Friday, October 24, 2014

A small lecture on the Various Peoples of Chimera

Right so lately I've been thinking about my story a lot more and now I want to have a look, for myself basically, at the different races that inhabit Chimera.

There are first and foremost the mortals (or humans) they're the inhabitants created by the Goddess formed of Magic, Flesh and the Lady's blood. They come in many different shapes and forms, their natural abilities differing due to the ways Chimera has changed the magic in their blood. Many humans mated with the children of the Elder Gods as well so certain family lines tend toward certain gifts.
The children of the Elder Gods mostly bred with the mortals but there are also Elves who are the descendants of Air and Earth.
Then there are the Pyres, cursed descendants of Fire and Water, who cannot stand the light of the sun and die when exposed to salt water or fire.
BeastKyn are another race, vaguely related to Elves they have a very strong connection to animals and tend to be loners.

Within the mortals there are also subsets.
-There are the Nomadic Amazons, tribes of women who travel far and wide hunting and fighting, they believe men to be unnecessary and so only ever interact with them for the purpose of breeding. If they bear sons they will nurse them until fice then return them either to their fathers or to other Amazon sons to be raised, many times the son of an Amazon will be used to father another Amazon in the hopes of maintaining strong bloodlines and returning strength to the tribe. Amazons don't put a lot of thought into healing or care they are a very war focussed people who believe if a warrior is struck down in battle and they don't heal then it's their time. They're quite hardy and brash people. Different tribes have different strengths and often they'll make an alliance sharing the names of sons for the purpose of integrating different skills into the tribes bloodlines.
- There are the Guardians, who devote themselves to the Lady and are often changed due to this connection, among these are the Moon Priestess' who guard the Oracle, a special Guardian granted to ability to see certain future paths and share prophecies. The Guardian Lines often take in orphans the power they wield is passed down families and they often guard cracks in the World Lines which is the reason for their names.
- There are the Desert Dwellers, who live in tents and migrate from one oasis to another throughout the year, they are a peaceful people who are renowned for their ability to tame animals and to find water, many of them are the descendants of mortal/ Fire and Water children pairings and as such have uncanny skill in finding water and surviving the harsh environment of the desert. The Desert Dwellers tend to travel in family groups when they meet up with other family groups alliances and marriages are arranged. Certain families have closer ties to certain parts of the Desert and are thus the aristocracy of those areas.

Right I'll get into the rest at a later date. Too Lazy.

Currently Listening to: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Jimmy Iovine
Current .gif feeling: 

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