Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Progress Minimal

Right, so today I went to counselling, talked about a lot of stuff ended up on the topic of my family as I generally do. Haven't really written anything as I'm dead tired and will soon be heading to bed. It's freezing cold today so I'll be happy if the Kitteh decides to join me in my slumber. Also pain...
I've been reading more KHR fanfics trying to get in the right mind frame to work on things when I wake up. I dried my dishes but didn't do my washing, which is unfortunate since I really want a warm/hot shower and my long pjs which are in my laundry hamper. 
Well I can't really think of anything else to say as I am mentally wiped. Later.

Currently Listening To: One Republic- If that's what you wanted
Current .gif feeling

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