Friday, March 28, 2014

Little Bit Of A Rant

Alright so this is just a bit of a rant that I feel like sharing. It's about some of my pet peeves in regards to fanfics.
One of the most irritating things to me is when authors post authors notes as chapters, I can understand it in some fics but continually posting like five authors notes as different chapters?! Thats just annoying. Even more so when they leave them there but post a new chapter after them, there are ways to post a new chapter and delete previous ones, honestly! Do people not pay any attention?
Another thing that annoys me, though sometimes I just get amused, is when people throw a whole lot of overboard plots together and expect it to make sense, it isn't going to. Sometimes I read them just because the whole idea is ridiculously over-dramatic but other times it's just too much and I have to shake my head at the silliness.

Anyways that was my rant, the first one was actually the major thing for me, the other was brought on by an Over-the-Top fic I tried reading recently that combined a whole lot of really stupid things and thought it was cohesive when really it looked like someone grabbed all the worst ideas they had and threw them together to make something. The reason I'm complaining on here is that I hate flames, even if it's badly written someone had the guts to write and share that, which to me is amazing, personally I get really uncomfortable sharing my work (this blog mostly just gets the scraps off the top of my head because I'm like 80% sure no-one actually reads it... except maybe that guy who keeps quoting scriptures... I dunno), it's because of that bravery that I never review unless it's to encourage and congratulate authors, because they're being so brave and putting their ideas out there, and yeah some of them are pretty bad but you know what? Some of them probably don't have a great grasp of the English language or they're still learning and maybe one day they'll write an brilliant best seller and be really famous; and really no-ones making you read it, you have free will you are allowed to look at something, as I did, and say "You know what this isn't actually what I want to read so I'm going to stop now." Exit out and don't worry about it, it isn't that hard. And that's my advice on how to be an ok person rather than a shitty one who basically tries their best to make other people feel bad because they feel bad.
And yes I did complain about a fic on here and I did get angry but I didn't do it to the author I did it in the space that I basically treat as a diary, it wasn't directed at a single person but rather at an idea that I dislike, no-one was 'name and shame'd and this post will probably never be read by anyone save myself anyway (and that one dude... you know who you are).
And thats me for the day. See ya

Currently Listening To: Whitney Houston- I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Current .gif feeling: 

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