Monday, May 8, 2017

Damn Right You Should Be Scared Of Me

I've finally stopped reading Batman fanfiction!! 

I've moved on to Naruto fanfiction. I really can't say if that's any better but it's a change so that should count. Though I will admit that a lot of it is just rereading many fanfictions that I've read before but that's part of what I enjoy; rediscovering ideas that I can fiddle around with in my head.
I've been looking at free online courses, I'm thinking of enrolling in a short one to see how I do then expanding from there, I've also been looking at taking a course in Interior Design, mostly because of my Sims but also because it seems interesting and it's not writing so maybe I won't feel as stressed and like a failure if I don't do well in it, and wow now that I see that written down I realise that I never even consciously acknowledged that was an underlying factor in my stress, huh you learn something new about yourself everyday.
I hunted for a shoe rack for my Sims for like a week, I didn't even really need it for what I thought of since I'd already finished decorating that room and if I changed it it'd irk me because of how much effort I put in. I ended up downloading more plants instead. I have a problem. Like a serious one. 
I've been sleeping better recently, who knows how long it'll last but I'm enjoying it while it does. 
My flatmates and I are getting ready for Armageddon again this year, we'll maybe be bringing my sister and my pseudo-nephew this year, also Wonder Woman comes out at the same time and I'm super hyped for it, like such excite! By Batman that is some terrible grammar.
I've looked at three different schools which I can do an interior design through, two are online and one has the course here at UCOL, the UCOL one is the most expensive, I don't know how to compare  the three though, except the online two are cheaper and the cheapest I think is just a short term module rather than a full course but I don't know, event that's a lot of money and I just don't have it, and I don't know how I feel about applying for more from the Government because what if it doesn't work out aren't I just building up debt and wasting peoples time? I don't know, but that's why I see a counselor, I'll talk about this with them and maybe work something out.
Winters coming and it's supposed to rain here some time this week, apparently there's a big cyclone somewhere in the Pacific (I really don't pay that much attention, I know I should but I just can't) I wonder if it'll hit us and if it does whether it'll be like the one early last month, there was a ton of flooding which we ended up driving through on our Roadtrip.
I think that's me for today

Currently Listening To: Halsey- Coming Down
Current .gif feeling: 

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