Friday, October 16, 2015

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but F*ck your sh*t I'm Deadpool

Well, lets see what have I been up to? I went to WINZ, talked to my counsellor, I wrote out a schedule for November, I brought a book of names for my Sims.
I started watching Rurouni Kenshin, so far it's been going well I'm quite enjoying it, I especially like his "Oro"'s. I also watched the first episode of Monochrome Factor which seems interesting and I think I'll go back and finish watching it too. I've decided to read/reread the manga for Black Cat, while I wait for Detective Conan to update, while I do that I've realised that I have watched the anime for it way too many times.
I read some Gundam Wing fics, some FFVII fics and now some Bleach ones. 
On Pinterest I started looking at feathers painted with watercolours along with watercolour style tattoos which are really cool. Not that I'm thinking of getting a tattoo, I don't do pain, not of any kind, but they please me aesthetically which is enough. I txted, Facebooked and called my sister which was nice, also txted my Mum and Dad, that that's my family contacted. My sisters was helping me figure out what I should get her troupe for Christmas, one of them is obsessed with Deadpool which is brilliant, since I also am a slight Deadpool fangirl so I know what to look for and where to look.
I haven't been feeling well these past two days, I don't really know why it's just some sort of bug maybe. I should be over it soon I hope.
I was building a tropical hotel on Sims; since I started watching house building videos furnishing houses has gotten quite difficult because there's all the minutiae that you never realise until you start thinking about it.
I'm suppose to be adding more fish and omegas to my diet, also exercise, my schedule now has swimming. I'm also filling out a volunteer form for the local library, there are a few of the questions I'm having difficulty answering like why I'm interested in volunteering at the library, what do I write that I'm bored and I want something to do that I know I can actually do well? Also I'm suppose to be farewelling the 'what ifs' and such like that my brain loves to dwell on.
Ah I need to remember to move a pen over to by my bed. One of the things I'm suppose to do to help me sleep is clear my mind by writing all of my thoughts down but I moved the pen.
Last night I had a thought about a story following this pair of soul mates through their incarnations, as a sort of demonstration that soul mate doesn't have to mean lover, I came up with student-rivals, siblings, tutor and pupil, bartender and alcoholic, slave and master, priest and confessor, best friends, and so on, I was thinking the story would follow them showing that each incarnation was their soul learning something so that they could achieve fulfilment, as a way of showing that despite reincarnation theory every person is different because our souls are growing and changing, after all I'm not the same me I was two weeks ago let alone the same as two years ago or twenty, we're constantly learning and growing so why wouldn't our souls?

Anyway that's enough from me.

Currently Listening to: Paradise Fears- Sanctuary
Current .gif feeling: 

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