Saturday, November 7, 2015

It's Saturday, I thought it was Friday.

Right so I've written some more of the One Piece fic, Luffy and his Papa and the ASL trio reunite *Squeee* I've also put more into the Bleach fic, trying to catch up to canon while also writing out the hundred years in between the exile and canon. 
There's excitement for the new Alice: Through the Looking Glass movie that's coming out next year, it looks so good! I'm so excited.
I texted my Mum today, she seems to be doing well.
Had garlic bread and Rocky Road chocolate for dinner. So healthy. I also brought a lot of gum to chew on while I write, there's so many flavours.
Today I was in the mood to read One Piece fanfic while I work, also I really wanted to reread some of my JD Robb books. I love ASL on the Moby Dick fanfics, especially when they're younger, it's so cute, the Whitebeard pirates having no idea what to do with them.
I was very confused today, I knew the date but I didn't know the date and it left me feeling a bit off kilter. In the good news column I had a shower and I finally feel better after sleeping all the way through instead of getting woken up every few hours.
It's B-Dizzles birthday tomorrow, so there's excitement.
People are still shooting off fireworks. Which is disconcerting especially since last night our neighbours were being idiots and trying to burn down our house, well not really but that's what it felt like when they shot their fireworks so they skidded across our driveway.
That's me for today I think.

Currently Listening To: Nightcore- Viva la Vida
Current .gif feeling:

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