Friday, September 12, 2014

Phew it's been a while

Wow so it's been ages since I've posted anything here.
Hmm what's been going on with me? Well heaps. I moved, I had my birthday, I'm seeing a counsellor for my many many many issues.
I've been trying to work on my fanfic but I just seem to have hit a block for myself, I've also become strangely addicted to bejewled blitz on facebook and spend ages playing it.
My laptop has decided it hates me and now only runs when it's plugged in, there also seems to be some issues with the mouse pad or the cursor which sucks.
My Sims doesn't work on here anymore so even though I really really want to play it I can't. I need to buy a desktop but sadly am too poor. I also really need to get a job so I can stop being poor but at the same time I like my house and dislike leaving it without one of my flatmates.
I've been thinking Naruto fanfic lately, one of my favourite concepts is one in which Hinata, Naruto and Shikamaru were enrolled in ANBU as children due to their prodigious talents, they were assigned masks and were trained under Inu (Kakashi) none of them knew who the others were, at eight the Hokage assigned them a long term mission protecting Sasuke and assessing the Academy staff, curriculum and students. He also told them they had to hide who they were while trying to figure out who their teammates were, they were informed that they would most likely not be reunited again until they reached ANBU once more.
I'll write a brief history of what happened in the past. Minato was on a genin team with Hiashi and Yoshino before being taken on as Jiraiya's apprentice, when Kakashi's father died Minato took him in and Kakashi lived with him and later Kushina until Naruto was born, when Orochimaru defected Kushina and Minato also took in Anko and both Anko and Kakashi viewed the two as surrogate parents and Naruto as a younger brother. Kushina was the daughter of the second Uzukage, granddaughter of the first Uzukage and his Senju bride, grand-niece of Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade's cousin, basically the Princess of Whirlpool.
After Dan died Tsunade left Konoha but after a few years Jiraiya hunted her down and convinced her to return and see her cousin (Kushina) after a while the two admitted their feelings for the other and were unofficially married. When the Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto Kakashi and Anko tried to get custody of him but as teenages themselves they failed, Jiraiya and Tsunade also tried but the council refused on the grounds that they weren't in the village enough to care for the child. He was placed in the orphanage but Kakashi and Anko along with the Hokage kept a close eye on him and when he turned three moved him into the apartment in the same complex that Kakashi, Anko, Gai and several other jounin lived in.
Naruto has his nii-san and nee-chan wrapped firmly around his little finger and so know quite a lot about both his parents and their friends.
In the Hyuuga clan Neji is seen to be quite the prodigy by most but Hiashi notices that despite Hinata seemingly failing at the Gentle Fist techniques she learns any advanced technique she is shown is soon demonstrated by her cousin. It soon becomes apparent to both Hiashi and Hizashi that Hinata is failing on purpose and teaching her cousin.
The Nara are renowned for their genius intellect and and Shikaku quickly notices how his young son seems to be an genius even among geniuses.
In the meantime Naruto demonstrates his own intellect by successfully copying a jutsu Kakashi had used. Kakashi informs the Hokage proudly of his little brothers achievement after first panicking. His proud boasting to other ANBU assigned to watch Naruto reaches Hizashi (an ANBU guard) and Shikaku. Hizashi tells Hiashi as he knows his brother likes to know about his deceased teammates son, while Shikaku ruminates on the idea of another genius child. Realising that without a correct amount of stimulation Shikamaru's mind would begin to stagnate and he may place himself in danger Shikaku goes to the Hokage to ask about setting up some form of training/play date between the children as he knows that most genius children tend to be socially inept, Hizashi, Sandaime-sama's ANBU guard at the time, mentions Hinata's talents as well and along with Kakashi they come up with a plan to train and socialise the three children. Deciding it would be best if they're unaware of each others identities at first the children as given masks. The ANBU are quite amused by the masks and dub the three Baby ANBU, or the Junior Division.
By eight the three have been training together since they were three and are still unaware of each others actual identities, they have also been trained not only by Inu(Kakashi) but also by various other ANBU, and have taken several C-Rank missions. On one of which they were assigned to a delivery to Suna where they met and befriended the Kazekages three children who have also visited Konoha since then.
The only time any of the three remove their masks is when they are at their homes with their families.
The five years that come between the ages of eight and twelve are long and boring, each of the three perfects the 'mask' and persona they will be wearing until they are reunited and they spend their time trying to figure out which of their classmates are their friends.
Hinata's mask/ persona is very shy and often fearful of her cousin Neji, due to the difference in age between her and her sister Hanabi her mask is taken to be the truth by her sister and the true relationship between Hinata and Neji is a shock when revealed. Neji has a great deal of respect for his cousin and also views her as a precious baby sister. 
Shikamaru's mask merely requires him to exemplify the commonly remarked upon traits of his family, thus he sleeps through his classes and stares at clouds a lot. Neither of these things is hard for him and he views his time at the Academy to be a small vacation though this doesn't stop him cataloging the strengths and weaknesses of students and teachers alike and keeping one eye on Uchiha Sasuke at all times.
Naruto's mask is perhaps the most intricate as he needs to hide not only his own identity but that of his family, his residence and his knowledge of his burden, instead of trying to slip under the radar as he did in his ANBU guise he instead chooses to make himself so obvious and obnoxious that the radar ignores him. This works greatly but also means that he doesn't connect easily with anyone. Thankfully he knows that he has two best friends, his brother (Kakashi), his sisters (Anko and Shizune), his ojisan (Asuma and Gai), his Ojii-sama (Sandaime-sama), his Jiji (Jiraiya), his Baa-chan (Tsunade) and his little cousin/brother (Konohamaru).
