Friday, February 28, 2014

Saturday comes after Friday

I don't care about the sale that's happening at JetStar. Every time I go to watch a freakin YouTube video that stupid ad pops up. DO I look like I have enough money to book that long awaited holiday? NO! I do not!

Well as I sit in my lounge trying to work on the Fanfic chapter and contemplating the absolutely pathetic state of my bank account I feel kinda blah.
I've got my fanfic music playing to put me in the mood but instead of working I'm googling book quotes and mooning over the cuteness of the bunnies we saw today.
Thus the picture that are being added to this post. Freaken rabbits are just too cute! I can't resist, Imma have to get one at some point, dunno when but sometime, when I'm no longer poor.
My Pillow another friend/flatmate thusly dubbed B-Dizzle and I are all sitting in the lounge. Pillows casually reading the third in an awesome series that I admittedly made her read, but she's happy about it now! And B-Dizzle is actually doing work *shudder* she's busy working on her Chemistry stuff that basically looks like a foreign language to me. I'm happily distracting myself from what I'm actually suppose to be doing by blogging and surfing the internet Yay for Procrastination! 
I've also put off starting Project 1, I have to decide what colours and positionings I want, sketch it up on A4, paint that as a practice, Sketch and paint it on A5 in my Art book, paint that, decide what sizing I prefer, have money to buy the canvas, sketch and paint all of that and then I shall finally be completed except I think that I'll write a drabble about it too, I dunno we'll see, it depends what I draw.
Right as a reward for putting up with my mentalness I shall reward you with something, I dunno what I'll have a look on my writing flash drive... So reading through some of the stuff I wrote a while ago and I've realised that it's really sad when even I don't realise who I was mentally pairing with who. Ok going back to look for your reward.

" "Look Vee I know that you really want to catch this one so I have a suggestion."
Captain Vurdin Meadows looked over at his Lieutenant, "What is your suggestion Rickters? Set a trap? Maybe we'll try and get one of our men to infiltrate the thief ring? Hmm? What?"
Lieutenant Greg Rickters looked up at his boss "Why don't we use a thief to catch a thief?"
Vee raised his eyebrows "Do you know a thief?"
Rickters smiled impishly "I know just the thief."
"Your thief works here?"
Rickters grinned "Sure does come on I'll introduce you."
He walked in and Vee followed him. Right up to the counter behind it a tiny young woman sat reading a book, without looking up she said "If I've told you once I've told you a thousand times, Kraiben Scotts new book isn't in yet, you have to wait a few more weeks, I'm seriously reconsidering whether police work makes you more patient if you'd asked me a few years ago I'd have said it was impossible now I'm not so sure."
Vee glanced over at Rickters who blushed "I'm not here about the book, though if you ask me your postie must have stolen its taking so long. I'm here on official police business."
For the first time she looked up and Vee was instantly mesmerized by the delicate features of her face, the way tendrils of her long ringletted black hair curled in front of her startlingly haunting violet-blue eyes, "What kind of police business?" All of a sudden her melodic voice was tight with suspicion.
Rickters grinned "Not that kind of business either, Lady, Rose they got those guys off the street ages ago."
She nodded but still seemed wary. "So why are you here then Grey?"
Vee raised an eyebrow Grey? 
Rickters looked around "It's about your- er, damn it it's about the new thief on the block, been here three months and has robbed more than half the city blind already, starting with the poor and working his way up."
Her face suddenly went hard and she stood up, placing a sign on the counter she led them into a back room, "Lady, Grey I don't want to be dragged into this."
"I know Rose I tried to keep you out but the Captain here really wants to get this guy."
She looked at Vee, "Captain Vurdin Meadows, the youngest male ever granted Captain-ship. Your mother was an Elven lady, your father a human minstrel."
Vee nodded "And you are?"
She smiled and extended a hand "Cat Rose, Head Librarian."
Vee looked over at Rickters "I thought we were meeting a thief?"
Rickters grinned "We are. Isn't that right Rose?"  "

Incase you were wondering I tend to use the same names for different stories so I don't have to do deep thought. heh.

Currently Listening to: Pistol Annies- Hell on Heels
Current .gif feeling: 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Well I've filled in and submitted an application, now I just have to wait to hear back from them. I have no money so I feel like a total free-loader in regards to my flatmates. Got a parcel from my Mum yesterday, Yay!
Yesterday Pillow and I blew up (with our own lungs) our paddling pool and filled it up to chillax in, due to heat and the fact that we'd spent the day busy working outside for our Club.

