Friday, March 28, 2014

Little Bit Of A Rant

Alright so this is just a bit of a rant that I feel like sharing. It's about some of my pet peeves in regards to fanfics.
One of the most irritating things to me is when authors post authors notes as chapters, I can understand it in some fics but continually posting like five authors notes as different chapters?! Thats just annoying. Even more so when they leave them there but post a new chapter after them, there are ways to post a new chapter and delete previous ones, honestly! Do people not pay any attention?
Another thing that annoys me, though sometimes I just get amused, is when people throw a whole lot of overboard plots together and expect it to make sense, it isn't going to. Sometimes I read them just because the whole idea is ridiculously over-dramatic but other times it's just too much and I have to shake my head at the silliness.

Anyways that was my rant, the first one was actually the major thing for me, the other was brought on by an Over-the-Top fic I tried reading recently that combined a whole lot of really stupid things and thought it was cohesive when really it looked like someone grabbed all the worst ideas they had and threw them together to make something. The reason I'm complaining on here is that I hate flames, even if it's badly written someone had the guts to write and share that, which to me is amazing, personally I get really uncomfortable sharing my work (this blog mostly just gets the scraps off the top of my head because I'm like 80% sure no-one actually reads it... except maybe that guy who keeps quoting scriptures... I dunno), it's because of that bravery that I never review unless it's to encourage and congratulate authors, because they're being so brave and putting their ideas out there, and yeah some of them are pretty bad but you know what? Some of them probably don't have a great grasp of the English language or they're still learning and maybe one day they'll write an brilliant best seller and be really famous; and really no-ones making you read it, you have free will you are allowed to look at something, as I did, and say "You know what this isn't actually what I want to read so I'm going to stop now." Exit out and don't worry about it, it isn't that hard. And that's my advice on how to be an ok person rather than a shitty one who basically tries their best to make other people feel bad because they feel bad.
And yes I did complain about a fic on here and I did get angry but I didn't do it to the author I did it in the space that I basically treat as a diary, it wasn't directed at a single person but rather at an idea that I dislike, no-one was 'name and shame'd and this post will probably never be read by anyone save myself anyway (and that one dude... you know who you are).
And thats me for the day. See ya

Currently Listening To: Whitney Houston- I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Current .gif feeling: 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fanfiction, Country and Dinosaurs

Alright so I slept late and never called any of the people I was supposed to, curse my stupid Sleeping issues. Apart from that I haven't really got much to comment on but I have to keep in the habit of updating this. I need to work on my fanfiction so that's probably what I'm going to do tonight.

Heres a picture that I'm quite fond of, it quite amuses me. Well I'm off to do something productive, or you know read fanfic... one of the two. Laters

Currently Listening To: The Band Perry- Forever Mine Nevermind
Current .gif:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Too Much of a Community

Well today was much lazier than yesterday. I made a trailer park in Sims 2 and thats about it.
Currently I'm working on a Road trip CD for later this year while also working on the playlist for our flat 21st. It's due to conversation about this and various other things that the title of this post is what it is. One of our ex-flatmates moved out citing that we were "too much of a community" and yes we are, we sit down and eat together, we have movie nights and nights where we watch shows together. We are very close and I personally think it's a good thing, after all the point of moving in with friends is to live with friends rather than strangers.
I also watched some Doctor Who, specifically The Doctors Wife, which is one of my favourite episodes, it's so quotable "I like biting, it's excellent, like kissing only there's a winner!" Brilliant.
Tomorrow's going to be busy as I have to call certain people in regards to money and also perhaps place a call to my Dad who I've not talked to in quite a while.
I'm thinking of buying myself an Easter Egg once I've got money, just to cheer myself up, as I've been kind of in the dumps lately, but we'll see.
This is a bit of a free writing exercise I did earlier this year:
" Drip drip drip. I look to the side, there falling down the grey stone walls following a coating of green is water. I'm thirsty it's been days weeks months so long since I've had anything to eat or to drink, so long since I've seen anything but this faint hint of light, my nails are grown and stained yellow I can feel all the bones in my body, the is the rhythmic clank clank clank as the guards walk back and forwards back and forwards hitting their batons on the bars. I miss my brother. I miss sunlight, I wonder how did it come to this, how did I get here, sometimes in the bad times I try and remember why I am here. I can't. All I know now is the knawing hunger and the darkness and the cold. The hard ground beneath me. "

