Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Frankenfurters are they a place or a type of sausage? These are important life questions.

I like pie. Mm pie. Today was s very big day. Huge. 
I went to the Doctor, got blood taken, got a prescription of vitamin D supplements, dropped my medical certificate at Work and Income, by the time I got back home I was exhausted.
What else have I been up to? Hm, I'm still reading the Big Ideas in Brief, I'm up to Reincarnation in the Religion section. Sometimes I have to take breaks because it hurts my brain.
I've been reading Nightwing comics, Red Hood and the Outlaws comics, Deadpool comics and Nora Roberts books, along with the Diamond Brothers books that I got from the library.
I've only pined for my Sims five times this week... which considering it's Wednesday is less than it could be. I just see something or read something and I want to make it on Sims... but I can't. Which makes life very sad.
I have spoken to my mother! Finally. Go me. My sisters partner is looking for a desktop for me, so Sims are in my future, currently distant, but closer than before.
Hmm what else? I've been plotting Christmas presents, and mentally thinking of which Christmas carols I want to listen to, I have to do it with the headphones in since Pillow doesn't like Christmas songs but hey that's how I listen to Fun. and country music too so it's fine.
Impinging is an interesting word, im-ping-ing, it sounds funky. Impinge.
I've started reading the Detective Conan manga... it's strangely addicting, you start and you try to solve all the cases before him, and pick up all the clues but you always miss some. I really like the relationships that are portrayed, like theres Shinichi (the main character) and Ran who are best friends that are in love with each other, theres Ran's relationship with Conan (Shinichi as a six year old) which is kind of like an older sister figure but there are the undertones of how she sort of knows he's Shinichi but can't prove it, there's Ran's relationship with her father Kogoro and there's Conan's relationship with him which involves a lot of mutual looking down on, Kogoro thinks Conan's a child who needs to butt out of the investigations while Conan knows that he's the one really solving all the cases. There's also Conan(Shinichi)'s relationship with Heiji Hattori, a fellow high school detective who figured out who he was, and the relationship he has with several of his classmates along with a scientist who took the same drug he did and was shrunk too. There's also his relationship with his parents (which amuses me so much) and his relationship with his neighbour Professor Agasa the first person to know he was shrunk who upon hearing the whole story recommended that Shinichi adopt a new identity and not tell anyone in case it put them in danger. On the whole I'm really enjoying it, the only problem for me is that I'm up to volume 28 of 74, which is a lot, and I get quite annoyed that he's still stuck as a little kid. 
I talked to my counsellor and we agreed that since fanfic was a category I can totes(great english I know) write fanfic since it's what I'm comfortable with for NaNoWriMo, I have eleven days to write a 50,000 word fanfic and submit it. It's a little exciting and a little terrifying, but I do a lot of good work under pressure so once I put my mind to it I should (hopefully) be alright, my only problem is that I'm horrid at concluding stories I just kind of drag them on and on and on. Ah well nothing hurts from trying right? Right.
And yeah I think that's enough from me for today.

Currently Listening To: Taylor Swift- Holy Ground
Current .gif feeling: 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

I like the word Twizzle... Is it an actual word? What does it mean? I like the way it sounds.

Knowing myself as I do I realise that there are somethings that I should not do. Contemplating philosophical ideologies on no sleep and a can of Rockstar, is most likely one of them.
But here I sit. Having spent the entire night spam reading fanfic about Dick Grayson and contemplating the dilemma of nature vs nurture.
My problem is this, I cannot accept that certain humans are preordained at birth by 'nature' to end up a certain way, I'll use an example to illustrate this, take Tom Riddle for example, I cannot accept that if upon his discovery he were removed from the orphanage where he was obviously not cared for properly, if he were placed in a magical home and taught that while he did not have to like muggles he could just avoid them as they have as much right to exist as he does, I cannot accept that if he were cared for and shown affection dare I say even love, that he would have still turned out to be Voldemort. I believe whole-heartedly that a persons entire life shouldn't be decided upon at birth that people will look back and say "Well he was going to end up that way anyway so why should I bother?" You should always bother!
That's not to say that I don't believe a persons innate self doesn't also affect them, I know I react in different ways to my friends and I suspect ever were we born to the same people and faced with the exact same situations that we wouldn't react the same. Who you are is also an important factor and it helps to classify how you'll react to the nurture aspect. And that in a nutshell is my problem, I can't see a way to reconcile these two, aloud at least, in my head they make perfect sense but aloud? Pfft. You gotta be kidding.
I firmly believe nurture to be extremely important I believe that effort and care can make all the difference but what about the people who are given all of that and still turn out to be psychos for lack of a better word, what does that mean for my belief? I just I can't accept that there are people who are innately evil but at the same time there are those in the world who do horrible despicable things and they've had all the opportunities to be better but they chose to be that way... because of their nature? Because that's who they are as people? 
And people wonder why I'm so confused by the human race and dislike people, I mean it's just annoying they can't make up their minds. Friggin philosophy it's doing my head in. Why do I decide to think about things like this on little sleep and caffeine? Honestly, well I suppose it could count as my incontrovertible proof of my own humanity I mean I'm just as confusing as the rest of the human race. B-Dizzle and I had a discussion earlier about whether I was actually an alien but we came to the conclusion that I couldn't be because I didn't have any legit abilities like Superman, I mean if you're going to be a kind of alien why not aim for the top, right? 
Ooh I just started thinking about the whole mind/body thing and I'm stopping now because I don't need my brain to implode one philosophical question per sleep deprived rambling thank you very much!
Hmm Right I'm returning to my fanfic now. Ta ta.

