Monday, December 3, 2018

Update on the Goings On

Ok so a lot a lot a LOT has happened this year. To begin with I enrolled in the UCOL Interior Design course, and went through the first semester of that alright, I made social acquaintances, I did assignments, I felt challenged and fulfilled, it was good. There was a small lapse in April but I powered through. Then second semester came... or tried to, I missed weeks, I attended sporadically, basically I was a shitty student, thanks anxiety. I went through some really dark periods, but my lecturers and the school staff were amazing, they sat me down, we talked it out, I did what I could and we worked with that. I mean I felt so shit because I really liked the classes I just couldn't deal with them. So next year I'm going back for two more classes and then I'll have a diploma, only seven years late and in a completely different subject than originally planned.
Next, my Dad was in and out of the hospital this year, they've signed him up for a lung transplant in five years time and until then he has to attend physio therapy because he had a lung reduction, he hasn't been able to consistently walk since early this year and is now in a wheelchair, on top of that he's caught pneumonia at least twice and been admitted into the hospital. As if that isn't enough my sister (still living with Mum and all her family) had a heart attack and had to be flown to Wellington to have stents put in, she then checked herself out against doctors recommendation to go home. Then there's my Mum, who has been having asthma attacks and has had the ambulance called for her twice now, how did I find out about this, I hear you wondering, my sister posted it one Facebook. That's how I found out about that.
In the meantime, B-Dizzle, Pillow and I have moved. B-Dizzle now lives with one of her other friends while Pillow and I live with teh Kitteh and dum-da-dum *Boyfriend* (Pillows Boyfriend, not mine, it's just he has the same name as Only Male and thus was dubbed Boyfriend). Yes Pillow now has a boyfriend, she's very fond of him. He moved in with us right after my birthday, before that Pillow would travel to visit him. He's very nice and very nerdy which is pretty much all Pillow needs in a partner. We still see B-Dizzle often though of course not as often but she's doing well in her new flat.
For my birthday Pillow and B-Dizzle and Boyfriend pooled together money and brought me a graphics card, I was so happy and excited and then it wouldn't work with my computer... I screamed my rage into the heavens looked at my bank account and admitted defeat. I now have a new desktop computer which works my graphics card perfectly and so I have partaken of all the games, Sims 3, Sims 4, Stardew Valley, it's been good. I also have retrieved all the data from my old laptop and found out that unless I want to pay $200 or more I'll probably never be able to get what was on my old hard drive back, yes I said old as I now have two new ones, one for course related things and one for writing, movies, pictures and so on.
I've been busy with course and haven't written much of anything this year, though I continue to have read a ton of Fanfiction. Hamilton is still my jam. B-Dizzle and I went to Wellington Armageddon and had a blast. I have done nada of my Christmas shopping though I do have my bus thickets there and back booked. Pillow went and saw Ed Sheeran again this year. B-Dizzle, Pillow, Boyfriend and I went and saw The Crimes of Grindelwald, it was good.
I'm sure there's more things but I can't think of them right now so bye bye.

Currently Listening to: The Bells of Notre Dame
Current .gif feeling: