Sunday, July 30, 2017

Curse You Emotional Investment!

So I'm reading Batman/ Young Justice fanfiction again. Oh man, I admit I have a problem. 
I'm enrolling in an Interior Design course through UCOL next year. I'm also addicted to the Hamilton Soundtrack.
Armageddon Auckland is packed with all the people and I need it. The Wellington one was great and Wonder Woman was amazeballs.
This winters been freaking cold. Pillow got me into this game called Creativerse which is a sandbox computer game, I've been enjoying it, it's been a good break from Skyrim for me lol.

There's so much else, I've been watching Yuri on Ice, I read the latest Nalini Singh book, we cleaned out our fridge, oh! I discovered the most awesome thing ever oats in a cup that you just add hot water to, they are awesome.
My birthday is next month and we're planning to pretend to be fourteen year old girls, and eat lots of junk food, I'm looking forward to it. I want to buy a new dress for it.
Our old flatmate Only Male now has a partner, and we met him, he's nice. We were social and went to their house-warming there were a ton of other people there so social-ness happened.
Teh Kitteh has recently discovered a liking for the pet safe milk that we have started buying her, she's so cute when she gets her 'I only want the cat milk' face on.
And I can't really think of anything else.

Currently Listening To: Christopher Jackson- One Last Time
Current .gif feeling: 

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