Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Epic Gif Hunt

This computer has no gifs on it how am I suppose to correctly express my feelings without gifs? How!? *Epic Pout*
Enough of that. NaNo is coming soon, I've been to back home recently, haven't been been up to very much, my birthday was nice, saw some people, drank. 
Ooh Pillow go this new game a while ago called Stardew Valley, it's freaking awesome, I brought it then discovered I couldn't play it, which is just yet another example of my shitty lucky which has been in fine form recently.
My family are all well and they liked their birthday presents so that's good, I don't really know how to explain how I feel there I love my family but when I visit I feel like they're set in a routine and me being there just reintegrates me into it like I'd never left. I dunno. So Christmas presents need to be brought.
Pillow, B-Dizzle and I recently watched a ton of crime movies, also we're in the middle of watching Luke Cage on Netflix (which I guess is useful for watching stuff on the big TV without having to connect anything else) that was fun.
I haven't really been in the right place to write anything recently I need to get the information from my hard-drive and laptop before I can actually do anything, which is really annoying. I've been pinning stuff so theres that and reading a lot of fanfiction, I managed to log back into my Tumblr so thats a yay.
Anyway that's all I can really think of to write right now, I miss my comics and ebooks and my writing, but I need to sort out dollars before I can deal with that, though that's finally gotten fixed after it went off the rails in August so woop.

Currently Listening to: Gabrielle Aplin- The Power of Love
Current .gif feeling: 

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