Currently Listening To: Frank Sinatra- New York
Current .gif: 

Sunday, March 23, 2014


So I'm sitting at my laptop after a long stressful morning.

So first things this morning I had to go to a Seminar, the person who signed me up gave me the wrong address so I took ten minutes to get to the right place running late because I got lost on the way. Now for any normal person this wouldn't be any big thing, however, I am not normal, I never leave the house unless I have someone with me so actually getting out of our driveway was a huge thing for me, then I got lost while running late, all I wanted to do was curl up into a little ball and cry, but I persevered (trust me I really didn't want to) because this seminar was my first step (though I thought it was almost my last) to being able to once more carry my own weight and pay rent since I'm still freeloading off my flatmates.

Well, I eventually get to the right place and end up talking to the guy running the seminar after it's over. It is at this point that my complete inability to actually talk to people I don't know kicks in and all I can do is mutter "yes," at various points in the conversation while staring at my knees, so while I'm staring with great interest at said knees I'm informed that actually all the papers I filled in and required weren't necessary and that I have to make an appointment where all these things will be required. After being asked if I had any questions and replying to the negative (though the question Why the Hell did I have to come to the Bloody seminar in the first place if all you were going to do was tell me I had to call and make an appointment?! Occurs to me) I scurry out and after much confusion and almost getting run over I finally make my way home, where my kind flatmates, understanding how much I allow my neurosis to control my life, have brought me M&Ms and L&P, and have an open ear and a willingness to let me rant without sharing any actual information before leaving me be. 
I'm pretty sure I couldn't ask for better flatmates than B-Dizzle and Pillow, and if I could I wouldn't want to.

So by then it was mid-morning and I decided that it was the best time to get some things sorted so with determination I channeled the panic that had built since I set foot of our property this morning into energy that I then put into cleaning, first my washing, then the dishes, then the microwave and the oven, then the floors, then the bathroom and finally my bed.
Now with a satisfactory ache in my lower back I'm sitting here pigging out on M&Ms and drinking L&P while swearing that I'm never leaving my driveway again.

Currently Listening To: UB40- Stick By Me
Current .gif:

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Right so I promised to share the stew recipe and I figured what the heck might as well mention the beer bread as well. St Patricks day was as green and alcoholic as ever.
The stew was delicious and the bread was devoured quickly. So here are the recipes:

Irish Stew
1 (3 1/2 to 4 pound) boneless beef chuck-eye roast, pulled apart at seams, trimmed and cut into 1 1/2 inch pieces)
3 tbsp vegetable oil
2 yellow onions, chopped fine
1/3 tsp salt
1 tbsp tomato paste
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/4 c all-purpose flour
3 c chicken stock
1 (12 ounce) bottle Guinness Draught, divided
4 1/2 tsp dark brown sugar
1 tsp minced fresh thyme
1 1/2 pounds potatoes, unpeeled, cut into 1 inch pieces
1 pound carrots, peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces
2 tbsp minced fresh parsley

1. Adjust oven rack to the lower-middle position and preheat to 325 degrees F (approx. 160 Celsius)

2. Season the beef with salt and freshly ground pepper.

3. Heat oil in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat, add the onions and salt, and cook, stirring occasionally, until well browned, 8-10 minutes.

4. Add the tomato paste and garlic and cook for 2 minutes. Stir the flour and cook for an additional 1 minute.

5. Whisk in the chicken stock, 3/4 cup of the Guinness, brown sugar and thyme, scraping up any browned bits on the bottom of the pot. Bring to a simmer and cook until slightly thickened, about 3 minutes. Stir in the beef and return to a simmer.

