Friday, April 25, 2014

A Leetle Touchy

So I'm heading back to visit my family for a week on Monday, huzzah!
Easter was what it was. 
I've really got to get serious about finishing the next fanfic chapter.
I've made a plan for when I head home, I'm going to find the bloody bartending license that appears to have vanished, and get my NSN once I've got those I'll apply for jobs at bars which I will hopefully be competent enough to do. 
In other news B-Dizzle, Pillow and I are abandoning Only Male and heading off to a new flat. I feel quite upset about this as I'm really not good with change. One good thing about it though is that I get to make copious lists of what we need and when by and what we have and so on and so forth. The little part of me that's completely ruled by a mild form of OCD rejoices at this, the organization oh joyful day!
One thing I'd be interested in learning is how to make jobs on Sims 2. I've given up attempting to though as the software dislikes my computer.
Ooh also I really want a futon! I'm a special kind of person who vastly prefers sleeping lower to the ground than even a low bed allows, of course Pillow has dictatorially stated that I'm not allowed one just as she did about my choice to get a motorbike and a gun, however, unlike those decisions this one will happen, because despite what many people appear to believe I am neither a child nor am I mentally deficient. When I said I wanted a gun I was thinking about my personal safety I knew that I would need proper training and a license and everything I was prepared to get those so that I would have peace of mind. My decision to get a motorbike wasn't based on how cool it would look but rather on maneuverability and my personal level of comfort, I know that I'm not likely to ever feel comfortable driving a big car or really any kind of car that leaves me with the option of a ute or a bike and I've always preferred bikes. With regards to the futon I like low beds, I like the option of folding it up and having more space especially considering I'm constantly being told I'll be given the smallest room, it makes sense that I be given it as I do tend to have less stuff here than the others and I don't have a big bed, however, I still like space and a futon can easily be stored away so that there's more space during the daytime.
And now I apologize for the rant, I do adore my flatmates sometimes I just need to vent about... well everything really. I really suck at conveying how I feel out loud, I forget what I'm saying or I can't think of how to explain it so someone not in my head can understand. 
Well thats me complained out. I'll post something else when I get back I guess.

Currently Listening To: The Lumineers- Hey Ho
Current .gif Feeling: 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Updating I guess

Lately I've done some painting, not much but some. Mostly I've just been reading and playing Sims. Still looking for a job, Why do employers constantly require that you have your full license?
Easter is upon us and with it much chocolate which I can appreciate. I've gone several weeks without reading any fanfics so to make up for that I spammed some Torchwood fics last night. I need to get the new chapter up soon. Oddly enough quite a few people have been favoriting or following it, so I mean little bit of pressure but also good tingly feelings, right?
I did this course at the beginning of the year it was called Creative Processes and while in it we split into separate groups to do our final project, my group got to talking about fanfic and from it I found a brilliant explanation for it. Fanfiction is a way for new writers to develop their own particular style it gives them a chance to experiment with an already established and well known literary universe. I liked that explanation and I have to say that if I ever make it big I would be so amazed if there were fanfics about what I write about because in a way it means that what you've created has had such an impact on people that it's spark something in them that they felt they had to share, which I think is awesome. From the other side I can see why some authors really don't like it though because when I make my characters and my world it's like my baby or something I don't even really like people looking at it without me checking that it's just the way I want it and even then there's this clutch this moment of 'no no you can't look at that it's not suppose to be seen by anyone but me' so I understand the proprietary stand that some authors take about their work.

I don't really have much else to say unless you'd like me to go into the weather so, this is me signing off.

Currently Listening to: Vietnamese Saxophone (Don't actually know the name)
Current .gif Feeling

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ferrero Rocher

Well Easters approaching. I finally have money and I've talked to my family so I call that progress.

I finally had my meeting and I got there and there's this guy sitting there and you go up to him and he checks you have everything for this freaking appointment, I'm all sorted, so apart from the usual mild freak-out that I run anytime I'm away from the house, then he pulls out his list and is like you need three of this and I'm like no I don't and he's like yes you do so I pull out the checklist I was given and I'm like "No I don't" and he looks at his and say yeah you do so there I am having this mini panic attack and he's busy bustling about by this time I've pulled out all the forms that I needed and I'm like that wasn't on my list this was on my list but that wasn't eventually he went and talked to the dude I had to talk to and the dude said it was fine so I went and calmed down a bit then had my meeting. But honestly you'd think they would give me the right list or at least make sure their checking person has the same list as they're giving people. Hmph.

What else have I been up to? Well I've been looking for a place in NZ where I can buy Sims 2 stuff packs since The Warehouse doesn't sell them any more and I can't find them on trademe. I've been enjoying naming houses on my game such as Owlsmoor and Ravensmead.
I went to the library... a lot. See I have been leaving the house! I finally found the first of Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics. Let me tell you I read the first four books mostly because I was already familiar with two characters that get introduced in the fourth book Seasons of the Mist, the Dead Boy Detectives otherwise known as Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland, two ghost-boys who loved watching the film noir detectives and decided to be Private Investigators, of course only the magically inclined and children their age or a bit older can see them. Still reading their origin was interesting as was meeting Dream and seeing the Endless. I'd recommend these comics to anyone really just be aware that they're filed under horror for a reason. I've also been rereading JD Robb's In Death series, if you haven't and you enjoy the ahem female crimes then I'd advise you to grab a copy, the series is set in the future and follows New York Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her, later, husband the Irish billionaire Roarke. The crimes are believable many of the books don't have a straight cut and dried answer, and they are very, very good, as evidenced by my rereading them.
Another author that I love was introduced to me when I was thirteen, her name is Catherine Webb and she wrote four of my absolute favourite books, Mirror Wakes and Mirror Dreams follow the mage Laenan Kite and his adventures in Haven the City of Dreams, while the others Waywalkers and Timekeepers follow a man by the name of Sam Linnifer who at first glance could appear normal except that he's the son of Magic and Time and his original name was Lucifer eons ago. The four books are superb and I love reading them.

