Friday, March 14, 2014

Think of Something Amusing

Getting back into the habit of writing in this so that it becomes something I just do without thinking.
It's actually quite difficult.
Anyway here I am rambling into this little area of the internet that I have claimed as my own.

All of the shops lately have started up their Easter campaign, selling chocolate eggs and rabbits, hot cross buns and so on. I look at it all and am filled with a very childish greed, I want to try that one and that one oh and that one, but unfortunately I can't, well actually that might be fortunately I can't imagine the stomach pain if I was allowed to eat all the chocolate I wanted to. But still it is very tempting.

Thats about all I can think of to write right now but I suppose I should offer some form of reward so a reward in the form of a something. Oooh I know just what to.
This is a snippet from a Naruto fanfic that I'm probably never going to publish and have only written for my own entertainment.
"The jounin had gathered in the Hokages office the day after the genin exams to decide on teams. All of the newly graduated genin had been granted a day off in celebration of their passing before being assigned their new teams.
Of the assigned teams all of the jounin were aware that only three would actually pass, these three were decided on by skill observed throughout their years at the Academy. The Hokage began telling the three jounin whose teams would pass who their genin students were.
“Kakashi,” the jounin were surprised as their lanky silver haired comrade stepped forward, not only had Kakashi never passed a team even when asked he was also always late so his being there was a surprise.
“Yo,” He gave a lazy wave.
The Hokage smiled, “Yours is team seven. It consists of Uzumaki Naruto,”
The jounin all swivelled their heads to see Kakashi's reaction, it was common knowledge that he'd been the student of the fourth, many knew mentally that Naruto was no more the Kyuubi than a scroll with a kunai sealed in it is the kunai but emotionally they still slightly resented the boy for his prisoner. To their surprise, however, Kakashi didn't say anything or look like he'd refuse.
The Hokage continued, “Uchiha Sasuke-” here the jounin suddenly were surprised as Kakashi looked sharply at the Hokage and clearly said, “No.” Many of them were not fond of the Uchiha but still would have taken the boy for his bloodline and the idea of what they could teach the last of the so called 'genius' clan. So to hear Kakashi so bluntly refuse was a surprise. Beside the Hokage the councillors swiftly inhaled, “Did you just refuse to train Uchiha-sama, jounin?”
Kakashi raised his eyebrow at the address, “I did. A team needs to be able to work together with a minimum of strife, healthy rivalry is good, however, as I'm sure other Jounin up to be sensei have I've watched several of the Academy classes, if Naruto and Sasuke are put on a team together they will not have a healthy rivalry, it would cause an unnecessary amount of trouble.”
“Then the Uzumaki will be removed and you will train Uchiha-sama.”
“No. I will train Uzumaki Naruto. Uchiha Sasuke will have to be removed.”
“Are you attempting to give the Uzumaki prefferential treatment, jounin?”
As the councillors and Kakashi got into a 'debate' in the middle of his office the Hokage watched on with amused eyes.
“Are you not attempting to give Uchiha Sasuke preferrential treatment? A jounin is told his team beforehand so that he can tell whether he can train them or not, as it stands I cannot train the boy. He's too arrogant and revenge-focussed to listen to anything I try and tell him, he won't settle into team dynamics and would always consider his ideas more valid than anyone elses. Having him on my team would destroy the hierarchy. When Sandaime-sama told me I had to take a team this year I, like all jounin sensei, submitted my suggestions as to who I feel I'd be able to teach best. I understand that many feel because of my eye I'd be a good teacher for the boy but I wouldn't. If he ever gets his Sharingan I will take time out to teach him but I will not have him on my team throughing off the dynamics.” Having said his bit Kakashi turned back to the Hokage, who was trying not to grin, the councillors and jounin gaped at the two.
Looking down infront of him the Hokage hid his grin while shuffling his papers, “Ah yes your team suggestions. I have to ask are you sure that these are the genin you want, Kakashi?”
“Hai Sandaime-sama. I'm certain. As I stated I've observed the Academy classes, all three are a good match and have a wealth of potential.” Meeting the Sandaimes eyes the message was conveyed, all three of the genin on Kakashi's list were hiding their potential and abilities.
With a nod the Hokage smiled, “Then team seven under Hatake Kakashi shall be Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru and Hyuuga Hinata.” Ignoring the shoked rumbling of the other jounin Kakashi gave a nod before stepping back, “Moving on, team eight under Yuuhi Kurenai shall be Inuzuka Kiba, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke.” Too stunned to object Kurenai merely nodded dumbstruck. “As we know team nine is still in circulation so team ten under Sarutobi Asuma shall be Akimichi Choji, Aburame Shino and Yamanaka Ino.” Much like Kurenai, Asuma merely nodded blindly.
With that the jounin and councilors filed out leaving behind only the Hokage and a silent Kakashi.
“Do you think it was wise?”
“Challenging the Council in that manner, do you think it was wise?”
“Yes. Enough people have failed Minato-sensei's last wish, and given the Uchiha any of his whims.”
The Sandaime sighed before brightening, “Well at least it'll be a surprise to Naruto, ne?” "

Currently Listening to: Nightcore- Angel with a Shotgun
Current .gif feeling: 

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