Friday, April 4, 2014

I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball!

Well not really...

So I've had a trying two days. Had a huge sleep. Watched some movies and was highly irritated by my Sims 2 game because it wasn't playing. I ended up spending several hours just sorting different downloads into organised folders.

My flatmates (B-Dizzle and the previously un-named Only Male) and I made pizzas for dinner which were delicious, or at least mine was, it had just the right quantity of cheese... which was bottom middle and top, as it should be.

My games back up and working now so the organising must have done something, I dunno.
I did some work on the fanfic so I should have a flash of inspiration soon and be able to update that. Have got all the folders and files I need for this meeting I have to go to, only problem is making the stupid thing, honestly, I call them and get directed to their site so I go on the site and it won't even let me do anything! Grr!

I've been playing quite a lot of Sims lately. The reason is that I love to make stories in the game and see how things work out, it's quite fun. Detracting from the fun is the fact that my laptop has recently discovered the joy of overheating and then freezing so I now have to make sure it's sitting on something while I do things, considering the fact that people would have tot pry it from my cold dead fingers to get me away from it that can be considered very bad, as just regular use causes it to heat up.

Right now I'm sitting at it writing on this blog and looking through male hair for my sims on SimsResource. I'm also trying to decide whether I should re-watch Full Metal Alchemist (which is one of my all time favourite anime) or whether I should finish watching Noragami. OH! I just remembered something, so yesterday I was running on fumes as I'd woken up at 8 the night before, and so tiredly was I sitting at my laptop scrolling through my Facebook news feed as you do when your bored and can't think of anything else to do, when what do I find? A page firmly stating that Anime is Evil and only Satanists watch it! Thinking it was just one of those troll pages that pop up now and again I decided to scroll through it... This was a bad choice on my part, now personally I don't have anything against... basically any religion, I'm not overly religious but I accept that there are those people who are, however, one thing that really irritates me is people pushing their religion and using it as a tool to insult and well bully other people for the things that they like or the beliefs and personal choices that they have and have made.
To me religion can be a deeply private thing and it should never be used as a weapon against someone else. 
As a child I read the Narnia books as I'm sure many people did and one of the things that struck me as incredibly true that has stuck with me over the years was the Last Battle. It's the final book where Narnia is dying and as it does the people come to a large door. Using my really bad describery powers, it's set out so that there's a door and there's shadow just before and as the people and the creatures come to it they either go through the door or into the shadow. Now here's the important bit, in the world of Narnia there are the Narnians and there are the Calormenes who live across the desert, the Narnians worship Aslan while the Calormenes worship Tash and believe Aslan to be a demon, but either Calormene or Narnian were welcomed through the door, though really I think there was only the one Calormene but that's not the point!
The Calormene that came through saw Aslan and question why he was there when he'd always worshipped Tash and Aslan said that he had lived a good and wholesome life and it was counted as "work done unto him and not Tash" as Tash couldn't receive "good service" while Aslan couldn't take evilness. Or something like that. Anyway the point I was trying to make was that there is something Good and there is something Evil and it doesn't really matter what you worship, if you do good things and try and be nice to everyone then you're solid but if you're a c*nt and hide behind your religion you're screwed sideways.
Something to think about, and with that rant that wasn't actually suppose to be here I bid you adieu.

Oh and also if you're going to make a page that's completely devoted to insulting something at least do your research about it otherwise you look like an idiot.

Currently Listening to: Macklemore- Same Love
Current .gif Feeling: 

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