Friday, March 10, 2017

Any Female Dwarfs Say Now We Only Have A Limited Number Of Cells, There's No Need To Make Things Awkward

Well it's March, what have I been up to? 
I started reading this one really good, really long fanfiction, I read the latest Nalini Singh books, which were freaking glorious, I worship her ability to create worlds. What else? I watched Moana and Dr. Strange. Pillow and B-Dizzle and I have been planning our road trip where we're going, what music we need, who we're going to visit and so on. 
It's been strangely hot here recently damn summer heat we managed to avoid it for a long while but now it's back. I miss being able to write my stories and develop my Opus, I lie in my bed some nights and all I can think of is different world building facts that I can't record in the appropriate place which throws me off so I can't get my thoughts to sit properly so I can write them out, which is irksome. I've been trying once more to become more comfortable with driving, I don't know I think I'm getting better and then I freak out, I need to get better though and practice makes perfect as they say. 
I brought Skyrim and have been playing that, I have a bad habit of taking everything I find though but that's how I am in most games so there's not much I can do to change it I'm an acquisitive person by nature I like finding things. Pillow and I have also been playing Diablo 3 which is fun I admittedly have a bad habit of cackling evilly as I kill my enemies but it's just too glorious for me not to.
We have new neighbours and by Batman are they LOUD sweet merciful Shire sometimes I just want to muzzle them all, and I am not alone in that, Pillow and B-Dizzle have also expressed a desire to impose quiet on them, *sigh* children why you so loud?
For Valentines day Pillow B-Dizzle and I exchanged chocolates and flowers just like good Waifus, admittedly platonic polygamous Waifus but still it was something nice that made us all feel appreciated and shows that there are people who care about us and isn't that what Valentines day should be? Pillow and I also went into town and brought games and nail polish I got three two of which are only shades off of each other but that slight difference is important
I really like the Moana soundtrack, a lot of people don't like the movie but I did, I mean there isn't an epic character shift like Frozen but I personally think it's still a freaking brilliant movie even if only for the soundtrack and the Grandma.
My aunty passed away last week, I don't really know how I'm dealing with it, I don't think I am, I don't deal well with grief so I tend to ignore it until it blindsides me, and yes I get that's not healthy but I don't know how to ... not. So yes it's abstractly sad but as long as I don't really think about it I don't get all the feelings, mostly I worry about my Mum because it was her older sister who passed and I worry about how she's coping but my sister and her family are currently living with Mum so even that's more and abstract worry that's constantly in my face, this of course doesn't change the fact that it's one of those things that leaves me staring at my ceiling when I try to sleep if I'm not drop dead tired, but hey who needs a healthy sleep pattern anyway huh? Certainly not me.
I'm excited about our roadtrip even though I haven't been doing to well with the soundtrack or the saving parts. I'm not a consistently reliable person I have accepted this fact and am learning to work around it, it just takes a bit of time.

Currently Listening To: Against the Current- Running With The Wild Things
Current .gif feeling:

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