6. Transfer the pot to the oven and cook, uncovered, for 90 minutes, stirring halfway though cooking.

7. Stir in the potatoes and carrots and continue cooking until the beef and vegetables are tender, about 1 hour, stirring halfway through cooking. Remove the pot from the oven and stir in the remaining 1/2 cup of Guinness and the parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.

Beer Bread
3 c Self-Raising Flour
1/2 cup granulated sugar (regular white sugar)
12 ounces of beer (whatever kind you like, personally I use Tui)
2 tbsp melted butter

1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celcius

2.In a large bowl add flour, sugar and beer (it's totally ok to take sips from the beer). Stir together until just blended. The mixture will be lumpy.

3.Pour into a greased baking tin, bake for 50 minutes (check on it periodically, mines usually done much quicker)

4. Remove from oven pour melted butter over top and bake for a further 10 minutes.

(Personally I like to eat it with butter and marmite and another bottle of Tui) Below is a picture of the Beer Bread I made just out of the oven

Currently Listening To: Ed Sheeran- I See Fire
Current .gif Feeling: 

Saturday, March 15, 2014


So I discovered that you can download custom content for Sims 2 off the internet and have spent the past four hours doing so, now my laptops going slow, but hey I can give my Sims yellowy-ginger hair so thats a plus. Right?


I worked on some fanfic last night, only problem being it was the wrong one, so yeah.
Got a bit of a headache so this probably won't be a very long post. 
It's finally raining here, we're suppose to be hit by a cyclone sometime this weekend so my flatmates and I will probably end up sitting on our front porch enjoying that.
Nothing very exciting is going on right now apart from the aforementioned Sims 2 downloading and rain. It's been a nice quiet day so far and tomorrow will probably be the same.
Well since I'm tired and headache-y I shall post a snippet and leave you be. Goodnight
We were alone and we were so afraid. We'd never been alone before, we rarely left our home and never without our parents and suddenly they were gone, and even though we have always been smart oh so very smart we were still only children, babies. All we wanted was our Mama and Papa, or our Uncle and Aunt anyone, but all we had was each other. One small hand to cling to as the dark approached and the demons howled. "

Currently Listening To: Adele- Skyfall
Current .gif feeling: 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Think of Something Amusing

Getting back into the habit of writing in this so that it becomes something I just do without thinking.
It's actually quite difficult.
Anyway here I am rambling into this little area of the internet that I have claimed as my own.

All of the shops lately have started up their Easter campaign, selling chocolate eggs and rabbits, hot cross buns and so on. I look at it all and am filled with a very childish greed, I want to try that one and that one oh and that one, but unfortunately I can't, well actually that might be fortunately I can't imagine the stomach pain if I was allowed to eat all the chocolate I wanted to. But still it is very tempting.

