how I really feel about it, bit excited, bit scared but we'll see, hopefully it goes well. 
We have a house inspection coming up so that's a bit of cleaning to do and some weeding but we should be alright; the kitteh has had a stiff walk recently, she had to go see the vet not long ago.
I've been reading Harry Potter fanfiction, also I think I have a problem with regards to chocolate fish, but they're just so tasty I can't help myself.
I shudder to think what our power bill is going to look like this month, last month it had gone up $100 with our visitor, it's going to be interesting to say the least.
My birthday was good, the girls and I painted our nails and ate incredible amounts of junk food and turned our lounge into a blanket fort which was awesome. The kitteh tried to get in on it and eat some of the cheezels but we managed to stop her. The next night we saw some friends, including Only Male, went out for dinner had my traditional birthday Guiness, got presents, came home played Cards Against Humanity and drank some more. All in all a good time was had by all.
My medical certificate expires soon so I need to get that refilled out, need to see my Counselor; I've missed quite a bit of time from the library so I need to get back into gear with that, I need to book my Christmas bus back home while it's not as expensive.
Oh! I've started some of my Christmas shopping, hopefully this will mean that I have more money by the time December comes around, fingers crossed.
I played some Sims recently building houses and decorating them, I tried building a Victorian style house, which I found interesting because usually no matter the exterior I go rather modern internally which means a large kitchen as the central social space, however for this house my kitchen was rather small and to the back while the dining room and drawing room/ parlour was the major space for socialising, it meant that I spent ages looking for tea-sets though which was both interesting and irritating as they're quite hard to find, and then I wanted a cake-stand with cake which seems to be impossible and irked me, but it's done now, I mean I still have some decorating to do with the rest of the house but the drawing room is finished, so yay!
Oh! And I finally saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! And I'm not a Freaking NIFFLER!
And I think that's about me for now.

Currently Listening To: Selena Gomez- Bad Liar
Current .gif feeling: