Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Double Digits Today

So today is the tenth day of November. I rewatched several episodes of One Piece, I want to say I did it to help me with my writing but that would be a lie. I just really wanted to watch the episodes where the Straw Hats reunite after two years. Reunion and revelation fics are some of my favourites.
Working on the One Piece fic, also thinking on ways too develop the characters of my opus. I need to remember to treat every character as an individual person no matter how insignificant their part may be initially. Just because I don't think I'm going to use them much at the beginning doesn't mean I won't need to bring them back in occasionally. I also need to copy all of my writing onto my hard drive so I have back ups. Nothing sucks more than spending ages working on something only for it to get wiped.
Today was also quite warm, and over cast. I've read the two last chapters of Detective Conan and I'm working up the nerve to read the latest Ubel Blatt, it's just so difficult because you want him to dominate and kick ass but he's so not used to his teeny little fairy body.

Currently Listening To: Hozier- Work Song
Current .gif feeling

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