Thats about all I can think of to write right now but I suppose I should offer some form of reward so a reward in the form of a something. Oooh I know just what to.
This is a snippet from a Naruto fanfic that I'm probably never going to publish and have only written for my own entertainment.
"The jounin had gathered in the Hokages office the day after the genin exams to decide on teams. All of the newly graduated genin had been granted a day off in celebration of their passing before being assigned their new teams.
Of the assigned teams all of the jounin were aware that only three would actually pass, these three were decided on by skill observed throughout their years at the Academy. The Hokage began telling the three jounin whose teams would pass who their genin students were.
“Kakashi,” the jounin were surprised as their lanky silver haired comrade stepped forward, not only had Kakashi never passed a team even when asked he was also always late so his being there was a surprise.
“Yo,” He gave a lazy wave.
The Hokage smiled, “Yours is team seven. It consists of Uzumaki Naruto,”
The jounin all swivelled their heads to see Kakashi's reaction, it was common knowledge that he'd been the student of the fourth, many knew mentally that Naruto was no more the Kyuubi than a scroll with a kunai sealed in it is the kunai but emotionally they still slightly resented the boy for his prisoner. To their surprise, however, Kakashi didn't say anything or look like he'd refuse.
The Hokage continued, “Uchiha Sasuke-” here the jounin suddenly were surprised as Kakashi looked sharply at the Hokage and clearly said, “No.” Many of them were not fond of the Uchiha but still would have taken the boy for his bloodline and the idea of what they could teach the last of the so called 'genius' clan. So to hear Kakashi so bluntly refuse was a surprise. Beside the Hokage the councillors swiftly inhaled, “Did you just refuse to train Uchiha-sama, jounin?”
Kakashi raised his eyebrow at the address, “I did. A team needs to be able to work together with a minimum of strife, healthy rivalry is good, however, as I'm sure other Jounin up to be sensei have I've watched several of the Academy classes, if Naruto and Sasuke are put on a team together they will not have a healthy rivalry, it would cause an unnecessary amount of trouble.”
“Then the Uzumaki will be removed and you will train Uchiha-sama.”
“No. I will train Uzumaki Naruto. Uchiha Sasuke will have to be removed.”
“Are you attempting to give the Uzumaki prefferential treatment, jounin?”
As the councillors and Kakashi got into a 'debate' in the middle of his office the Hokage watched on with amused eyes.
“Are you not attempting to give Uchiha Sasuke preferrential treatment? A jounin is told his team beforehand so that he can tell whether he can train them or not, as it stands I cannot train the boy. He's too arrogant and revenge-focussed to listen to anything I try and tell him, he won't settle into team dynamics and would always consider his ideas more valid than anyone elses. Having him on my team would destroy the hierarchy. When Sandaime-sama told me I had to take a team this year I, like all jounin sensei, submitted my suggestions as to who I feel I'd be able to teach best. I understand that many feel because of my eye I'd be a good teacher for the boy but I wouldn't. If he ever gets his Sharingan I will take time out to teach him but I will not have him on my team throughing off the dynamics.” Having said his bit Kakashi turned back to the Hokage, who was trying not to grin, the councillors and jounin gaped at the two.
Looking down infront of him the Hokage hid his grin while shuffling his papers, “Ah yes your team suggestions. I have to ask are you sure that these are the genin you want, Kakashi?”
“Hai Sandaime-sama. I'm certain. As I stated I've observed the Academy classes, all three are a good match and have a wealth of potential.” Meeting the Sandaimes eyes the message was conveyed, all three of the genin on Kakashi's list were hiding their potential and abilities.
With a nod the Hokage smiled, “Then team seven under Hatake Kakashi shall be Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru and Hyuuga Hinata.” Ignoring the shoked rumbling of the other jounin Kakashi gave a nod before stepping back, “Moving on, team eight under Yuuhi Kurenai shall be Inuzuka Kiba, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke.” Too stunned to object Kurenai merely nodded dumbstruck. “As we know team nine is still in circulation so team ten under Sarutobi Asuma shall be Akimichi Choji, Aburame Shino and Yamanaka Ino.” Much like Kurenai, Asuma merely nodded blindly.
With that the jounin and councilors filed out leaving behind only the Hokage and a silent Kakashi.
“Do you think it was wise?”
“Challenging the Council in that manner, do you think it was wise?”
“Yes. Enough people have failed Minato-sensei's last wish, and given the Uchiha any of his whims.”
The Sandaime sighed before brightening, “Well at least it'll be a surprise to Naruto, ne?” "

Currently Listening to: Nightcore- Angel with a Shotgun
Current .gif feeling: 

