Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I have a lot of deep Philosophical questions, most predominant currently is Where did the Chocolate go? I'm sure I never ate it.

What am I doing with my life? No seriously? I've spent the past couple of days reading Gundam Wing fanfic and sitting on my sweet patootie. I mean I've had a good reason... it's been raining so even though we have a Flat Inspection coming up I couldn't go outside and do the jobs that need doing... or at least that's what I've been telling myself, in truth my sleep took a turn for the worst and I haven't been awake enough in the daytime to be able to do things. My Counsellor mentioned a hormone or something that's suppose to aid with sleep so 
I'm going to see about that but I dunno. 

What else is up with me... I've been pretty unmotivated as per usual, though I did weed the back gardens and clean the bathroom, my room and organise the book shelf we moved into the hallway so that's something. Yesterday was Imbolc and I slept through most of it. It's the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere so thats a fun little fact for people.

I should probably update all the (non existent) people who are interested, I failed in regards to NaNoWriMo, all the good intentions none of the motivation though I did compile a very interesting Bleach fanfic in my head. I dunno how I'm going to write my novel out when I'm so shit at fight scenes I mean I can see it all in my head and it's truly beautiful but then I write it down and it's all "she flipped over his head and like turned around in the flip so she was facing him and it happened really fast so he couldn't tell..." which isn't great for keeping the attention.

I have a complaint. I have a tumblr, I very rarely use it because it's filled with people that seem to revel in being angry about something, show them something that pleases you and they will pick it apart until it's all just shit. I'm pretty sure it's filled with English teachers, you know like "oh the author meant this and this symbolises this" the author didn't mean any of that you're just seeing that because that's what you want to see, now don't get me wrong I was doing a major in English I love it, I love looking at a poem and being like "ah hah hah hah feel all the meanings that I have discovered" but thats poetry which is filled with hidden meanings Poetry is to English what a Tomb is to Lara Croft or Indiana Jones, it's filled with traps and treasures and hidden parts that need to be uncovered and it tells you a ton if you know where to look. 
Novels, however, are something that aren't suppose to be picked apart, I mean yeah they can be and yeah there often is a lot of hidden meaning but most authors writing a novel are more interested (speaking for myself as an aspiring Novelist) in telling the story and having people be like "ohh this happened and this guy sucks". 
Back to my point Tumblr likes to tear things apart to find a point that isn't there or to blow shit way out of proportion, and I get that there's a lot of inequality and shit human beings in the world but being an unequal shit human isn't going to make it better, even if you're doing it from the opposing side. If you want equality you can just automatically discard people who oppose you or are from a different standing that's exactly how the inequality started. It's not an issue of who's better it's an issue of being equals. 
If someone makes a statement about how say feminism makes them uncomfortable you don't go around saying that they're a male pig or something or that they've been programmed by men to think things like that, you look at what you're doing and wonder why is feminism making this person uncomfortable, because trust me it doesn't make me uncomfortable because I'm a dude I'm pretty freaking sure that I have to strap a bra on everyday and that my period comes regularly, no feminism makes me uncomfortable because a lot of feminists aren't about having men and women standing on equal ground, they're about having women standing on top of men to pay them back in some way for the repression they feel that women have had to deal with. I'll just say now two wrongs don't make a right, two wrongs leads to you heading backwards, going in the exact opposite direction to the one you say you want to be heading in. What we need is understanding, what we need is for people to stop being so shit to each other to stop looking at one another and thinking he's/she's black/white/Korean/Jamaican/gay/straight/Whatever and instead to look at each other and be like they're human and as such they deserve the exact same rights as me. 

Anyway I've ranted enough.

Currently Listening to: Best Mashup Mix 2014 Vol. 1
Current .gif feeling:

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