Sunday, September 17, 2017

I was feeling happy but now I'm not

Well my birthday has been and gone, for basically the past month my sisters foster son has been staying with us while he tries to sort out his housing and uni stuff, which has been... an experience, I'd forgotten how much I didn't like staying with boys until.
B-Dizzle has been in Italy for the last two weeks for a conference and from her pictures she's been having a blast, while Pillow has been house-sitting for her brother for about the same amount of time. Usually it would just be me and the kitteh and I would listen to my music loud and clean unfortunately it wasn't and so I couldn't. 
I've felt an urge to write for the past little while and haven't really been able to channel it properly. I've enrolled in an Interior Design course for next year, don't know how I really feel about it, bit excited, bit scared but we'll see, hopefully it goes well. 
We have a house inspection coming up so that's a bit of cleaning to do and some weeding but we should be alright; the kitteh has had a stiff walk recently, she had to go see the vet not long ago.
I've been reading Harry Potter fanfiction, also I think I have a problem with regards to chocolate fish, but they're just so tasty I can't help myself.
I shudder to think what our power bill is going to look like this month, last month it had gone up $100 with our visitor, it's going to be interesting to say the least.
My birthday was good, the girls and I painted our nails and ate incredible amounts of junk food and turned our lounge into a blanket fort which was awesome. The kitteh tried to get in on it and eat some of the cheezels but we managed to stop her. The next night we saw some friends, including Only Male, went out for dinner had my traditional birthday Guiness, got presents, came home played Cards Against Humanity and drank some more. All in all a good time was had by all.
My medical certificate expires soon so I need to get that refilled out, need to see my Counselor; I've missed quite a bit of time from the library so I need to get back into gear with that, I need to book my Christmas bus back home while it's not as expensive.
Oh! I've started some of my Christmas shopping, hopefully this will mean that I have more money by the time December comes around, fingers crossed.
I played some Sims recently building houses and decorating them, I tried building a Victorian style house, which I found interesting because usually no matter the exterior I go rather modern internally which means a large kitchen as the central social space, however for this house my kitchen was rather small and to the back while the dining room and drawing room/ parlour was the major space for socialising, it meant that I spent ages looking for tea-sets though which was both interesting and irritating as they're quite hard to find, and then I wanted a cake-stand with cake which seems to be impossible and irked me, but it's done now, I mean I still have some decorating to do with the rest of the house but the drawing room is finished, so yay!
Oh! And I finally saw Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! And I'm not a Freaking NIFFLER!
And I think that's about me for now.

Currently Listening To: Selena Gomez- Bad Liar
Current .gif feeling: 

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Curse You Emotional Investment!

So I'm reading Batman/ Young Justice fanfiction again. Oh man, I admit I have a problem. 
I'm enrolling in an Interior Design course through UCOL next year. I'm also addicted to the Hamilton Soundtrack.
Armageddon Auckland is packed with all the people and I need it. The Wellington one was great and Wonder Woman was amazeballs.
This winters been freaking cold. Pillow got me into this game called Creativerse which is a sandbox computer game, I've been enjoying it, it's been a good break from Skyrim for me lol.

There's so much else, I've been watching Yuri on Ice, I read the latest Nalini Singh book, we cleaned out our fridge, oh! I discovered the most awesome thing ever oats in a cup that you just add hot water to, they are awesome.
My birthday is next month and we're planning to pretend to be fourteen year old girls, and eat lots of junk food, I'm looking forward to it. I want to buy a new dress for it.
Our old flatmate Only Male now has a partner, and we met him, he's nice. We were social and went to their house-warming there were a ton of other people there so social-ness happened.
Teh Kitteh has recently discovered a liking for the pet safe milk that we have started buying her, she's so cute when she gets her 'I only want the cat milk' face on.
And I can't really think of anything else.

Currently Listening To: Christopher Jackson- One Last Time
Current .gif feeling: 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Damn Right You Should Be Scared Of Me

I've finally stopped reading Batman fanfiction!! 