Currently Listening To: Lady Antebellum- Hello World
Current .gif feeling: 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Who am I? What am I? Do I actually exist? Or am I a self-aware figment of the imagination?

I have brought a Gym Ball. It's blue and bouncy and it took a while to blow up because I don't have a hand pump or good breath control.
My Counsellor has suggested that I join NaNoWriMo, so I'm going to hopefully write a 50,000 word novel this month.
Naruto finished... NARUHINA victory! YOSH! *Ahem* sorry I was just a little excited.
I dunno what my novels gonna be like, but I'm sure I'll think of something. Have to make Mind-maps and pretty character guides.
I walked to the library by myself yesterday so that counts as progress I think. I'm now reading a book called Big Ideas in Brief which is surprisingly handy. Thus far it's helped to explain quite a few philosophical ideas I've always had a little trouble understanding.
Talked to my Dad... still haven't called my Mum... I'm getting there alright don't judge me.
My Counsellor has suggested that when I start letting my nervousness get the better of me I ask "What am I going to lose by doing this?" Which is actually quite helpful advice, and is the reason that I've signed up for NaNoWriMo.
I'm soon to be alone in my lovely little flat as Pillow needs to return home for medical reasons and B-Dizzle is going overseas in celebration of aging.
I'm going to try making chocolate ganache tonight so that's something to look forward to. Mm chocolate.

Hm should I have several main characters with an overall plot made up of several smaller plots? Or just one big story, following one major character, that's what my opus is just one big story, I'd like to try something different, I should grab my Writing flash drive and have a look through it. New characters or already established characters? This world or another? I tend to write supernatural style so should I try one without it? Hmm. Mind-map time I think!
Farewell Oh Blog. Oh Brainstorming place

Currently Listening to: Nightcore- Remember the Name
Current .gif feeling: 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Naked is Naked. Nekkid is Naked and Up to Something.

Argh! Why must everything be so difficult!? Why?
I'm suppose to walk to at least my mail box everyday. Failed

Suppose to have gone to the Doctor now that I've finally changed Medical Centres. Failed.
I was suppose to destress this year. That's definitely failed.
I'm suppose to pay Pillow back, suppose to save my money, suppose to buy all these things! Argh I hate money! It makes everything difficult.
And then there's my computer, it won't play Sims anymore, it doesn't read cds anymore, it can't be unplugged, it doesn't pick up that it has a battery, the charger cord is starting to wear, it can't handle any advanced software, any game I try and play just dies.
I meant to call my Mum on Thursday... that failed, so I said I'd call her on Saturday... Failed. I'm just terrible and keeping contact with people.
I couldn't sleep in my bed last night so I slept on the couch, to clarify there was nothing wrong with my bed I just couldn't sleep there, no particular reason, I just couldn't.
Then there's the amount of sugar I consume in a week, I bought four blocks of chocolate on Thursday. There's not even a quarter of the last block left. Not even a quarter!
I'm feeling blah lately, I dunno what's wrong. I can't write, I get bored, my computer can't handle doing anything strenuous oh Batman my computer's an elderly person.
I feel out of step with my flatmates. They both have exams and I don't so I forget that they have to study and do things. I'd feel better if I had something to do, really just something that would distract me without requiring me to leave my house and interact with people. I really don't do well when interacting with people.

Anyway enough with my complaints.

Here's what I've been up to.
I watched a new anime called Tokyo ESP it was quite good, the style was interesting and the storyline was cool. I've watched all but the latest episode of Sword Art Online 2, the fangirling, oh the fangirling.
Pillow got me started playing a new online game with her called Path of Exile which she says was designed by New Zealanders, so that's cool, that is also where the complaining about the computer comes in though. My character is a Duelist, he uses two swords (for the most part sometimes I equip him with an axe or a cleaver instead) and be slashes at stuff which helps for venting pent up aggression.
I've read fanfic.
I've slept, failed in sleeping, napped, become sleep deprived and all the joy that comes along with my ever delightful sleeping issue.
Oh that adds another thing I've failed at: Go to bed every night at 10. Failed.
Ooh when we first moved in: Walk around the block to keep healthy everyday. Failed.
Ah well.
What else, well I heard from my Dad which is what sparked my need to call me mother. 
I painted my nails, did my washing, cleaned my room.
I've eaten almost all of a packet of those toppa lasagnes, there are quite a few in there and I have single handedly demolished them.
Oh and we had Breakfast Day.

I want to set up my Quote Wall, and to paint, so that's something to think about.

Currently Listening To: Cobra Starship ft Icona Pop- Never Been In Love
Current .gif feeling: 

Friday, October 24, 2014

A small lecture on the Various Peoples of Chimera

Right so lately I've been thinking about my story a lot more and now I want to have a look, for myself basically, at the different races that inhabit Chimera.

There are first and foremost the mortals (or humans) they're the inhabitants created by the Goddess formed of Magic, Flesh and the Lady's blood. They come in many different shapes and forms, their natural abilities differing due to the ways Chimera has changed the magic in their blood. Many humans mated with the children of the Elder Gods as well so certain family lines tend toward certain gifts.
The children of the Elder Gods mostly bred with the mortals but there are also Elves who are the descendants of Air and Earth.
Then there are the Pyres, cursed descendants of Fire and Water, who cannot stand the light of the sun and die when exposed to salt water or fire.
BeastKyn are another race, vaguely related to Elves they have a very strong connection to animals and tend to be loners.

