Thursday, March 13, 2014


It's been a while.
Just figured I better get back into the habit of using this.
I've received my assignment for Project 2 and let me just say it's a kicker.
So Project 1 is a painting done on a canvas and I'm still working it all out in my head I haven't really been in the right place to do it yet so it's currently burning away in my head. Project 2 is a video diary. Yep that's right I have to sit in front of a camera once every couple of weeks and record my inner thoughts and feelings to look back on them later. I think it's gonna be quite difficult for me as I like to gloss over my inner feelings and not even discuss them in my head let alone on camera, but it'll probably also be good in some ways. So yeah.
Working on a new chapter for my fanfic, and also on several different ones that aren't being published because I can't be one of those authors that has several unfinished works up not being worked on at once.
Got a reply letter in my emails a little while ago but since I didn't apply for the job it was offering and everything seemed very idyllic my flatmates and I figured it for a scam. Really builds your confidence when the only reply you receive from countless applications is a scam.
I'm running on $12 right now and that is truly a pathetic state to be in.
Anyway things I've been meaning to do but have been putting off:
Watching the rest of Katekyo Hitman Reborn I'm up to episode 102 but I haven't been in the right state of mind to watch it. It's a really brilliant anime, I know quite a few people who give up after a few episodes but if you give it a chance it has a darker side to off-set some of the ridiculous ones, and the plot lines, animation styles and characters are brilliant.
Project 1, had my rant about that already so 'nuff said.
Nieces presents, unfortunately with no money these two are going to have to wait a while.
Learning how to lace French braid, this is something that I really want to do, I can kind of do it on myself but not on others it's really annoying.
Make Beer Bread for St Patrick's Day, I even have a jaunty little green hatband to wear while I make it.

We're also thinking of making a nice Irish stew. So if we do I'll make sure to put the recipe on here.
In other news, I was quite bored and so decided to make several Harry Potter characters on Sims, you'll be pleased to know James and Lily are happily married and raising their baby, Regulus lives with Sirius and Remus, Narcissa divorced Lucius and is living alone with Draco, Alice and Frank are happily raising Neville while Augusta thinks about moving out and Luna and Hermione are next door neighbours.
I have no life.

Anyway now that I've interrupted your time with my ill conceived rants I shall now leave you to return to your lives.

Currently listening to: Pink- Is This Thing On
Current .gif feeling

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