I've moved on to Naruto fanfiction. I really can't say if that's any better but it's a change so that should count. Though I will admit that a lot of it is just rereading many fanfictions that I've read before but that's part of what I enjoy; rediscovering ideas that I can fiddle around with in my head.
I've been looking at free online courses, I'm thinking of enrolling in a short one to see how I do then expanding from there, I've also been looking at taking a course in Interior Design, mostly because of my Sims but also because it seems interesting and it's not writing so maybe I won't feel as stressed and like a failure if I don't do well in it, and wow now that I see that written down I realise that I never even consciously acknowledged that was an underlying factor in my stress, huh you learn something new about yourself everyday.
I hunted for a shoe rack for my Sims for like a week, I didn't even really need it for what I thought of since I'd already finished decorating that room and if I changed it it'd irk me because of how much effort I put in. I ended up downloading more plants instead. I have a problem. Like a serious one. 
I've been sleeping better recently, who knows how long it'll last but I'm enjoying it while it does. 
My flatmates and I are getting ready for Armageddon again this year, we'll maybe be bringing my sister and my pseudo-nephew this year, also Wonder Woman comes out at the same time and I'm super hyped for it, like such excite! By Batman that is some terrible grammar.
I've looked at three different schools which I can do an interior design through, two are online and one has the course here at UCOL, the UCOL one is the most expensive, I don't know how to compare  the three though, except the online two are cheaper and the cheapest I think is just a short term module rather than a full course but I don't know, event that's a lot of money and I just don't have it, and I don't know how I feel about applying for more from the Government because what if it doesn't work out aren't I just building up debt and wasting peoples time? I don't know, but that's why I see a counselor, I'll talk about this with them and maybe work something out.
Winters coming and it's supposed to rain here some time this week, apparently there's a big cyclone somewhere in the Pacific (I really don't pay that much attention, I know I should but I just can't) I wonder if it'll hit us and if it does whether it'll be like the one early last month, there was a ton of flooding which we ended up driving through on our Roadtrip.
I think that's me for today

Currently Listening To: Halsey- Coming Down
Current .gif feeling: 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

I'm hip to your ways daddio

So recently instead of fanfiction I've been reading comics, I found this great website that has completed copies of comics from like the 1930s, which is awesome. I've been reading Cassandra Cains run as Batgirl and the original Young Justice comics as well as Gotham Academy. There are also various others including the Lara Croft comic. 
What else? I went and brought new arctic sheets yesterday they're purple and they were only $30 so yay!
Thinking about the Batman fanfiction that's been percolating in my head I've realised it's a combination of pre- and new-52, but only certain parts, I'm not the biggest fan of New-52 I feel like they really cut out a whole lot of character development and history, especially with Tim, I mean in the pre-52 universe he was a detective first and foremost he worked damn hard to make up for the fact that he wasn't naturally inclined towards athleticism, and then they were like Olympic medal gymnast who jumped in without planning to find out who Batman was- No, Tim Drake is a meticulous planner, he's a workaholic who has back up plans to the back up plans of his back up plans, he takes Bat-paranoia to the next level, I mean really.
I made a chocolate self-saucing pudding a few days ago, it was delicious. Pillow went away for a few days but she's back today so that's nice. I need to buy a new nail buffer. Teh Kitteh has been lazing in the sun a lot and chasing off other cats as is her way, we're getting new neighbors and Pillow and I have been a little worried about how that's going to go for us, because our kitteh isn't the most friendly but she likes to be able to wander around what she thinks is hers and the front lawn of our neighbors house counts to her, our first neighbor never seemed to mind she'd shoo her if she went somewhere she wasn't supposed to but she wasn't violent, and she was an elderly lady so we didn't have to worry about any excitable little kids chasing her, we have no idea what the new neighbors are like, they haven't moved in yet and it's all a bit... nervous/ nerve-wracking(?). 
Heh another cat came by and teh Kitteh got her growl on, it really shouldn't amuse me as much as it does but eh I can't help it, I'm easily amused.

Currently Listening To: Cher- Just Like Jesse James
Current .gif feeling: 

