Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Well I've filled in and submitted an application, now I just have to wait to hear back from them. I have no money so I feel like a total free-loader in regards to my flatmates. Got a parcel from my Mum yesterday, Yay!
Yesterday Pillow and I blew up (with our own lungs) our paddling pool and filled it up to chillax in, due to heat and the fact that we'd spent the day busy working outside for our Club.

As you can see it was very sunny and our awesome paddling pool did indeed work to cool us down, though we looked like the broke-asses we are when cooling off in it. Just imagine if you will two twenty-year olds clad in shorts and t-shirts sitting in a paddling pool designed for children from 3 up. I'm sure our neighbours, who often find amusement in our silliness, probably laughed quite a bit. We had quite a bit of fun but today, despite applying copious amounts of sunscreen because my ridiculously white skin burns really easily, I am once more red-nosed and uncomfortable, and if that isn't enough I've got the beginnings of a cold!
Geesh just my luck.

Also my luck today I spent almost two hours sitting in this nice little alcove while waiting for Pillow because I had to go to the medical centre, however once she was done we lost each other, until we met up at the bus stop. So yes today hasn't really been my day. The picture shows the nice view I had while waiting though.
Fortunately, I can remind myself that I have the parcel which is full of brownies and stuff from my mother. So again Yay!

Well that's my complaints for the day, and since you persevered through all that I feel I should reward you with something. So here's... something I dunno I wrote it a while ago and I still don't really know what it's about:
" “I refuse to work with that thing. If it's going to be here I demand that it be restrained. My people will not stay here while it roams free.”
“I agree that thing is not safe and I will not force my people to be near it. Restrain it or we leave.”
“Yes. It's dangerous we can't just let it out uncontrolled around innocent people.”
Other voices rose in agreement.
Several pairs of eyes were fixed not on those protesting to them but on the small figure seated toward the middle of the table that was emanating a darkening aura, hands clenching tighter with each protestation, finally the tension was too much “She is NOT a THING!” Green eyes shot cold fury at the many people around the table “Her name is Cat and she is a person. Not a thing and she will certainly not be restrained. If you and your people don't want to remain here in the safe zone then you may leave but this is her home, she was here first and we are not restraining her just because you cowards are scared of her. This is the safe zone for everyone. Not just your bigoted cowardly people.” He glared around at them, the teen sitting at the head of the table stood

Phew now I'm going to enjoy the brownies from my parcel.

Currently Listening to: Eminem ft Rihanna- The Monster
Current .gif feeling

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