Within the mortals there are also subsets.
-There are the Nomadic Amazons, tribes of women who travel far and wide hunting and fighting, they believe men to be unnecessary and so only ever interact with them for the purpose of breeding. If they bear sons they will nurse them until fice then return them either to their fathers or to other Amazon sons to be raised, many times the son of an Amazon will be used to father another Amazon in the hopes of maintaining strong bloodlines and returning strength to the tribe. Amazons don't put a lot of thought into healing or care they are a very war focussed people who believe if a warrior is struck down in battle and they don't heal then it's their time. They're quite hardy and brash people. Different tribes have different strengths and often they'll make an alliance sharing the names of sons for the purpose of integrating different skills into the tribes bloodlines.
- There are the Guardians, who devote themselves to the Lady and are often changed due to this connection, among these are the Moon Priestess' who guard the Oracle, a special Guardian granted to ability to see certain future paths and share prophecies. The Guardian Lines often take in orphans the power they wield is passed down families and they often guard cracks in the World Lines which is the reason for their names.
- There are the Desert Dwellers, who live in tents and migrate from one oasis to another throughout the year, they are a peaceful people who are renowned for their ability to tame animals and to find water, many of them are the descendants of mortal/ Fire and Water children pairings and as such have uncanny skill in finding water and surviving the harsh environment of the desert. The Desert Dwellers tend to travel in family groups when they meet up with other family groups alliances and marriages are arranged. Certain families have closer ties to certain parts of the Desert and are thus the aristocracy of those areas.

Right I'll get into the rest at a later date. Too Lazy.

Currently Listening to: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis- Jimmy Iovine
Current .gif feeling: 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Write, writing, written.

Alright, me, what am I doing? I'm writing. writing. Yep. Words. Combinations of different letters forming a comprehendible language. A form of communication. Feel my writing!

I've been thinking, lately. 

We had a flat inspection today, and so I had to embrace my ability to leave the house... I survived. Had french toast with bacon and grilled banana as my reward. It still discomforts me though. But it was better than being here when there were people I don't know, heck I have difficulty being here when there are people I do know. However, that's something my counsellor and I've talked about and I just have to keep remembering that I can remove myself from the situation, that is within my power and I'm not being rude, I just get a little overwhelmed.
So removal of self. Sweet.

I really need to get my glasses checked out, damn it.

Still strangely addicted to Bejeweled on Facebook.

I just feel all out of sorts, I dunno. I've been talking with my flatmates and I'm going to try to set up a proof-reading thingy so people can email me essays and assignments and I'll proof-read them for a small fee, it fixes two of my problems, doing something so I don't get bored (I constantly am, so bored) and earning money through work that'll demonstrate to the Government that I'm not sitting on my ass doing nothing.

Oh gah! I still have to talk to a Dr and change my medical center. I feel really bad, because my flatmates are busy with assignments and here I sit doing nothing as per usual. Geez.

Right enough complaining.

Currently Listening To: Ed Sheeran- Thinking out Loud
Current .gif feeling: 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

♫ Doofenschmirtz Evil Incorporated ♫

I've been spending a lot of time thinking about my story, my opus. I've basically been mentally writing it since I was nine, I didn't actually start with the characters I have now it actually started as the story about the parents of my current characters, over time it's matured and evolved into the story that now dances through my head at all hours. When I first imagined it, in the first form of what it would become, I had been reading a lot of sappy stories and as teenage girls are prone to I focussed on the romance I wanted to be in it, all the things I wrote out revolved around this romance, however, I think even then my subconscious knew what it was about because in the middle of these horrid sappy moments I would have my character exchanging snark and witticisms with her brother. In it's current form she's not with the character I initially imagined her with but rather with one who I feel better about, it's not a Romeo and Juliet-esq tragic love story, it's two people who have grown up who have experienced the worst the world has to throw at them and somehow still manage to go forward, they don't need each other to exist but they make each other happy, and even if they didn't have to relationship they do they'd still be friends, still be family; their's is a relationship that built slowly it's based on trust and on a strong sense of family, and most importantly it's not the focus of the story, it's something that happens in the background, the story doesn't revolve around it. You could remove all elements of romance and the story itself would still go on. Which I feel is proof of how far I've come as a writer.
The focus of the story is the lives of my two main characters. There's cliches and tropes but I can't imagine it any other way. I know people probably get bored of the books that focus on those special characters who are unique, they want to read about everyday people, well sorry but this is Fantasy genre and it's a story about a Prince and Princess, so ngeh!
Heh, anyway the story follows Cat and Ty. The Prince and Princess of a world called Chimera (Chimera meaning 'daydream' rather than a mythical monster) They are the only children of the Queen, and her husband, the sociopolitical structure of their world is very different from our own. It has more to do with land-ties. I'll give you a little background.

