Friday, November 20, 2015

It's been 10 days

So I was bad. I was really tired and I missed out on the last ten days. I haven't written in that time either. A couple days ago I went to WINZ, while earlier in the week I did a little Christmas shopping which I'm going to continue doing until it's all done, I also wrote out a list of what to get everyone. I've been reading Harry Potter fanfic, and watching Durarara a lot recently. Today I did my dishes and my washing, yesterday I had the worst most terrible headache ever, B-Dizzle and I are going to make buns today so that's a Yay. I also recently went through a phase where I responded to everything with Bah hah hah, it was weird.

So as I mentioned earlier I've been reading Harry Potter fanfic, I think I want to write more of my fanfic but I don't know just yet. The ones I spent a good several days stuck on were ones where James and Lily come back from the grave and let me tell you I have got some freaking bones to pick! For one Albus Frickidy-fracking Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the Chief Mugwump of the ICW so a politician/ ambassador, and the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot a judge for the Wizarding court/ chairman of their political thingy, whatever no where in there does he have the right to decide custody over a child, no where in there is it up to him to decide whether a kids parents can live with said kid, I mean for the love of Gotham, these are the people who died for their son and suddenly Dumbledores allowed to tell them whats best for him? Or even better Molly Weasley is believed to have more right to mother him and parent him deciding what information he is and isn't allowed to know than his own parents? By the power of Batman I am irked, IRKED I say, I mean yes they came back from the dead but the person who should be allowed to decide what happens to Harry should be the person they entrusted with his care, Sirius should be the one to decide what Harry hears and how he's parented not them, I always get so annoyed. The fifth book is where I blatantly stopped reading, number one because of Umbridge, no teacher should feel perfectly safe and comfortable torturing students children whose care she has been trusted with in an environment that is meant to be safe, number two the end of it I will speak no further, number three Harry watched a fellow student, one he had played against and cooperated with one with whom he had an amicable and friendly relationship die and everyone decided that it would be a great time to ignore him in his borderline abusive household without talking to him about what he might be feeling like say survivors guilt? Real freaking smart idea and then they're all like why are you so angry your acting childish, he's stilling coping with watching a fellow student whom he was friendly with DIE and the man who killed his parents come back to life I'm sorry that his feelings are inconvenient to you. Number four Molly and Sirius argument about how much Harry should know, I don't care how much she supposedly cared for Harry it was not her place to decide and then to say Sirius only saw Harry as James? That was a low blow especially when staying in his house, the place where he was abused and that he swore never to return to. Essentially I hated the fifth book and only ever read the sixth and seventh in Characters Read the Books fanfic because I wouldn't have been able to make it through without trying to kill something without having the characters butt in.
For my fanfic I'm thinking about Selene (Luna's mum who's name hadn't been released when I started) Lucius and Dumbledore plotting, the fact that Walburga didn't die until Harry was five but I've already past that and now I want to use her death for something, there's also the Basilisk to deal with and Luna's grandparents. Oh well I'll get there.

Currently Listening to: Florence and the Machine- The Queen of Peace
Current .gif feeling

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