Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Middle of the Second Week

Well today I worked on my Bleach fic, I've decided to write the random adventures of Urahara, Yoruichi, Tessai, Ichigo and the Visored up to canon so currently the first four are heading to America, Urahara to study Science, Yoruichi and Tessai for the vacation and Ichigo because well he basically just goes where Urahara goes, at this point I'm pretty sure neither of them know how to correctly function without the other which is going to make canon so much fun. Kisukes had all of his Shinigami life and a strong portion of his human life to get used to Ichigo helping him with experiments and dealing with people for him, suddenly a lot of his actions in canon can be looked at in a completely different way. At this point I'm pretty sure that by the time canon comes around the only people he'll actually be able to interact with without making some sort of faux pas and having Ichigo fix it will be those who he went into exile with and canon-Ichigo since he's still Ichigo.
It's going to be fun to go through that. In the meantime I still have to fold my washing and I have dishes to do now, yay. 
I slept a lot today and now I'm uber-boiling some eggs to mash onto toast for my dinner/breakfast. It was raining today so I got to enjoy yet another part of the season of Spring where it can't make up it's mind what season to be so it throws both at you. Luckily I didn't have to be anywhere.

Currently Listening To: Broods- LAF
Current .gif feeling

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