It began with the Elder Gods. The first was The Lord of Time, he was followed by his siblings Magic, Earth, Water, Air and Fire. As happens in most mythologies the Gods fell in love, Earth with Air, Fire with Water, Magic knowing their difficulties and out of love of her siblings created a world where all elements were equal, this world welcomed the offspring of the Elder unions and was populated not only with their children but with souls and races created by Magic, she also created a soul for the world, and created a daughter of her own flesh and magic after seeing how her siblings loved their own offspring. As time passed the magic that bound the world together began to falter, the descendants of her daughter being the only thing keeping the world together, by that time no god could walk the worlds in their Godly form, as she was the Goddess of that world she had kept charge of the souls creating them, reincarnating them and rewarding them. Seeing what was happening and realising that her magic was required to rebind the world she incarnated herself as one of her daughters descendants, leaving her most trusted advisors with her charge. Once incarnated she vaguely remembered her Godly self and she walked the lines of the world threading her magic and rebinding the world, accompanying her were a Clan of Warriors, the peoples of her world were extremely sensitive the magics of the world and so had felt it beginning to falter and die, when they realised that the girl was rejuvenating and saving their world and them it was decided that she and all her descendants would be rewarded so that they could keep the world together and strong, it was believed that being viewed in this way would solidify the ties she had and so make it more difficult for the world to die. The girl was the first Queen, and the first of the Royal family, bound by Magical Oath and by inheritance to Chimera, she also cast her blessing (as the Goddess) on the Warrior Clan that had protected her, so that there would be enough of her magic dwelling on the world. Every few generations the Goddess would once more incarnated herself as one of her own descendants strengthening the magic that dwelt in the veins of the Royal Family, over time the Royal Family became to governing body of Chimera, as the descendants of the Goddess they were highly respected and as they stood before their people in cases of danger they were highly regarded. Much of the magic that ran through the Royal Family tended to mean that the priority of the members went: Chimera, My Family, Me. It was very common for a member of the Royal family to put themselves in the way of danger to protect the people of their world, this tended to irritate the Warrior Clan who protected them as their priorities were more along the lines of: Royal Family, Chimera, My Family, Me.
Under the Royal Family there were Lords/ Ladies who had strong magic and close ties to their lands, and under them were a collection of Lesser Lords. 

Anyway, Cat and Ty are the only children of Queen Niomee of Rosae the Royal Family and her husband Christopher of the Clan Rose, the last child of the Rose Clan who had protected the Royal Family since the beginning. Queen Niomee is the elder child and daughter of the latest incarnation of the Goddess, she also had a younger brother. Queen Niomee was crowned at nineteen after her parents passed away, her brother was eighteen only a year younger than her, she married Christopher at twenty one, had her children at twenty-five and was murdered at twenty-eight. She was regarded as one of the most beloved Queens because of many of the reforms and alliances she made in her tenure.
The man who killed her was a tyrannous Necromancer who had been imprisoned by one of her great-great-great grandmothers Catri, great-granddaughter of the Goddess incarnation.

The story starts, possibly, when Cat and Ty are three. Their parents were just murdered along with the Royal Guards and they are attempting to escape the Palace. They are captured by one of Melchior's minions and are subsequently imprisoned in  Firthana, the Prison that had held Melchior, it was considered the worst Hell imaginable and Chimera had been created around it as the Goddess wanted assurances that it would be well guarded. There were creatures called Daemons which acted at Prison Guards and there were the inmates most of whom had been imprisoned by members of the Royal Family, enchantments were woven throughout so that prisoners couldn't die, however with Melchiors escape those began to slowly fade. Cat and Ty who at that time were called Ana and Teo, suffered rather horribly while in there and eventually escaped at eight. By then they had been greatly changed by what had happened to them and were near feral.

Anyway that's as much as I wanna write right now so. Ta ta.

Currently Listening To: Fall Out Boy- The Mighty Fall
Current .gif feeling:

Thursday, October 2, 2014



Well here i am writing on this again. I am terrible at remembering, I don't really have much to write about, but I shall endeavour to make this interesting.
It's been almost 2 months since I last spoke to my Mother so I messaged my sister to tell her hi since she doesn't go on Facebook and my phone currently hates me.
Emailed my Dad.
I still have to call a medical centre.
I wrote some drabbles... bad news is I wrote them for the wrong fanfic... I'm a terrible person

I MISS MY SIMS!! Epic Pouty Face. Some days all I wanna to is sit down and build a house or a family or an apartment *sniff* but I can't!! It's terrible, life is so cruel, why?! WHY?!

Melodrama aside I've recently been revisiting my childhood, watching Scooby Doo and Sonic Underground... it's been pretty legit.
I fricken love Scooby Doo and Sonic takes me back to school mornings with my Mum yelling at me to hurry up (ah good times).
I watched all of the first season of Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated in a day... what can I say there was a mystery that ran through the whole thing and I wanted to know what the frickedy frack was going on.
I found out.
It was Groovy.
Just saying.
Also, I was right!
About what?
You shall never know, just know I was right.

Weathers been pretty chilly here with big wind and on and off rain and wow look at me just casually chatting about the weather, it's been cold and I'm not a creature fond of any temperature extremes though cold is better than hot, because at least you can warm up when you're cold, when you're hot it takes ages to cool down.

Anyway that's about it from me, but here have a poem. It's been stuck in my head for ages:


Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
Out of the night that covers me,

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

William Ernest Henley

Currently Listening To: MKTO- Classic
Current .gif feeling: 

Monday, September 15, 2014


Hmm I'm suppose to fill this in with writing and what's what. Pillow's feeling bogged down with assignments (I freaking love the word bogged) and every time I try to write I look at the blank page and either my pen or the cursor and my mind just goes blank, empty, there is nothing there. All I want to do is write my fanfic or work on my story and I can't. Away from writing utensils and such like my head is filled with the twists and turns and plot and shit and then I go to write any of it down and Bam gone. It sucks.

I went through a poem phase while in hiatus for this blog. One of my favourites is We Wear the Mask by Paul Laurence Dunbar, I also like one called Persephone Lied (here) I don't think it's actually a published poem but it's still very cool. While I was buried in the land of poetry I discovered the ship that I never realised I shipped until I found it. Brace yourselves. River Tam and Riddick. Think about it. It's brilliant. I got really into it. Also Rumbelle fics for Once Upon A Time.