Thursday, March 13, 2014


It's been a while.
Just figured I better get back into the habit of using this.
I've received my assignment for Project 2 and let me just say it's a kicker.
So Project 1 is a painting done on a canvas and I'm still working it all out in my head I haven't really been in the right place to do it yet so it's currently burning away in my head. Project 2 is a video diary. Yep that's right I have to sit in front of a camera once every couple of weeks and record my inner thoughts and feelings to look back on them later. I think it's gonna be quite difficult for me as I like to gloss over my inner feelings and not even discuss them in my head let alone on camera, but it'll probably also be good in some ways. So yeah.
Working on a new chapter for my fanfic, and also on several different ones that aren't being published because I can't be one of those authors that has several unfinished works up not being worked on at once.
Got a reply letter in my emails a little while ago but since I didn't apply for the job it was offering and everything seemed very idyllic my flatmates and I figured it for a scam. Really builds your confidence when the only reply you receive from countless applications is a scam.
I'm running on $12 right now and that is truly a pathetic state to be in.
Anyway things I've been meaning to do but have been putting off:
Watching the rest of Katekyo Hitman Reborn I'm up to episode 102 but I haven't been in the right state of mind to watch it. It's a really brilliant anime, I know quite a few people who give up after a few episodes but if you give it a chance it has a darker side to off-set some of the ridiculous ones, and the plot lines, animation styles and characters are brilliant.
Project 1, had my rant about that already so 'nuff said.
Nieces presents, unfortunately with no money these two are going to have to wait a while.
Learning how to lace French braid, this is something that I really want to do, I can kind of do it on myself but not on others it's really annoying.
Make Beer Bread for St Patrick's Day, I even have a jaunty little green hatband to wear while I make it.

We're also thinking of making a nice Irish stew. So if we do I'll make sure to put the recipe on here.
In other news, I was quite bored and so decided to make several Harry Potter characters on Sims, you'll be pleased to know James and Lily are happily married and raising their baby, Regulus lives with Sirius and Remus, Narcissa divorced Lucius and is living alone with Draco, Alice and Frank are happily raising Neville while Augusta thinks about moving out and Luna and Hermione are next door neighbours.
I have no life.

Anyway now that I've interrupted your time with my ill conceived rants I shall now leave you to return to your lives.

Currently listening to: Pink- Is This Thing On
Current .gif feeling

Sunday, March 2, 2014


Oh wow, I feel successful! I have finally finished that bloody new fanfic chapter. Oh sweet relief it's over!! Go me, go me, go me. WOoT. 

Ok craziness over, I'm normal again, normal-ish, normal-esq, ok I'm still crazy but I'm no longer on a sugar high like I have been.
Now the only things really left on my list are the birthday stuff which I'm dealing with and Project 1 which I'm going to start soon... ish.
Still waiting for people to get back about my applications. I miss having the ability to pay rent and I feel like a total freeloader.
Yesterday I watched Pillow make Pumpkin Pie (eww) I can't say that it pleases me, it's pumpkin in a supposed dessert, just NO.
B-Dizzle made apple cake which was nommy.
I am also super duper uber excited about Sims 4 (Create-a-Sim Video) the new Create-a-Sim looks amazing I want it! Unfortunately I don't even have enough money for Sims 3 so I shall have to merely look at the video covetously. I am a super Sims fangirl, I love it. Mostly because I feel a little like god ruling the lives of these tiny simulated people. I love building their houses, I love designing them and figuring out their life story, it's a truly amazing game and I can't wait to see where they go with it.
In regards to games, not that you guys care, I adore the Fables games, my favourite is Fable 2 which is also the first one that I played, I loved playing Fable 1 and then trying to figure out where the places were on Fable 2. Final Fantasy's amaze me, the animation on them is just brilliant, I've got XIII-2 where you can change the path that history takes, which I very much enjoy. Also recently I've started playing a game called Bayonetta which was designed by men, I don't even need to look at the names I know it was made by men because of the amount of crotch-shotty fanservice, apart from that it's quite good and now there's an anime which I shall have to watch because well I'm interested in the storyline and I want to see who's right out of me and Pillow, because I ship her with this dude who runs The Gates to Hell while she ships her with this dude she calls Cheshire.

So yeah I'm feeling successful and just thought I'd share that.

Currently Listening To: The Offspring- Self Esteem
Current .gif feeling: