Saturday, November 8, 2014

I like the word Twizzle... Is it an actual word? What does it mean? I like the way it sounds.

Knowing myself as I do I realise that there are somethings that I should not do. Contemplating philosophical ideologies on no sleep and a can of Rockstar, is most likely one of them.
But here I sit. Having spent the entire night spam reading fanfic about Dick Grayson and contemplating the dilemma of nature vs nurture.
My problem is this, I cannot accept that certain humans are preordained at birth by 'nature' to end up a certain way, I'll use an example to illustrate this, take Tom Riddle for example, I cannot accept that if upon his discovery he were removed from the orphanage where he was obviously not cared for properly, if he were placed in a magical home and taught that while he did not have to like muggles he could just avoid them as they have as much right to exist as he does, I cannot accept that if he were cared for and shown affection dare I say even love, that he would have still turned out to be Voldemort. I believe whole-heartedly that a persons entire life shouldn't be decided upon at birth that people will look back and say "Well he was going to end up that way anyway so why should I bother?" You should always bother!
That's not to say that I don't believe a persons innate self doesn't also affect them, I know I react in different ways to my friends and I suspect ever were we born to the same people and faced with the exact same situations that we wouldn't react the same. Who you are is also an important factor and it helps to classify how you'll react to the nurture aspect. And that in a nutshell is my problem, I can't see a way to reconcile these two, aloud at least, in my head they make perfect sense but aloud? Pfft. You gotta be kidding.
I firmly believe nurture to be extremely important I believe that effort and care can make all the difference but what about the people who are given all of that and still turn out to be psychos for lack of a better word, what does that mean for my belief? I just I can't accept that there are people who are innately evil but at the same time there are those in the world who do horrible despicable things and they've had all the opportunities to be better but they chose to be that way... because of their nature? Because that's who they are as people? 
And people wonder why I'm so confused by the human race and dislike people, I mean it's just annoying they can't make up their minds. Friggin philosophy it's doing my head in. Why do I decide to think about things like this on little sleep and caffeine? Honestly, well I suppose it could count as my incontrovertible proof of my own humanity I mean I'm just as confusing as the rest of the human race. B-Dizzle and I had a discussion earlier about whether I was actually an alien but we came to the conclusion that I couldn't be because I didn't have any legit abilities like Superman, I mean if you're going to be a kind of alien why not aim for the top, right? 
Ooh I just started thinking about the whole mind/body thing and I'm stopping now because I don't need my brain to implode one philosophical question per sleep deprived rambling thank you very much!
Hmm Right I'm returning to my fanfic now. Ta ta.

Currently Listening To: Lady Antebellum- Hello World
Current .gif feeling: 

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