As you can see it was very sunny and our awesome paddling pool did indeed work to cool us down, though we looked like the broke-asses we are when cooling off in it. Just imagine if you will two twenty-year olds clad in shorts and t-shirts sitting in a paddling pool designed for children from 3 up. I'm sure our neighbours, who often find amusement in our silliness, probably laughed quite a bit. We had quite a bit of fun but today, despite applying copious amounts of sunscreen because my ridiculously white skin burns really easily, I am once more red-nosed and uncomfortable, and if that isn't enough I've got the beginnings of a cold!
Geesh just my luck.

Also my luck today I spent almost two hours sitting in this nice little alcove while waiting for Pillow because I had to go to the medical centre, however once she was done we lost each other, until we met up at the bus stop. So yes today hasn't really been my day. The picture shows the nice view I had while waiting though.
Fortunately, I can remind myself that I have the parcel which is full of brownies and stuff from my mother. So again Yay!

Well that's my complaints for the day, and since you persevered through all that I feel I should reward you with something. So here's... something I dunno I wrote it a while ago and I still don't really know what it's about:
" “I refuse to work with that thing. If it's going to be here I demand that it be restrained. My people will not stay here while it roams free.”
“I agree that thing is not safe and I will not force my people to be near it. Restrain it or we leave.”
“Yes. It's dangerous we can't just let it out uncontrolled around innocent people.”
Other voices rose in agreement.
Several pairs of eyes were fixed not on those protesting to them but on the small figure seated toward the middle of the table that was emanating a darkening aura, hands clenching tighter with each protestation, finally the tension was too much “She is NOT a THING!” Green eyes shot cold fury at the many people around the table “Her name is Cat and she is a person. Not a thing and she will certainly not be restrained. If you and your people don't want to remain here in the safe zone then you may leave but this is her home, she was here first and we are not restraining her just because you cowards are scared of her. This is the safe zone for everyone. Not just your bigoted cowardly people.” He glared around at them, the teen sitting at the head of the table stood

Phew now I'm going to enjoy the brownies from my parcel.

Currently Listening to: Eminem ft Rihanna- The Monster
Current .gif feeling

Monday, February 24, 2014

Epic Suckage

So, once more my crappy sleeping pattern has struck. Huzzah! 
In regards to the fanfic chapter I'm still procrastinating Wooo!
I talked to my mum today for the first time in a while so thats something, still have to email back my dad and that's both parents communicated with. Go Me!
I've been skeleton mapping out the book. It's got a strange combination of child and adult themes intertwined through it.
Child Themes: Magic, Special Powers, a Princess, an Evil Sorcerer
Adult Themes: Drug/ Alcohol Abuse, Lack of control, Death, Rape, oh and my favourite Co-Dependent Sibling Relationship

The story follows several different characters but mainly focuses on the seventeen year old Princess and her attempt to regain control over her abilities and life. Unlike most storybook princesses she's not sweet and light and innocent, instead she's quite blunt she doesn't particularly care about the morals of right and wrong and she kills people for a living.
She works for "two masters" the first is the Evil Sorcerer and Tyrant who killed her parents when she was young and is basically the reason behind most of the bad things in her life, most people would question why she works for him but she has her reasons. The second is the 'Resistance' an alliance of young adults and teens who barely remember life before the Tyrant but know that they want to have the choice of living their own lives.

It's not a light book instead it falls into a grey category, I can't decide what I want to do about it, I know the story itself will probably be quite long so I have to cut it into pieces and decide what's going to go where.

So The Book (#1)
Introducing the Main Characters
Foreshadowing to the Overall Plot

What's Past is Prologue...

Chapter One:
Introduces Main Character and foreshadows to issues, introduces other characters and foreshadows to book plot, along with hinting at several problems to be solved in book.

Chapter Two:
Intro of Character slight back story, first addressing of Plot

Chapter Three:
One problem addressed, raising questions of Book-Plot problem

Chapter Four:
Job received relating to B.Plot, slight hinting at new Character

Chapter Five:
Group introduced, Discussion of B.Plot problem, Overall Plot discussed, previous problem addressed and solved

Chapter Six:
Character Issues raised once more, B.Plot brought to forefront by Issues, Summoning. 

