Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tis the season to eat chocolate falalalala lalalalah

Guess what?


April Fools! I'm still a mooching freeloader who no-one wants to employ. Still in the spirit of April Fools consider yourselves pranked. Aren't I nice?

So what's been up with me since I last posted? Well I binged a whole lot of Harry Potter/ Final Fantasy XIII crossover fanfics. 
I went to the bank and am now one step closer from not being a freeloader.
I had a strange dream about cats that were royalty, it was weird and probably not something I should admit to publicly.
I discovered, for the umpteenth time, that I'm complete sh*t at writing fight scenes, I just suck at it, or at least at Naruto Fanfic fight scenes, I mean I can visualise it perfectly fine but actually conveying that in words? Fuhgeddaboutit. 
Why is that basically the story of my life, I mean I amuse myself for endless hours with the stories I tell in my head but try and put those on paper and all I get is "Uhm and then stuff happened and it was awesome and yeah," I mean honestly? How's that for fair?

Wouldn't it be weird though if all those stories that are going through your head are also going through someone elses head and the reason you can't write them down is because they are the ones who are suppose to... Well that just tripped me out a bit.

What else have I been doing? Well as has become quite usual for me I have been downloading more Sims 2 custom content, I don't know why it's just become rather addicting and I can't help myself... Ooh my head just filled with that dude I don't know where from but he says "Do or Do not there is no try." Maybe Yoda? I googled it, it was Yoda... the things you remember without actually meaning to.
Oh I also found a new anime that I'm quite enjoying called Noragami, I won't go into detail except to say that it balances humour and drama along with superb animations and the fight scenes dear batman! It's brilliant.

And I'm pretty sure that's me for the night/morning. I shall now return to attempting to write fight scenes... which hate me. I'm outtie!

Currently Listening to: Lustra- Scotty Doesn't Know
Current .gif Feeling:

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