What else did I do while on my Hiatus? I added an interlude to my fanfic, I started counselling, I organised book shelves, I tried to get a Job... I realised that I dislike leaving my house without either B-Dizzle or Pillow, which kinda makes the job thing a little iffy. Why can't I get one that I can do at home? 
I returned once more to my home and celebrated the turning of the year, huzzah. 
Well that's all I can think of now. So Bye.

Currently Listening to: Green Day- Holiday
Current .gif feeling: 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Phew it's been a while

Wow so it's been ages since I've posted anything here.
Hmm what's been going on with me? Well heaps. I moved, I had my birthday, I'm seeing a counsellor for my many many many issues.
I've been trying to work on my fanfic but I just seem to have hit a block for myself, I've also become strangely addicted to bejewled blitz on facebook and spend ages playing it.
My laptop has decided it hates me and now only runs when it's plugged in, there also seems to be some issues with the mouse pad or the cursor which sucks.
My Sims doesn't work on here anymore so even though I really really want to play it I can't. I need to buy a desktop but sadly am too poor. I also really need to get a job so I can stop being poor but at the same time I like my house and dislike leaving it without one of my flatmates.
I've been thinking Naruto fanfic lately, one of my favourite concepts is one in which Hinata, Naruto and Shikamaru were enrolled in ANBU as children due to their prodigious talents, they were assigned masks and were trained under Inu (Kakashi) none of them knew who the others were, at eight the Hokage assigned them a long term mission protecting Sasuke and assessing the Academy staff, curriculum and students. He also told them they had to hide who they were while trying to figure out who their teammates were, they were informed that they would most likely not be reunited again until they reached ANBU once more.
I'll write a brief history of what happened in the past. Minato was on a genin team with Hiashi and Yoshino before being taken on as Jiraiya's apprentice, when Kakashi's father died Minato took him in and Kakashi lived with him and later Kushina until Naruto was born, when Orochimaru defected Kushina and Minato also took in Anko and both Anko and Kakashi viewed the two as surrogate parents and Naruto as a younger brother. Kushina was the daughter of the second Uzukage, granddaughter of the first Uzukage and his Senju bride, grand-niece of Uzumaki Mito and Tsunade's cousin, basically the Princess of Whirlpool.
After Dan died Tsunade left Konoha but after a few years Jiraiya hunted her down and convinced her to return and see her cousin (Kushina) after a while the two admitted their feelings for the other and were unofficially married. When the Kyuubi was sealed into Naruto Kakashi and Anko tried to get custody of him but as teenages themselves they failed, Jiraiya and Tsunade also tried but the council refused on the grounds that they weren't in the village enough to care for the child. He was placed in the orphanage but Kakashi and Anko along with the Hokage kept a close eye on him and when he turned three moved him into the apartment in the same complex that Kakashi, Anko, Gai and several other jounin lived in.
Naruto has his nii-san and nee-chan wrapped firmly around his little finger and so know quite a lot about both his parents and their friends.
In the Hyuuga clan Neji is seen to be quite the prodigy by most but Hiashi notices that despite Hinata seemingly failing at the Gentle Fist techniques she learns any advanced technique she is shown is soon demonstrated by her cousin. It soon becomes apparent to both Hiashi and Hizashi that Hinata is failing on purpose and teaching her cousin.
The Nara are renowned for their genius intellect and and Shikaku quickly notices how his young son seems to be an genius even among geniuses.
In the meantime Naruto demonstrates his own intellect by successfully copying a jutsu Kakashi had used. Kakashi informs the Hokage proudly of his little brothers achievement after first panicking. His proud boasting to other ANBU assigned to watch Naruto reaches Hizashi (an ANBU guard) and Shikaku. Hizashi tells Hiashi as he knows his brother likes to know about his deceased teammates son, while Shikaku ruminates on the idea of another genius child. Realising that without a correct amount of stimulation Shikamaru's mind would begin to stagnate and he may place himself in danger Shikaku goes to the Hokage to ask about setting up some form of training/play date between the children as he knows that most genius children tend to be socially inept, Hizashi, Sandaime-sama's ANBU guard at the time, mentions Hinata's talents as well and along with Kakashi they come up with a plan to train and socialise the three children. Deciding it would be best if they're unaware of each others identities at first the children as given masks. The ANBU are quite amused by the masks and dub the three Baby ANBU, or the Junior Division.
By eight the three have been training together since they were three and are still unaware of each others actual identities, they have also been trained not only by Inu(Kakashi) but also by various other ANBU, and have taken several C-Rank missions. On one of which they were assigned to a delivery to Suna where they met and befriended the Kazekages three children who have also visited Konoha since then.
The only time any of the three remove their masks is when they are at their homes with their families.
The five years that come between the ages of eight and twelve are long and boring, each of the three perfects the 'mask' and persona they will be wearing until they are reunited and they spend their time trying to figure out which of their classmates are their friends.
Hinata's mask/ persona is very shy and often fearful of her cousin Neji, due to the difference in age between her and her sister Hanabi her mask is taken to be the truth by her sister and the true relationship between Hinata and Neji is a shock when revealed. Neji has a great deal of respect for his cousin and also views her as a precious baby sister. 
Shikamaru's mask merely requires him to exemplify the commonly remarked upon traits of his family, thus he sleeps through his classes and stares at clouds a lot. Neither of these things is hard for him and he views his time at the Academy to be a small vacation though this doesn't stop him cataloging the strengths and weaknesses of students and teachers alike and keeping one eye on Uchiha Sasuke at all times.
