Sunday, March 23, 2014


So I'm sitting at my laptop after a long stressful morning.

So first things this morning I had to go to a Seminar, the person who signed me up gave me the wrong address so I took ten minutes to get to the right place running late because I got lost on the way. Now for any normal person this wouldn't be any big thing, however, I am not normal, I never leave the house unless I have someone with me so actually getting out of our driveway was a huge thing for me, then I got lost while running late, all I wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and cry, but I persevered (trust me I really didn't want to) because this seminar was my first step (though I thought it was almost my last) to being able to once more carry my own weight and pay rent since I'm still freeloading off my flatmates.

Well, I eventually get to the right place and end up talking to the guy running the seminar after it's over. It is at this point that my complete inability to actually talk to people I don't know kicks in and all I can do is mutter "yes," at various points in the conversation while staring at my knees, so while I'm staring with great interest at said knees I'm informed that actually all the papers I filled in and required weren't necessary and that I have to make an appointment where all these things will be required. After being asked if I had any questions and replying to the negative (though the question Why the Hell did I have to come to the Bloody seminar in the first place if all you were going to do was tell me I had to call and make an appointment?! Occurs to me) I scurry out and after much confusion and almost getting run over I finally make my way home, where my kind flatmates, understanding how much I allow my neurosis to control my life, have brought me M&Ms and L&P, and have an open ear and a willingness to let me rant without sharing any actual information before leaving me be. 
I'm pretty sure I couldn't ask for better flatmates than B-Dizzle and Pillow, and if I could I wouldn't want to.

So by then it was mid-morning and I decided that it was the best time to get some things sorted so with determination I channeled the panic that had built since I set foot of our property this morning into energy that I then put into cleaning, first my washing, then the dishes, then the microwave and the oven, then the floors, then the bathroom and finally my bed.
Now with a satisfactory ache in my lower back I'm sitting here pigging out on M&Ms and drinking L&P while swearing that I'm never leaving my driveway again.

Currently Listening To: UB40- Stick By Me
Current .gif:

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