Sunday, June 12, 2016

Bleaurgh is my Word of the Day

I missed two months... oops?
Right what's up with me recently... my laptop died like words I shouldn't use, I've been using the desktop I brought for Sims which is not the optimal decision for me, all my writing! And my music and books and comics and pictures and dammit, anger. 
April was itself, May was alright but I don't know I started feeling all weird like listless or something... unmotivated.
I've got new glasses now, and I got a haircut. I had super long hair (it reached my lower back and when straightened my butt) but now it's at my shoulders I think I look okay, I'm thinking of dying it, but I dunno.
It's winter here now, huzzah. I like listening to the rain but weeding the gardens in it's a bit much. We went to Armageddon again this year, it was amazing I brought a Pop Cap figure of Ace from One Piece it's so cute! I also brought an Urahara hat. Oh oh also I watched Magi, this first season at least, it's so cute! And cool. 
I have really bad technological luck, at the end of first year I lost a cell phone I'd had for like three months and the hard drive I'd brought not long before that died, the new (bigger) hard drive I brought to replace that was decidedly twitchy about working if it's cord got touched, my laptop decided to be weird and not work while charging and not hold the charge properly before dying altogether, so I got a new laptop, my cellphone that I got to replace the one I lost decided that it wouldn't let me top up anymore, my laptop decided it didn't want to be able to play cds for extended periods of time, my new desktop had three hard drives only one of which worked, my external hard drive died, my laptop broke and died, my cellphone (a new one, it's "smart") decided that even though it's basically empty it's storage is fill (what even?) and now we have reached present day. It's like I'm where technology goes to die or break, Batman.
In happier news I made triple chocolate chunk chocolate cookies, they're tasty and if I had slightly less self control and a bigger stomach I would happily gobble them all like a greedy little cookie monster. Om nom nom.
I've been reading a lot of Hobbit and Lord and the Rings fanfic which has been nice but also sad. Some fanfic is like that though. Oh also I made an account on AO3 mainly only so I could read this one really good Merlin fanfic called a Modern Manservant. Ah there's something else I don't know if it's just because I've changed computers but my Tumblr is being annoying and not letting my log in, I don't really understand why but meh.
I have a super busy week this week which is good in it's own way, also a musician who I like on Soundcloud no longer has a lot of her fandom songs up which is really sad to me. Oh and we have Netflix now (I still don't really get why, I guess it's useful to watch stuff on the Xbox but otherwise I just don't really understand) well that's me for today I think.

Currently Listening To: Sia- Freeze You Out
Current .gif feeling:

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