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

A Most Peculiar Mademoiselle

I miss writing. I miss my stories, being able to open one up and just keep going or to open an empty document and start. This computer doesn't have the right document software. *Sigh*
I'm still reading Batman fanfiction, and mentally writing it.
Easter was good, I ate many chocolate. I watched the new Beauty and the Beast movie and really liked it, the soundtrack is awesome, I also rewatched Robin Hood: Men In Tights, which continues to amuse me. 
I start mentally writing things when I'm trying to sleep and yet now when I have an open window in front of me to write on ... nada. My mind is a blank space empty of words. Son of a monkeys brothers goat skin.
Right so last time I talked about my Batman AU idea, mostly focussing on Bart, the idea itself, however, is a massive BatFamily centric universe where people are happy, the idea started with one fanfiction I read where the Robin in the first season of Young Justice is Tim(1), then I read another one where it was Nightwing who founded the Teen Titans (in the cartoon) instead of Dick Grayson as Robin, and the Titans didn't know he had been Robin(2). There were others where Batman had taken in each of the BatKids earlier, one of the best (3) inspired me, and using my mind as a blender along with ideas from tons of other fanfiction. All of those ideas created the freaking epic BatFamily universe which seems to get bigger in my head every time I read a comic or fanfiction or even look at pictures, none of it is written down anywhere though because I can never seem to figure out how to begin.
The basic idea is that all five of the BatKids were found or adopted within a very short time of each other, Dick Grayson was Robin, but he grew up to become Nightwing and formed the Teen Titans; Cassandra Cain trains with Barbara Gordon (Batgirl) and after the Joker happens and Babs loses her legs Cass takes over as Batgirl; Jason Todd was the second Robin who left to become Red Hood and work in the Outlaws with Arsenal (who is a clone of the original Roy Harper) and StarFire; Tim Drake is the third Robin and he's the Robin that forms Young Justice alongside Impulse, Superboy, Artemis, Miss Martian and Aqualad; Damian Wayne is still in training and doesn't yet have a name. When Young Justice is formed no-one knows that there's been more than one Robin, the Teen Titans are an unaffiliated group formed by young heroes, the Outlaws tend toward more covert heroics, and the Bats all tend to be secretive so none of their teammates really have any idea about them. 
All of that is just a basic outline of the whole thing which sits in my head getting bigger constantly and that I'm probably never going to post even if I eventually write it out. Some of my fanfictions are like that, really I only write them for myself just because that was what I wanted to read but I'm way too invested in it to actually put it out there. It's still strange to me how invested you can get in soemthing that wasn't even originally your brain child.
Well that's me for now.

Currently Listening To: Ed Sheeran- Galway Girl
Current .gif feeling: 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

All the Chocolate Is Mine Om nom nom

Happy Good Friday!
The Roadtrip was awesome, we went to Hobbiton and drank at the Green Dragon. We saw lots of different family members and brought new books and honey scented things. Also we got rained on, a lot. Still it was a great trip and the playlist worked appropriately.
B-Dizzle made Pillow and I an egg hunt to celebrate Easter and now we've gotten paranoid about whether we've found them all or not, mostly because we keep finding more. Last night it was poring down with rain and we both went outside in our pajamas to find eggs so yeah we're not the best adults.
I've still been playing Skyrim I've got 3 of the add ons now Dawnguard, Dragonborn and Hearthstone; also I now have Witcher 3 and Dragon Age: Inquisition for reasons... good reasons. I haven't started playing them yet but the time will come. 
I've also learnt that apparently one of my nieces would have a promising future as a con artist or extortionist, not really something you want to learn about your 9 year old niece but hey.
I'm back on Batman fanfiction but I was reading Young Justice fanfiction and now I want to write an alternate universe fanfiction where before coming back in time Bart Allen was rescued from the Reach by Tim Drake who subsequently gave him into the care of his younger brother before dying, and so Bart was raised by Damian, from between the ages of 3 and 9 when Damian was killed and Bart recaptured, Bart (being a genius, Bat-raised, Speedster) had already been planning a Time Machine and escaped alongside Neutron; the two then build the Time Machine and Bart travels back in time only something goes wrong and it takes him back too far and he ends up at Wayne Manor before Tim(a part of the alternate universe idea) ever helped form Young Justice, anyway cue Bart freaking out while conveniently surrounded by Bats who quickly realise that Barts Time Travelling is in no way just a vacation and end up getting a few pertinent details out of him before he clams up, the most important of these being that Damian is basically his Dad (which is a bit weird as Damian himself is only 9 at the time) after having all this proved and the Flash being brought in, everyone discusses what to do with Bart, Barry suggests the Garricks and Alfred eventually wrangled everyone into a agreeing that it'd probably smart to let the traumatised still grieving kid stay somewhere he feels safe which basically means with the Waynes. Thus Bart ends up helping Tim rescue Connor from Cadmus labs and form Young Justice and have lots of adventures eventually saving the world from the Reach. Everything is out of order and messy and Out of Character and people are happy.
Why can't characters just be happy? Is it too much to ask?

