Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bah Hah Hah...hehe mebbe

It is Sunday. The day of rest. Sleeping and chillaxing.
I almost booked a bus ticket home but I don't know if the cheaper one actually runs to where I want to go or not, it's really irksome. I hate travelling on the more expensive one because there's all these stops, there's so many people and I always get car sick (bus sick?) but the day I can go home is in the middle of the week so I don't know if my sisters partner would be able to come get me if I book a cheaper ticket to the closest city to our town. Darn it life is hard, and now I'm stressing about it when I should just stop thinking about it.
I re-watched episodes six and one of No Game, No Life, and the first episode of Tokyo Esp. I don't really know why I just really wanted to. I also came up with a realisation while I was watching Tokyo Esp, I remembered what happens in the show because the first episode is set right around the last two so it's sort of like starting with an end statement to highlight something. I got to thinking about the fact that the Government in the show created this law that ended up imprisoning a whole ton of Espers as a reaction to terrorist actions by a group of Espers. Doing this basically means that most Espers who would have helped them have been imprisoned and disillusioned against normal people. Also when the terrorists launch an attack there are few-to-no Espers able or willing to stop them. It got me thinking that this is something that happens in real life; say you have a group of some thirty people and nine of them do something bad generally people blame all of them. I'm just like don't blame the many for the actions of a few, blame those who are responsible not everyone else. It's not fair.
I haven't written anything yet, I don't know if I will today, I'm tired and today is supposed to be the day of relaxation but we'll see.

Currently Listening To: Demi Lovato- Confident
Current .gif feeling

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