Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Too Much of a Community

Well today was much lazier than yesterday. I made a trailer park in Sims 2 and thats about it.
Currently I'm working on a Road trip CD for later this year while also working on the playlist for our flat 21st. It's due to conversation about this and various other things that the title of this post is what it is. One of our ex-flatmates moved out citing that we were "too much of a community" and yes we are, we sit down and eat together, we have movie nights and nights where we watch shows together. We are very close and I personally think it's a good thing, after all the point of moving in with friends is to live with friends rather than strangers.
I also watched some Doctor Who, specifically The Doctors Wife, which is one of my favourite episodes, it's so quotable "I like biting, it's excellent, like kissing only there's a winner!" Brilliant.
Tomorrow's going to be busy as I have to call certain people in regards to money and also perhaps place a call to my Dad who I've not talked to in quite a while.
I'm thinking of buying myself an Easter Egg once I've got money, just to cheer myself up, as I've been kind of in the dumps lately, but we'll see.
This is a bit of a free writing exercise I did earlier this year:
" Drip drip drip. I look to the side, there falling down the grey stone walls following a coating of green is water. I'm thirsty it's been days weeks months so long since I've had anything to eat or to drink, so long since I've seen anything but this faint hint of light, my nails are grown and stained yellow I can feel all the bones in my body, the is the rhythmic clank clank clank as the guards walk back and forwards back and forwards hitting their batons on the bars. I miss my brother. I miss sunlight, I wonder how did it come to this, how did I get here, sometimes in the bad times I try and remember why I am here. I can't. All I know now is the knawing hunger and the darkness and the cold. The hard ground beneath me. "

Currently Listening To: Frank Sinatra- New York
Current .gif: 

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