Naruto's mask is perhaps the most intricate as he needs to hide not only his own identity but that of his family, his residence and his knowledge of his burden, instead of trying to slip under the radar as he did in his ANBU guise he instead chooses to make himself so obvious and obnoxious that the radar ignores him. This works greatly but also means that he doesn't connect easily with anyone. Thankfully he knows that he has two best friends, his brother (Kakashi), his sisters (Anko and Shizune), his ojisan (Asuma and Gai), his Ojii-sama (Sandaime-sama), his Jiji (Jiraiya), his Baa-chan (Tsunade) and his little cousin/brother (Konohamaru).
Being as they are, exceedingly smart and well versed in the shinobi ways, all three have figured out what the most likely team they will be assigned to is; despite their best efforts they still haven't figured out who their teammates were a fact which vastly amuses the Hokage.
Shikamaru doesn't believe Hinata could be Mesu(Doe) as though she was often quiet she never hesitated to state her opinion, she was also a taijutsu genius who used many different styles blended with her water element while Hinata only uses the Academy style and the Gentle Fist which she isn't particularly adept at, Mesu was also rather confident and often spoke fondly of her family while Hinata seems shy and distant from her own. He nearly disregarded Naruto of being Hyō(Leopard) due to his nature of drawing attention the complete opposite of the way Hyō tended to do things, he knew his friend preferred to pass unnoticed. For a short while he suspected Sasuke; however, their team had been trained under Āmin(Ermine){Itachi} and had gone on several missions with him including the one he had been on while the Uchiha were massacred while they knew their Senpai was innocent of the crime they also knew that he had taken the blame for it so that he might infiltrate a secret organisation of SS-rank missing-nin; if Sasuke had been aware of that fact he wouldn't have been quite so determined to destroy his brother a fact which was completely obvious to anyone looking for it. So he once more turned his mind back to their other classmates, he knew that if she wanted to Mesu could blend with anyone and so he knew that he'd be unlikely to find her, she could be hiding as one of his civilian family classmates or as a male if she truly wished and so he focussed on finding Hyō, having crossed off Sasuke he also crossed off Chouji as he spent quite a bit of his free time in the other boys company. He analysed the facts that he knew about his brother-in-arms and best friend, upon meeting Gaara in Suna Hyō had basically adopted the other boy as a good friend, he looked at Inu-niisan as his brother and had been with him since he was an actual baby, he had enormous chakra reserves and was a brilliant tactile learner. None of which helped him, until he remembered one mission where Hyō had used a strange red chakra which he said was 'the legacy of my parents' the red chakra had been strange and animalistic much like the sand cloak that Gaara had used when they first met, Gaara who they later found out was the Jinchuuriki of the Ichibi; now he was getting somewhere, Hyō was obviously Konoha's Jinchuuriki, the tailed beast most thought of in relation to Konoha was the Kyuubi which had attacked on October tenth nearly twelve years previously, it had obviously been sealed into Hyō. Drawing from this fact his suspicions of Naruto grew, Naruto was an orphan who was greatly disliked by the civilians and was often referred to as a demon-child. Though this may have been due to his pranking prowess. So Shikamaru suspected Naruto and had no clue who Mesu might be.
Hinata being the Hyuuga Clan Heiress had access to the Byakugan of her clan and a knowledge of the chakra systems of her two teammates, however, both of said teammates had, along with her, been given seals to block and disguise said chakra systems so as to better blend into the Academy and her advantage was thus gone. Despite or rather because of his large chakra system Hinata ruled Naruto out of the running for either of her teammates, the seals would, she believed, not have left that much chakra. She too had momentarily contemplated Sasuke being one of her teammates but after spending time around the boy disregarded this as he would have refused to attend the Academy and would most likely not have to strange complex in regards to his clan that he did. Shikamaru gave her pause, neither of her teammates had been particularly lazy but there was a certain laconic movement he made which often reminded her of Inu-sempai and she didn't believe that any student outside of themselves would ever have had contact with the man, also the Nara family was known for their geniuses and whatever their faults their team had certainly been made of geniuses. One could devise tactics that seemed to read their enemies very minds, while another could see something once and be able to enact it after one try. That near instinctual genius could be attributed to the Nara clans known capabilities. So Hinata suspected Shikamaru but had no idea which of her teammates he could be.
Naruto was the only one out of his teammates who never suspected Sasuke, the boy just rubbed him as wrong in a way that neither of his friends ever could. After several months of trying to convince Kashi-nii to tell him who they were Naruto spent several years merely observing his classmates, Mesu was quiet and confident she was brilliant at blending in with others and hated being confined with her taijutsu, Hōku(Hawk) was snarky and could nearly read the minds of those around him. Both of them had always been better than him at infiltration missions because they could seamlessly slide into roles while he preferred just not be noticed at all. For a while he suspected Shino, then Kiba, Sakura, then another girl named Masumi but none of them felt quite right. It wasn't until one day after class when he noticed Hinata walking home looking downtrodden that he realised she didn't set off his instincts in the way other students did, in class he payed attention to her behaviour which never wavered from it's shy excluded manner, but despite the way the other students sent his instincts into over-drive she didn't even make a blip, something that was basically impossible. He had no idea who Hōku could be but due to the strange lack of upset to his instinct in regards to her Hinata found her way onto his radar for Mesu.

But anyway that's just like the history behind the idea that I've had, I don't really know where I'll go with it or if I will. Maybe I should read more Naruto fanfic?
Anyway that's me for the day.

