Monday, February 24, 2014

Epic Suckage

So, once more my crappy sleeping pattern has struck. Huzzah! 
In regards to the fanfic chapter I'm still procrastinating Wooo!
I talked to my mum today for the first time in a while so thats something, still have to email back my dad and that's both parents communicated with. Go Me!
I've been skeleton mapping out the book. It's got a strange combination of child and adult themes intertwined through it.
Child Themes: Magic, Special Powers, a Princess, an Evil Sorcerer
Adult Themes: Drug/ Alcohol Abuse, Lack of control, Death, Rape, oh and my favourite Co-Dependent Sibling Relationship

The story follows several different characters but mainly focuses on the seventeen year old Princess and her attempt to regain control over her abilities and life. Unlike most storybook princesses she's not sweet and light and innocent, instead she's quite blunt she doesn't particularly care about the morals of right and wrong and she kills people for a living.
She works for "two masters" the first is the Evil Sorcerer and Tyrant who killed her parents when she was young and is basically the reason behind most of the bad things in her life, most people would question why she works for him but she has her reasons. The second is the 'Resistance' an alliance of young adults and teens who barely remember life before the Tyrant but know that they want to have the choice of living their own lives.

It's not a light book instead it falls into a grey category, I can't decide what I want to do about it, I know the story itself will probably be quite long so I have to cut it into pieces and decide what's going to go where.

So The Book (#1)
Introducing the Main Characters
Foreshadowing to the Overall Plot

What's Past is Prologue...

Chapter One:
Introduces Main Character and foreshadows to issues, introduces other characters and foreshadows to book plot, along with hinting at several problems to be solved in book.

Chapter Two:
Intro of Character slight back story, first addressing of Plot

Chapter Three:
One problem addressed, raising questions of Book-Plot problem

Chapter Four:
Job received relating to B.Plot, slight hinting at new Character

Chapter Five:
Group introduced, Discussion of B.Plot problem, Overall Plot discussed, previous problem addressed and solved

Chapter Six:
Character Issues raised once more, B.Plot brought to forefront by Issues, Summoning. 

Chapter Seven:
Antagonistic Character introduced, hint of B.Plot, threat issued

Chapter Eight:
Previously mentioned Problem resolved, Issues once more brought forth

Chapter Nine:
Book Antagonist revealed, B.Antagonist back-story revealed

Chapter Ten:
B.Antagonist defeated, Overall Plot brought up as Character Issues are once more brought to the forefront


That's kinda what I've got thus far, it'll probably morph and change as I go but for now that is the basic outline.

Here's a snippet of the Prologue and the first Chapter:
" ' On the world of Chimera, in the age of Man, there arose a great evil. As in all such cases a great force of good was required to combat this evil.
                   Unfortunately, none could be found.   '

'  I hate him, he's such a...
   Gods why must you...
   Can she shut up for...
   What the Firth-...
   How am I...

A tangled mess arose from a nest of thin material, one blank eye glared out as a thin arm stretched and groped for something, a small ting, a flash of silver, two small white ovals disappear into the mess. A relieved groan as it once more collapses into it's nest.  ' "


Currently Listening to: Avicii- Hey Brother
Current .gif feeling: 

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