Friday, April 25, 2014

A Leetle Touchy

So I'm heading back to visit my family for a week on Monday, huzzah!
Easter was what it was. 
I've really got to get serious about finishing the next fanfic chapter.
I've made a plan for when I head home, I'm going to find the bloody bartending license that appears to have vanished, and get my NSN once I've got those I'll apply for jobs at bars which I will hopefully be competent enough to do. 
In other news B-Dizzle, Pillow and I are abandoning Only Male and heading off to a new flat. I feel quite upset about this as I'm really not good with change. One good thing about it though is that I get to make copious lists of what we need and when by and what we have and so on and so forth. The little part of me that's completely ruled by a mild form of OCD rejoices at this, the organization oh joyful day!
One thing I'd be interested in learning is how to make jobs on Sims 2. I've given up attempting to though as the software dislikes my computer.
Ooh also I really want a futon! I'm a special kind of person who vastly prefers sleeping lower to the ground than even a low bed allows, of course Pillow has dictatorially stated that I'm not allowed one just as she did about my choice to get a motorbike and a gun, however, unlike those decisions this one will happen, because despite what many people appear to believe I am neither a child nor am I mentally deficient. When I said I wanted a gun I was thinking about my personal safety I knew that I would need proper training and a license and everything I was prepared to get those so that I would have peace of mind. My decision to get a motorbike wasn't based on how cool it would look but rather on maneuverability and my personal level of comfort, I know that I'm not likely to ever feel comfortable driving a big car or really any kind of car that leaves me with the option of a ute or a bike and I've always preferred bikes. With regards to the futon I like low beds, I like the option of folding it up and having more space especially considering I'm constantly being told I'll be given the smallest room, it makes sense that I be given it as I do tend to have less stuff here than the others and I don't have a big bed, however, I still like space and a futon can easily be stored away so that there's more space during the daytime.
And now I apologize for the rant, I do adore my flatmates sometimes I just need to vent about... well everything really. I really suck at conveying how I feel out loud, I forget what I'm saying or I can't think of how to explain it so someone not in my head can understand. 
Well thats me complained out. I'll post something else when I get back I guess.

Currently Listening To: The Lumineers- Hey Ho
Current .gif Feeling: 

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