Chapter Seven:
Antagonistic Character introduced, hint of B.Plot, threat issued

Chapter Eight:
Previously mentioned Problem resolved, Issues once more brought forth

Chapter Nine:
Book Antagonist revealed, B.Antagonist back-story revealed

Chapter Ten:
B.Antagonist defeated, Overall Plot brought up as Character Issues are once more brought to the forefront


That's kinda what I've got thus far, it'll probably morph and change as I go but for now that is the basic outline.

Here's a snippet of the Prologue and the first Chapter:
" ' On the world of Chimera, in the age of Man, there arose a great evil. As in all such cases a great force of good was required to combat this evil.
                   Unfortunately, none could be found.   '

'  I hate him, he's such a...
   Gods why must you...
   Can she shut up for...
   What the Firth-...
   How am I...

A tangled mess arose from a nest of thin material, one blank eye glared out as a thin arm stretched and groped for something, a small ting, a flash of silver, two small white ovals disappear into the mess. A relieved groan as it once more collapses into it's nest.  ' "


Currently Listening to: Avicii- Hey Brother
Current .gif feeling: 

Saturday, February 22, 2014


Ok I'll admit I got distracted. I couldn't help it!
I admit I have been putting off the new fanfic chapter, it just isn't flowing the way I want it to. So I read some manga (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei) and then found out it was being made into an anime (AHMAGAWD!) then I found a website with the light novel (here) and started reading that and then I realised Sword Art Online was also based off a light novel so I hunted that down on Wattpad and then reading the light novel made me want to reread the manga so I did that and while doing so I realised I wanted to watch the anime so... I did. 
While doing that I started working on a game story my friend (from here forth referred to as Pillow) and I discussed a while ago while on a SAO and Log Horizon binge.
I also watched the first episode of Guilty Crown which was quite interesting and I ate quite a lot of m&ms and some lasagne.
And thus I have not completed any of the tasks on my list of things to do though I've done plenty else.

So here's proof of my procrastinating efforts, a snippet of what I wrote for the game story: 

" The game was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I could feel the grass beneath my feet, the wind in my hair, when I pushed too hard to do something I felt the strain in my muscles and when I was killed for the first time I felt the momentary jolt as the blade swung through me, it was strange and uncomfortable and I determined that I never wanted to experience it again. As beta testers I won't be so conceited as to say we were the best but our determination not to die certainly made us good. "

The character that I designed is a Light Elf, however, unlike other Light Elves she didn't focus on healing or magic instead choosing to be a DPS player who basically runs into battle and slaughters anything she considers an enemy. This bloodthirsty nature is completely hidden by the delicate appearance of both her actual form and her avatar form, because of this she is often underestimated.

Currently Listening to: Imagine Dragons- Cha-Ching (Till We Grow Older)
Current .gif feeling: 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Octopus Sausages

Alrighty I'm gonna write the recipe for the Octopus Sausages here so that I can remember it.
I wonder if I can make them with saveloys? 

1. Japanese sausage are typically 3 inches, if your sausage is longer, cut sausage to 3 inch length. Holding sausage sideways and slice all way down one side. Rotate 90 degrees and slice again. Now the sausage has 4 "legs".
2. Cut again between slits and you will end up with 8 legs. Hold the sausage so that the slits don't open up when you slice through.
3. In a small frying pan, heat a little bit of oil and cook sausages on medium heat. When the sausages are cooked through and the "legs" start to open up, remove from the heat and serve or pack in lunch box.
4. Add sesame seeds for octopus eyes. 

I think the last one is optional.
Heres a picture of what they'll hopefully look like: 

Currently Listening to: Lights- Lions
Current .gif feeling

Thursday, February 20, 2014


It is 2014 and I have a list of things that I need to get done, so I'm going to motivate myself via blog. I'm basically going to use this as a writing exercise/ diary/ log. It doesn't really matter to me whether anyone reads it or not but I'm going to post writing and day to day things here.

Well explanations aside motivation here I come!
Listed in no real fashion:
- Finish new fanfic chapter
- Send out more applications because obviously they aren't getting them or your sending them to the wrong people ya dork.
- Mind-map the book
- Talk. To. Your. Parents!
- Plan out Project 1
- Finish getting Birthday Books
- Figure out what to get niece #3
- Cook Octopus Sausages

Okay that's my list for now... I should probably get started at some point...

Currently Listening to: Passenger- I Hate
Current .gif feeling: