Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Write, writing, written.

Alright, me, what am I doing? I'm writing. writing. Yep. Words. Combinations of different letters forming a comprehendible language. A form of communication. Feel my writing!

I've been thinking, lately. 

We had a flat inspection today, and so I had to embrace my ability to leave the house... I survived. Had french toast with bacon and grilled banana as my reward. It still discomforts me though. But it was better than being here when there were people I don't know, heck I have difficulty being here when there are people I do know. However, that's something my counsellor and I've talked about and I just have to keep remembering that I can remove myself from the situation, that is within my power and I'm not being rude, I just get a little overwhelmed.
So removal of self. Sweet.

I really need to get my glasses checked out, damn it.

Still strangely addicted to Bejeweled on Facebook.

I just feel all out of sorts, I dunno. I've been talking with my flatmates and I'm going to try to set up a proof-reading thingy so people can email me essays and assignments and I'll proof-read them for a small fee, it fixes two of my problems, doing something so I don't get bored (I constantly am, so bored) and earning money through work that'll demonstrate to the Government that I'm not sitting on my ass doing nothing.

Oh gah! I still have to talk to a Dr and change my medical center. I feel really bad, because my flatmates are busy with assignments and here I sit doing nothing as per usual. Geez.

Right enough complaining.

Currently Listening To: Ed Sheeran- Thinking out Loud
Current .gif feeling: 

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