And that's me for the past week or so. See ya!

Currently Listening To: Pistol Annies- Takin' Pills
Current .gif Feeling: 

Friday, April 4, 2014

I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball!

Well not really...

So I've had a trying two days. Had a huge sleep. Watched some movies and was highly irritated by my Sims 2 game because it wasn't playing. I ended up spending several hours just sorting different downloads into organised folders.

My flatmates (B-Dizzle and the previously un-named Only Male) and I made pizzas for dinner which were delicious, or at least mine was, it had just the right quantity of cheese... which was bottom middle and top, as it should be.

My games back up and working now so the organising must have done something, I dunno.
I did some work on the fanfic so I should have a flash of inspiration soon and be able to update that. Have got all the folders and files I need for this meeting I have to go to, only problem is making the stupid thing, honestly, I call them and get directed to their site so I go on the site and it won't even let me do anything! Grr!

I've been playing quite a lot of Sims lately. The reason is that I love to make stories in the game and see how things work out, it's quite fun. Detracting from the fun is the fact that my laptop has recently discovered the joy of overheating and then freezing so I now have to make sure it's sitting on something while I do things, considering the fact that people would have tot pry it from my cold dead fingers to get me away from it that can be considered very bad, as just regular use causes it to heat up.

Right now I'm sitting at it writing on this blog and looking through male hair for my sims on SimsResource. I'm also trying to decide whether I should re-watch Full Metal Alchemist (which is one of my all time favourite anime) or whether I should finish watching Noragami. OH! I just remembered something, so yesterday I was running on fumes as I'd woken up at 8 the night before, and so tiredly was I sitting at my laptop scrolling through my Facebook news feed as you do when your bored and can't think of anything else to do, when what do I find? A page firmly stating that Anime is Evil and only Satanists watch it! Thinking it was just one of those troll pages that pop up now and again I decided to scroll through it... This was a bad choice on my part, now personally I don't have anything against... basically any religion, I'm not overly religious but I accept that there are those people who are, however, one thing that really irritates me is people pushing their religion and using it as a tool to insult and well bully other people for the things that they like or the beliefs and personal choices that they have and have made.
To me religion can be a deeply private thing and it should never be used as a weapon against someone else. 
As a child I read the Narnia books as I'm sure many people did and one of the things that struck me as incredibly true that has stuck with me over the years was the Last Battle. It's the final book where Narnia is dying and as it does the people come to a large door. Using my really bad describery powers, it's set out so that there's a door and there's shadow just before and as the people and the creatures come to it they either go through the door or into the shadow. Now here's the important bit, in the world of Narnia there are the Narnians and there are the Calormenes who live across the desert, the Narnians worship Aslan while the Calormenes worship Tash and believe Aslan to be a demon, but either Calormene or Narnian were welcomed through the door, though really I think there was only the one Calormene but that's not the point!
The Calormene that came through saw Aslan and question why he was there when he'd always worshipped Tash and Aslan said that he had lived a good and wholesome life and it was counted as "work done unto him and not Tash" as Tash couldn't receive "good service" while Aslan couldn't take evilness. Or something like that. Anyway the point I was trying to make was that there is something Good and there is something Evil and it doesn't really matter what you worship, if you do good things and try and be nice to everyone then you're solid but if you're a c*nt and hide behind your religion you're screwed sideways.
Something to think about, and with that rant that wasn't actually suppose to be here I bid you adieu.

Oh and also if you're going to make a page that's completely devoted to insulting something at least do your research about it otherwise you look like an idiot.

Currently Listening to: Macklemore- Same Love
Current .gif Feeling: 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tis the season to eat chocolate falalalala lalalalah

Guess what?


April Fools! I'm still a mooching freeloader who no-one wants to employ. Still in the spirit of April Fools consider yourselves pranked. Aren't I nice?

So what's been up with me since I last posted? Well I binged a whole lot of Harry Potter/ Final Fantasy XIII crossover fanfics. 
I went to the bank and am now one step closer from not being a freeloader.
I had a strange dream about cats that were royalty, it was weird and probably not something I should admit to publicly.
I discovered, for the umpteenth time, that I'm complete sh*t at writing fight scenes, I just suck at it, or at least at Naruto Fanfic fight scenes, I mean I can visualise it perfectly fine but actually conveying that in words? Fuhgeddaboutit. 
Why is that basically the story of my life, I mean I amuse myself for endless hours with the stories I tell in my head but try and put those on paper and all I get is "Uhm and then stuff happened and it was awesome and yeah," I mean honestly? How's that for fair?

Wouldn't it be weird though if all those stories that are going through your head are also going through someone elses head and the reason you can't write them down is because they are the ones who are suppose to... Well that just tripped me out a bit.

What else have I been doing? Well as has become quite usual for me I have been downloading more Sims 2 custom content, I don't know why it's just become rather addicting and I can't help myself... Ooh my head just filled with that dude I don't know where from but he says "Do or Do not there is no try." Maybe Yoda? I googled it, it was Yoda... the things you remember without actually meaning to.
Oh I also found a new anime that I'm quite enjoying called Noragami, I won't go into detail except to say that it balances humour and drama along with superb animations and the fight scenes dear batman! It's brilliant.

And I'm pretty sure that's me for the night/morning. I shall now return to attempting to write fight scenes... which hate me. I'm outtie!

Currently Listening to: Lustra- Scotty Doesn't Know
Current .gif Feeling: