Saturday, April 19, 2014

Updating I guess

Lately I've done some painting, not much but some. Mostly I've just been reading and playing Sims. Still looking for a job, Why do employers constantly require that you have your full license?
Easter is upon us and with it much chocolate which I can appreciate. I've gone several weeks without reading any fanfics so to make up for that I spammed some Torchwood fics last night. I need to get the new chapter up soon. Oddly enough quite a few people have been favoriting or following it, so I mean little bit of pressure but also good tingly feelings, right?
I did this course at the beginning of the year it was called Creative Processes and while in it we split into separate groups to do our final project, my group got to talking about fanfic and from it I found a brilliant explanation for it. Fanfiction is a way for new writers to develop their own particular style it gives them a chance to experiment with an already established and well known literary universe. I liked that explanation and I have to say that if I ever make it big I would be so amazed if there were fanfics about what I write about because in a way it means that what you've created has had such an impact on people that it's spark something in them that they felt they had to share, which I think is awesome. From the other side I can see why some authors really don't like it though because when I make my characters and my world it's like my baby or something I don't even really like people looking at it without me checking that it's just the way I want it and even then there's this clutch this moment of 'no no you can't look at that it's not suppose to be seen by anyone but me' so I understand the proprietary stand that some authors take about their work.

I don't really have much else to say unless you'd like me to go into the weather so, this is me signing off.

Currently Listening to: Vietnamese Saxophone (Don't actually know the name)
Current .gif Feeling

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