Currently Listening To: MKTO- Classic

Current .gif mood: 

Friday, April 25, 2014

A Leetle Touchy

So I'm heading back to visit my family for a week on Monday, huzzah!
Easter was what it was. 
I've really got to get serious about finishing the next fanfic chapter.
I've made a plan for when I head home, I'm going to find the bloody bartending license that appears to have vanished, and get my NSN once I've got those I'll apply for jobs at bars which I will hopefully be competent enough to do. 
In other news B-Dizzle, Pillow and I are abandoning Only Male and heading off to a new flat. I feel quite upset about this as I'm really not good with change. One good thing about it though is that I get to make copious lists of what we need and when by and what we have and so on and so forth. The little part of me that's completely ruled by a mild form of OCD rejoices at this, the organization oh joyful day!
One thing I'd be interested in learning is how to make jobs on Sims 2. I've given up attempting to though as the software dislikes my computer.
Ooh also I really want a futon! I'm a special kind of person who vastly prefers sleeping lower to the ground than even a low bed allows, of course Pillow has dictatorially stated that I'm not allowed one just as she did about my choice to get a motorbike and a gun, however, unlike those decisions this one will happen, because despite what many people appear to believe I am neither a child nor am I mentally deficient. When I said I wanted a gun I was thinking about my personal safety I knew that I would need proper training and a license and everything I was prepared to get those so that I would have peace of mind. My decision to get a motorbike wasn't based on how cool it would look but rather on maneuverability and my personal level of comfort, I know that I'm not likely to ever feel comfortable driving a big car or really any kind of car that leaves me with the option of a ute or a bike and I've always preferred bikes. With regards to the futon I like low beds, I like the option of folding it up and having more space especially considering I'm constantly being told I'll be given the smallest room, it makes sense that I be given it as I do tend to have less stuff here than the others and I don't have a big bed, however, I still like space and a futon can easily be stored away so that there's more space during the daytime.
And now I apologize for the rant, I do adore my flatmates sometimes I just need to vent about... well everything really. I really suck at conveying how I feel out loud, I forget what I'm saying or I can't think of how to explain it so someone not in my head can understand. 
Well thats me complained out. I'll post something else when I get back I guess.

Currently Listening To: The Lumineers- Hey Ho
Current .gif Feeling: 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Updating I guess

Lately I've done some painting, not much but some. Mostly I've just been reading and playing Sims. Still looking for a job, Why do employers constantly require that you have your full license?
Easter is upon us and with it much chocolate which I can appreciate. I've gone several weeks without reading any fanfics so to make up for that I spammed some Torchwood fics last night. I need to get the new chapter up soon. Oddly enough quite a few people have been favoriting or following it, so I mean little bit of pressure but also good tingly feelings, right?
I did this course at the beginning of the year it was called Creative Processes and while in it we split into separate groups to do our final project, my group got to talking about fanfic and from it I found a brilliant explanation for it. Fanfiction is a way for new writers to develop their own particular style it gives them a chance to experiment with an already established and well known literary universe. I liked that explanation and I have to say that if I ever make it big I would be so amazed if there were fanfics about what I write about because in a way it means that what you've created has had such an impact on people that it's spark something in them that they felt they had to share, which I think is awesome. From the other side I can see why some authors really don't like it though because when I make my characters and my world it's like my baby or something I don't even really like people looking at it without me checking that it's just the way I want it and even then there's this clutch this moment of 'no no you can't look at that it's not suppose to be seen by anyone but me' so I understand the proprietary stand that some authors take about their work.

I don't really have much else to say unless you'd like me to go into the weather so, this is me signing off.

Currently Listening to: Vietnamese Saxophone (Don't actually know the name)
Current .gif Feeling

Friday, April 11, 2014

Ferrero Rocher

Well Easters approaching. I finally have money and I've talked to my family so I call that progress.

I finally had my meeting and I got there and there's this guy sitting there and you go up to him and he checks you have everything for this freaking appointment, I'm all sorted, so apart from the usual mild freak-out that I run anytime I'm away from the house, then he pulls out his list and is like you need three of this and I'm like no I don't and he's like yes you do so I pull out the checklist I was given and I'm like "No I don't" and he looks at his and say yeah you do so there I am having this mini panic attack and he's busy bustling about by this time I've pulled out all the forms that I needed and I'm like that wasn't on my list this was on my list but that wasn't eventually he went and talked to the dude I had to talk to and the dude said it was fine so I went and calmed down a bit then had my meeting. But honestly you'd think they would give me the right list or at least make sure their checking person has the same list as they're giving people. Hmph.

What else have I been up to? Well I've been looking for a place in NZ where I can buy Sims 2 stuff packs since The Warehouse doesn't sell them any more and I can't find them on trademe. I've been enjoying naming houses on my game such as Owlsmoor and Ravensmead.
I went to the library... a lot. See I have been leaving the house! I finally found the first of Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics. Let me tell you I read the first four books mostly because I was already familiar with two characters that get introduced in the fourth book Seasons of the Mist, the Dead Boy Detectives otherwise known as Edwin Paine and Charles Rowland, two ghost-boys who loved watching the film noir detectives and decided to be Private Investigators, of course only the magically inclined and children their age or a bit older can see them. Still reading their origin was interesting as was meeting Dream and seeing the Endless. I'd recommend these comics to anyone really just be aware that they're filed under horror for a reason. I've also been rereading JD Robb's In Death series, if you haven't and you enjoy the ahem female crimes then I'd advise you to grab a copy, the series is set in the future and follows New York Lieutenant Eve Dallas and her, later, husband the Irish billionaire Roarke. The crimes are believable many of the books don't have a straight cut and dried answer, and they are very, very good, as evidenced by my rereading them.
Another author that I love was introduced to me when I was thirteen, her name is Catherine Webb and she wrote four of my absolute favourite books, Mirror Wakes and Mirror Dreams follow the mage Laenan Kite and his adventures in Haven the City of Dreams, while the others Waywalkers and Timekeepers follow a man by the name of Sam Linnifer who at first glance could appear normal except that he's the son of Magic and Time and his original name was Lucifer eons ago. The four books are superb and I love reading them.

