Friday, November 6, 2015

Numero Seis

I had the shittiest sleep ever because of this frickity frackin headache. In the good news column I finally did my washing and I also washed my dishes, huzzah. But back to this freaking headache, it sits in the right of my head causing a lingering sense of pain and discomfort, getting to sleep is next to impossible, sleep itself is uncomfortable and then there's the constantly waking up, my eyes are all heavy and I feel like shit. Also I took my last panadol but when it stops working I'm screwed. 
I watched all of No Game, No Life in one go and didn't realise, I just got so into it that I didn't notice how many episodes I'd watched then I scrolled down to load the next one and there wasn't one. Sadness.
The anime itself was really good, I can't think of ways to phrase it. I laughed a lot.
Well there's a Ryohei in my KHR fic now and the closest I've ever gotten to an action scene. So you know pride. Also my time line is a bit skewed, so lets say, Tsuna starts using ATs (6), T meets Shouichi, Hibari buys ATs (Hibari age 8), T befriends Kyoko and Hana (7), Yamamoto Shizuka sees Tsuna, buys Yamamoto Takeshi ATs dies, T Y and H meet at Shouichis, T saves Ryohei and Kyoko (8). But in the fic it's not quite so linear. It causes a few brain problems thinking it out. Mental gymnastics and mathematics.

So all in all today was productive. Also my sister might be coming to visit me. It'd be the first time any of my family has visited since we moved. So excitement.

Currently Listening To: Chainsmokers Remix- Goodness Gracious
Current .gif feeling

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