Thursday, January 28, 2016

When we were young

Right so, I have a new WINZ person, which I'm kinda bummed about cos I liked my last one, he was quite nice and easy to talk to. My disabilities benefit isn't coming through just yet which pisses me off cos I still need to buy a new dress for the thing next weekend, well ok not need but would feel better. Also there were bills and so I have twelve dollars and minimal food, and still have a bill to pay.
We had our flat inspection from the note the inspector left I assume it went well, I got all the weeding done clean the bathroom, minimally cleaned my room so yeah.
Oh man I go in for training for volunteer work at the library on Wednesday, I'm sort of looking forward to it and sort of  trepidatious about it, but it's good news, it is, it's getting back into the saddle.
In other news I read the new Nora Roberts book Stars of Fortune, oh mama was it good, I love her books and this one was set in Greece, I love Greece, all that history and nature and architecture and oh just everything, I get tingles just thinking about it.
In further other news I am taking up pilates, I've been using this one video from Youtube, I've thus far made it six minutes in after three tries, the beginning stretching exhausts me and I never realised how unfit I was until she said that it was a beginning stretch I thought it was an exercise, it killed me. But I will persevere, Pillows going to join me, also when we get back from the thing I'm enrolling in a gym, this is my year of fitness and doing better, also it counts as a leaving the house activity even if I drag Pillow with me.
 I've been looking at world building for my story it's intense and requires a lot of thought and ideas and hard work, because you can't just throw people onto a backdrop in a story the speak metaphorically people will see right through the paint at the holes in the canvas, a huge part of plot and character development is the setting, and if you're writing fantasy or science fiction you need to know a crap load. I still can decide if what I'm writing counts as fantasy or sci-fi it has elements of both but I need to buckle down and write out basically everything also I really want a blank globe to map geography on so I'll look into buying one at Warehouse Stationary. I've also been thinking about time keeping and the length of a year, Earth once counted a ten month year but we're at twelve now and I'm thinking of making my worlds a sixteen month one, it would go with the idea that time passes differently out of their world and the longevity that I've been thinking of ascribing to them. But yeah.
Pillow should be back soon and the Kitteh and I will be happy to see her.

Currently Listening to: Ed Sheeran- Afire Love
Current .gif feeling: 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

The rain came pouring down when I was drowning.

It is the New Year, huzzah. This year will be better, it will be good. It Will.
My hard-drive is currently on the Fritz which is worrying and bothersome. I read the Hawkeye comics, they're hilarious. I'm looking forward to Deadpool in February along with a celebration with my family, it'll be the first time I've ever flown on a plane I'm not sure what it'll be like, exciting though.
I'm looking at poems by someone named Nikita Gill on Pinterest, they're good. Oh I've also really gotten into art by Chiara Bautista
New Years was pretty quiet, and Christmas was, good but a bit nerve-wracking. Also there were kittens, tiny adorable kittens I wanted to keep them all but couldn't since there were eight of them, so teeny and *squee noises*. My family was all good though, and I got the Taylor Swift cd and Ed Sheeran cd for Christmas so Yay!
We've still got quite a bit of weeding to do here, and I've got a WINZ appointment sometime but I cannot for the life of me remember when. I've got an email about volunteering and I haven't replied yet but I meant to but it's freaking me out and I just don't know what to do, I mean I know what to do but when I saw it I didn't want to click on it, then when I read it I was like how do I respond like I mean I know how but just I don't know, I mean I still have library fees why would they want me? I just need to breath, and do something instead of thinking, but it's been days what if that counts against me? Oh balls. Right. I'm just going to breath for now and cope later.
We went on a baking kick and I made cheesy buns and lemon madeiras, Pillow made double chocolate chewy cookies which were really good. 
Oh, and we watched all of Jessica Jones, it was really really good, admittedly we watched it in four days but that's okay because at least we didn't just spam watch it all in one, which we could've.
Also I brought a Deadpool t-shirt oh and a Supernatural one, so things are good. Oh and Pillow has a candle that smells really really good, it's oatmeal and raisin and damn, does it smell good.
I think that's me for todays report.

Currently Listening To: Taylor Swift- Clean
Current .gif feeling