Currently Listening To: Against the Current- Chasing Ghosts
Current .gif feeling: 

Friday, March 10, 2017

Any Female Dwarfs Say Now We Only Have A Limited Number Of Cells, There's No Need To Make Things Awkward

Well it's March, what have I been up to? 
I started reading this one really good, really long fanfiction, I read the latest Nalini Singh books, which were freaking glorious, I worship her ability to create worlds. What else? I watched Moana and Dr. Strange. Pillow and B-Dizzle and I have been planning our road trip where we're going, what music we need, who we're going to visit and so on. 
It's been strangely hot here recently damn summer heat we managed to avoid it for a long while but now it's back. I miss being able to write my stories and develop my Opus, I lie in my bed some nights and all I can think of is different world building facts that I can't record in the appropriate place which throws me off so I can't get my thoughts to sit properly so I can write them out, which is irksome. I've been trying once more to become more comfortable with driving, I don't know I think I'm getting better and then I freak out, I need to get better though and practice makes perfect as they say. 
I brought Skyrim and have been playing that, I have a bad habit of taking everything I find though but that's how I am in most games so there's not much I can do to change it I'm an acquisitive person by nature I like finding things. Pillow and I have also been playing Diablo 3 which is fun I admittedly have a bad habit of cackling evilly as I kill my enemies but it's just too glorious for me not to.
We have new neighbours and by Batman are they LOUD sweet merciful Shire sometimes I just want to muzzle them all, and I am not alone in that, Pillow and B-Dizzle have also expressed a desire to impose quiet on them, *sigh* children why you so loud?
For Valentines day Pillow B-Dizzle and I exchanged chocolates and flowers just like good Waifus, admittedly platonic polygamous Waifus but still it was something nice that made us all feel appreciated and shows that there are people who care about us and isn't that what Valentines day should be? Pillow and I also went into town and brought games and nail polish I got three two of which are only shades off of each other but that slight difference is important
I really like the Moana soundtrack, a lot of people don't like the movie but I did, I mean there isn't an epic character shift like Frozen but I personally think it's still a freaking brilliant movie even if only for the soundtrack and the Grandma.
My aunty passed away last week, I don't really know how I'm dealing with it, I don't think I am, I don't deal well with grief so I tend to ignore it until it blindsides me, and yes I get that's not healthy but I don't know how to ... not. So yes it's abstractly sad but as long as I don't really think about it I don't get all the feelings, mostly I worry about my Mum because it was her older sister who passed and I worry about how she's coping but my sister and her family are currently living with Mum so even that's more and abstract worry that's constantly in my face, this of course doesn't change the fact that it's one of those things that leaves me staring at my ceiling when I try to sleep if I'm not drop dead tired, but hey who needs a healthy sleep pattern anyway huh? Certainly not me.
I'm excited about our roadtrip even though I haven't been doing to well with the soundtrack or the saving parts. I'm not a consistently reliable person I have accepted this fact and am learning to work around it, it just takes a bit of time.

Currently Listening To: Against the Current- Running With The Wild Things
Current .gif feeling:

Monday, January 2, 2017

The New Year

So it's a new year. I didn't do NaNo this year, as might have been obvious by the lack of November posts. I read a ton of Final Fantasy fanfiction and I discovered this great website for reading comics online here
Christmas was nice, I went back to my home town, saw all of my family, ate a lot of good food, got some nice presents and people liked my presents for them so yay! New years was pretty quiet played my new Injustice game with Pillow... she won... a lot. But it was loads of fun. We also fulled a colander up with candy it was thus named the Mystical Candy Bowl.  Hawke's Bay was very hot but since coming back it's been pretty cool and raining. It's been quite a rainy New Year.
I've been rewatching Digimon Frontier, seeing if I could make it past the episodes I always tended to get stuck on good news is I have, huzzah! 
Previously B-Dizzle last year had brought a swan plant, it's spawned a lot of butterflies since then which has been nice. 
Hopefully this year will be a good one, I'm hoping to do things this year I don't exactly know what things but things. My flatmates and I are supposed to go to Hobbiton this year so that's something to look forward to.

Currently Listening To: Digimon Frontier Opening
Current .gif feeling: