Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day the Fifth

Yuuuurgh, I am sick. It Sucks, I slept a lot today in the hopes I'd feel better... I didn't. My throats all sore so I took some throaties now I'm om nomming on my leftover pizza while people shoot off fireworks. Today is Pillows annual date with V so we're trying not to disturb her, our Kitteh wants to go outside but she isn't allowed due to the danger of fireworks.
Also the fireworks sound like cannons going off.
I hurt still. Writing isn't coming, it's all working out in my head but I'm not in the right place to translate in onto paper. I'm still cold and also shaky, and my head hurts.
Damn it.

Currently Listening To: Lady Antebellum- Downtown
Current .gif feeling

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