Sunday, November 22, 2015

The 23nd Of the month

I'm supposed to write things out in an ordered manner but my mind doesn't work like that. 
I'm stalled in my chapter it's set in the time when Hermione meets the boys but my mind keeps focussing on the death of Selene Lovegood and the various plots of Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy and the Death of Walburga Black which canonically happened when Harry was five but which I'm making happen when he's six/seven early in 1998, I'm also a little stuck on Sirius and Marlene McKinnon and the idea that they dated pretty seriously during their last few years of Hogwarts and the early years of the war before the entire McKinnon family was killed, I've been thinking that they'd be killed soon after Lily finds out that she's pregnant and for a while Sirius can't cope properly and stays with the Potters, he goes to Lily's birthing classes with her when James can't and he's the one who buys the strange foods that she craves and discusses baby names (trying to slip Elvendork in there and talking both Potters out of naming the baby after friends who've died {if you did that Prongs the kid would have so many names it's not funny, he jokes despite the horrible truth of it, so many of their friends are dead now}), the Potters are the ones who help him grieve Marley and then Regulus, when he finds out that his Slytherin brother (who he hasn't properly spoken to since he left home at sixteen, even years later he wonders whether if he'd tried harder to convince him Reggie would have come too) has died trying to escape his fate as a Death Eater. It's Harry's birth and being named godfather that allows Sirius to properly begin to move on with his life which makes it all the sadder when you realise that no-one was there to help him grieve the Potters properly.
All of these things are busy dancing around in my head ideas snow-balling or fading and that's just for this fanfic. I started thinking about my Opus and now I'm wondering if I should write about Melchiors descent into Necromancy and beyond as a catalogue of his change trying to get people to sympathise/empathise not realising who he is and them BAM the realisation that one of the main characters they've been rooting for is in fact the depraved lunatic whose death they've been longing for, it'd be a good twist but I'm not sure how I'd do it. I think it'd be a good way to show that even in fiction there isn't always a clean tidy solution and ending for everyone, not every bad guy starts out that way and some times the best intentions lead to the worst sort of corruption and that sometimes there is no redemption especially when they're so far gone that even at the end they don't see that they've done anything wrong, how do you rehabilitate someone who is sure their right? I've been wondering if I should kill off one of the focal characters but I'm so attached to them I don't want to, I can't be the Lord Farquad writer whose like "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." I don't want the ones I like to die! I barely want the ones I don't like to die why do you think my main evil character is a Necromancer? Most of his army are just reanimated dead people sometimes even reanimated people who fought against him, which let me tell you can lead to some heart-wrenching moments especially since even when they're put down again he can just reanimate them, though most of them are just the soul-less bodies powered by his magic others he put actual effort into and they're back completely, except with little to no control over themselves, they are merely receptacles of his power bound to do his bidding.
Right, I haven't been good with the updating of the blog but I will! For now I shall go forth and write, getting it on here was a good way to sort it a bit in my head, good blog, helpful blog.

Currently Listening To: The Corrs- So Young
Current .gif feeling

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