Friday, April 11, 2014

Ferrero Rocher

Well Easters approaching. I finally have money and I've talked to my family so I call that progress.

I finally had my meeting and I got there and there's this guy sitting there and you go up to him and he checks you have everything for this freaking appointment, I'm all sorted, so apart from the usual mild freak-out that I run anytime I'm away from the house, then he pulls out his list and is like you need three of this and I'm like no I don't and he's like yes you do so I pull out the checklist I was given and I'm like "No I don't" and he looks at his and say yeah you do so there I am having this mini panic attack and he's busy bustling about by this time I've pulled out all the forms that I needed and I'm like that wasn't on my list this was on my list but that wasn't eventually he went and talked to the dude I had to talk to and the dude said it was fine so I went and calmed down a bit then had my meeting. But honestly you'd think they would give me the right list or at least make sure their checking person has the same list as they're giving people. Hmph.

What else have I been up to? Well I've been looking for a place in NZ where I can buy Sims 2 stuff packs since The Warehouse doesn't sell them any more and I can't find them on trademe. I've been enjoying naming houses on my game such as Owlsmoor and Ravensmead.
I went to the library... a lot. See I have been leaving the house! I finally found the first of Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics. Let me tell you I read the first four books mostly because I was already familiar with two characters that get introduced in the fourth book Seasons of the Mist, the Dead Boy Detectives otherwise known as Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland, two ghost-boys who loved watching the film noir detectives and decided to be Private Investigators, of course only the magically inclined and children their age or a bit older can see them. Still reading their origin was interesting as was meeting Dream and seeing the Endless. I'd recommend these comics to anyone really just be aware that they're filed under horror for a reason. I've also been rereading JD Robb's In Death series, if you haven't and you enjoy the ahem female crimes then I'd advise you to grab a copy, the series is set in the future and follows New York Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her, later, husband the Irish billionaire Roarke. The crimes are believable many of the books don't have a straight cut and dried answer, and they are very, very good, as evidenced by my rereading them.
Another author that I love was introduced to me when I was thirteen, her name is Catherine Webb and she wrote four of my absolute favourite books, Mirror Wakes and Mirror Dreams follow the mage Laenan Kite and his adventures in Haven the City of Dreams, while the others Waywalkers and Timekeepers follow a man by the name of Sam Linnifer who at first glance could appear normal except that he's the son of Magic and Time and his original name was Lucifer eons ago. The four books are superb and I love reading them.

And that's me for the past week or so. See ya!

Currently Listening To: Pistol Annies- Takin' Pills
Current .gif Feeling: 

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