Sunday, March 2, 2014


Oh wow, I feel successful! I have finally finished that bloody new fanfic chapter. Oh sweet relief it's over!! Go me, go me, go me. WOoT. 

Ok craziness over, I'm normal again, normal-ish, normal-esq, ok I'm still crazy but I'm no longer on a sugar high like I have been.
Now the only things really left on my list are the birthday stuff which I'm dealing with and Project 1 which I'm going to start soon... ish.
Still waiting for people to get back about my applications. I miss having the ability to pay rent and I feel like a total freeloader.
Yesterday I watched Pillow make Pumpkin Pie (eww) I can't say that it pleases me, it's pumpkin in a supposed dessert, just NO.
B-Dizzle made apple cake which was nommy.
I am also super duper uber excited about Sims 4 (Create-a-Sim Video) the new Create-a-Sim looks amazing I want it! Unfortunately I don't even have enough money for Sims 3 so I shall have to merely look at the video covetously. I am a super Sims fangirl, I love it. Mostly because I feel a little like god ruling the lives of these tiny simulated people. I love building their houses, I love designing them and figuring out their life story, it's a truly amazing game and I can't wait to see where they go with it.
In regards to games, not that you guys care, I adore the Fables games, my favourite is Fable 2 which is also the first one that I played, I loved playing Fable 1 and then trying to figure out where the places were on Fable 2. Final Fantasy's amaze me, the animation on them is just brilliant, I've got XIII-2 where you can change the path that history takes, which I very much enjoy. Also recently I've started playing a game called Bayonetta which was designed by men, I don't even need to look at the names I know it was made by men because of the amount of crotch-shotty fanservice, apart from that it's quite good and now there's an anime which I shall have to watch because well I'm interested in the storyline and I want to see who's right out of me and Pillow, because I ship her with this dude who runs The Gates to Hell while she ships her with this dude she calls Cheshire.

So yeah I'm feeling successful and just thought I'd share that.

Currently Listening To: The Offspring- Self Esteem
Current .gif feeling: 

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