Being as they are, exceedingly smart and well versed in the shinobi ways, all three have figured out what the most likely team they will be assigned to is; despite their best efforts they still haven't figured out who their teammates were a fact which vastly amuses the Hokage.
Shikamaru doesn't believe Hinata could be Mesu(Doe) as though she was often quiet she never hesitated to state her opinion, she was also a taijutsu genius who used many different styles blended with her water element while Hinata only uses the Academy style and the Gentle Fist which she isn't particularly adept at, Mesu was also rather confident and often spoke fondly of her family while Hinata seems shy and distant from her own. He nearly disregarded Naruto of being Hyō(Leopard) due to his nature of drawing attention the complete opposite of the way Hyō tended to do things, he knew his friend preferred to pass unnoticed. For a short while he suspected Sasuke; however, their team had been trained under Āmin(Ermine){Itachi} and had gone on several missions with him including the one he had been on while the Uchiha were massacred while they knew their Senpai was innocent of the crime they also knew that he had taken the blame for it so that he might infiltrate a secret organisation of SS-rank missing-nin; if Sasuke had been aware of that fact he wouldn't have been quite so determined to destroy his brother a fact which was completely obvious to anyone looking for it. So he once more turned his mind back to their other classmates, he knew that if she wanted to Mesu could blend with anyone and so he knew that he'd be unlikely to find her, she could be hiding as one of his civilian family classmates or as a male if she truly wished and so he focussed on finding Hyō, having crossed off Sasuke he also crossed off Chouji as he spent quite a bit of his free time in the other boys company. He analysed the facts that he knew about his brother-in-arms and best friend, upon meeting Gaara in Suna Hyō had basically adopted the other boy as a good friend, he looked at Inu-niisan as his brother and had been with him since he was an actual baby, he had enormous chakra reserves and was a brilliant tactile learner. None of which helped him, until he remembered one mission where Hyō had used a strange red chakra which he said was 'the legacy of my parents' the red chakra had been strange and animalistic much like the sand cloak that Gaara had used when they first met, Gaara who they later found out was the Jinchuuriki of the Ichibi; now he was getting somewhere, Hyō was obviously Konoha's Jinchuuriki, the tailed beast most thought of in relation to Konoha was the Kyuubi which had attacked on October tenth nearly twelve years previously, it had obviously been sealed into Hyō. Drawing from this fact his suspicions of Naruto grew, Naruto was an orphan who was greatly disliked by the civilians and was often referred to as a demon-child. Though this may have been due to his pranking prowess. So Shikamaru suspected Naruto and had no clue who Mesu might be.
Hinata being the Hyuuga Clan Heiress had access to the Byakugan of her clan and a knowledge of the chakra systems of her two teammates, however, both of said teammates had, along with her, been given seals to block and disguise said chakra systems so as to better blend into the Academy and her advantage was thus gone. Despite or rather because of his large chakra system Hinata ruled Naruto out of the running for either of her teammates, the seals would, she believed, not have left that much chakra. She too had momentarily contemplated Sasuke being one of her teammates but after spending time around the boy disregarded this as he would have refused to attend the Academy and would most likely not have to strange complex in regards to his clan that he did. Shikamaru gave her pause, neither of her teammates had been particularly lazy but there was a certain laconic movement he made which often reminded her of Inu-sempai and she didn't believe that any student outside of themselves would ever have had contact with the man, also the Nara family was known for their geniuses and whatever their faults their team had certainly been made of geniuses. One could devise tactics that seemed to read their enemies very minds, while another could see something once and be able to enact it after one try. That near instinctual genius could be attributed to the Nara clans known capabilities. So Hinata suspected Shikamaru but had no idea which of her teammates he could be.
Naruto was the only one out of his teammates who never suspected Sasuke, the boy just rubbed him as wrong in a way that neither of his friends ever could. After several months of trying to convince Kashi-nii to tell him who they were Naruto spent several years merely observing his classmates, Mesu was quiet and confident she was brilliant at blending in with others and hated being confined with her taijutsu, Hōku(Hawk) was snarky and could nearly read the minds of those around him. Both of them had always been better than him at infiltration missions because they could seamlessly slide into roles while he preferred just not be noticed at all. For a while he suspected Shino, then Kiba, Sakura, then another girl named Masumi but none of them felt quite right. It wasn't until one day after class when he noticed Hinata walking home looking downtrodden that he realised she didn't set off his instincts in the way other students did, in class he payed attention to her behaviour which never wavered from it's shy excluded manner, but despite the way the other students sent his instincts into over-drive she didn't even make a blip, something that was basically impossible. He had no idea who Hōku could be but due to the strange lack of upset to his instinct in regards to her Hinata found her way onto his radar for Mesu.

But anyway that's just like the history behind the idea that I've had, I don't really know where I'll go with it or if I will. Maybe I should read more Naruto fanfic?
Anyway that's me for the day.

Currently Listening To: MKTO- Classic

Current .gif mood: 

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