Thursday, April 13, 2017

All the Chocolate Is Mine Om nom nom

Happy Good Friday!
The Roadtrip was awesome, we went to Hobbiton and drank at the Green Dragon. We saw lots of different family members and brought new books and honey scented things. Also we got rained on, a lot. Still it was a great trip and the playlist worked appropriately.
B-Dizzle made Pillow and I an egg hunt to celebrate Easter and now we've gotten paranoid about whether we've found them all or not, mostly because we keep finding more. Last night it was poring down with rain and we both went outside in our pajamas to find eggs so yeah we're not the best adults.
I've still been playing Skyrim I've got 3 of the add ons now Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthstone; also I now have Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition for reasons... good reasons. I haven't started playing them yet but the time will come. 
I've also learnt that apparently one of my nieces would have a promising future as a con artist or extortionist, not really something you want to learn about your 9 year old niece but hey.
I'm back on Batman fanfiction but I was reading Young Justice fanfiction and now I want to write an alternate universe fanfiction where before coming back in time Bart Allen was rescued from the Reach by Tim Drake who subsequently gave him into the care of his younger brother before dying, and so Bart was raised by Damian, from between the ages of 3 and 9 when Damian was killed and Bart recaptured, Bart (being a genius, Bat-raised, Speedster) had already been planning a Time Machine and escaped alongside Neutron; the two then build the Time Machine and Bart travels back in time only something goes wrong and it takes him back too far and he ends up at Wayne Manor before Tim(a part of the alternate universe idea) ever helped form Young Justice, anyway cue Bart freaking out while conveniently surrounded by Bats who quickly realise that Barts Time Travelling is in no way just a vacation and end up getting a few pertinent details out of him before he clams up, the most important of these being that Damian is basically his Dad (which is a bit weird as Damian himself is only 9 at the time) after having all this proved and the Flash being brought in, everyone discusses what to do with Bart, Barry suggests the Garricks and Alfred eventually wrangled everyone into a agreeing that it'd probably smart to let the traumatised still grieving kid stay somewhere he feels safe which basically means with the Waynes. Thus Bart ends up helping Tim rescue Connor from Cadmus labs and form Young Justice and have lots of adventures eventually saving the world from the Reach. Everything is out of order and messy and Out of Character and people are happy.
Why can't characters just be happy? Is it too much to ask?

Currently Listening To: Against the Current- Chasing Ghosts
Current .gif feeling: 

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