And that's me for the past week or so. See ya!

Currently Listening To: Pistol Annies- Takin' Pills
Current .gif Feeling: 

Friday, April 4, 2014

I Came In Like A Wrecking Ball!

Well not really...

So I've had a trying two days. Had a huge sleep. Watched some movies and was highly irritated by my Sims 2 game because it wasn't playing. I ended up spending several hours just sorting different downloads into organised folders.

My flatmates (B-Dizzle and the previously un-named Only Male) and I made pizzas for dinner which were delicious, or at least mine was, it had just the right quantity of cheese... which was bottom middle and top, as it should be.

My games back up and working now so the organising must have done something, I dunno.
I did some work on the fanfic so I should have a flash of inspiration soon and be able to update that. Have got all the folders and files I need for this meeting I have to go to, only problem is making the stupid thing, honestly, I call them and get directed to their site so I go on the site and it won't even let me do anything! Grr!

I've been playing quite a lot of Sims lately. The reason is that I love to make stories in the game and see how things work out, it's quite fun. Detracting from the fun is the fact that my laptop has recently discovered the joy of overheating and then freezing so I now have to make sure it's sitting on something while I do things, considering the fact that people would have tot pry it from my cold dead fingers to get me away from it that can be considered very bad, as just regular use causes it to heat up.

Right now I'm sitting at it writing on this blog and looking through male hair for my sims on SimsResource. I'm also trying to decide whether I should re-watch Full Metal Alchemist (which is one of my all time favourite anime) or whether I should finish watching Noragami. OH! I just remembered something, so yesterday I was running on fumes as I'd woken up at 8 the night before, and so tiredly was I sitting at my laptop scrolling through my Facebook news feed as you do when your bored and can't think of anything else to do, when what do I find? A page firmly stating that Anime is Evil and only Satanists watch it! Thinking it was just one of those troll pages that pop up now and again I decided to scroll through it... This was a bad choice on my part, now personally I don't have anything against... basically any religion, I'm not overly religious but I accept that there are those people who are, however, one thing that really irritates me is people pushing their religion and using it as a tool to insult and well bully other people for the things that they like or the beliefs and personal choices that they have and have made.
To me religion can be a deeply private thing and it should never be used as a weapon against someone else. 
As a child I read the Narnia books as I'm sure many people did and one of the things that struck me as incredibly true that has stuck with me over the years was the Last Battle. It's the final book where Narnia is dying and as it does the people come to a large door. Using my really bad describery powers, it's set out so that there's a door and there's shadow just before and as the people and the creatures come to it they either go through the door or into the shadow. Now here's the important bit, in the world of Narnia there are the Narnians and there are the Calormenes who live across the desert, the Narnians worship Aslan while the Calormenes worship Tash and believe Aslan to be a demon, but either Calormene or Narnian were welcomed through the door, though really I think there was only the one Calormene but that's not the point!
The Calormene that came through saw Aslan and question why he was there when he'd always worshipped Tash and Aslan said that he had lived a good and wholesome life and it was counted as "work done unto him and not Tash" as Tash couldn't receive "good service" while Aslan couldn't take evilness. Or something like that. Anyway the point I was trying to make was that there is something Good and there is something Evil and it doesn't really matter what you worship, if you do good things and try and be nice to everyone then you're solid but if you're a c*nt and hide behind your religion you're screwed sideways.
Something to think about, and with that rant that wasn't actually suppose to be here I bid you adieu.

Oh and also if you're going to make a page that's completely devoted to insulting something at least do your research about it otherwise you look like an idiot.

Currently Listening to: Macklemore- Same Love
Current .gif Feeling: 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tis the season to eat chocolate falalalala lalalalah

Guess what?


April Fools! I'm still a mooching freeloader who no-one wants to employ. Still in the spirit of April Fools consider yourselves pranked. Aren't I nice?

So what's been up with me since I last posted? Well I binged a whole lot of Harry Potter/ Final Fantasy XIII crossover fanfics. 
I went to the bank and am now one step closer from not being a freeloader.
I had a strange dream about cats that were royalty, it was weird and probably not something I should admit to publicly.
I discovered, for the umpteenth time, that I'm complete sh*t at writing fight scenes, I just suck at it, or at least at Naruto Fanfic fight scenes, I mean I can visualise it perfectly fine but actually conveying that in words? Fuhgeddaboutit. 
Why is that basically the story of my life, I mean I amuse myself for endless hours with the stories I tell in my head but try and put those on paper and all I get is "Uhm and then stuff happened and it was awesome and yeah," I mean honestly? How's that for fair?

Wouldn't it be weird though if all those stories that are going through your head are also going through someone elses head and the reason you can't write them down is because they are the ones who are suppose to... Well that just tripped me out a bit.

What else have I been doing? Well as has become quite usual for me I have been downloading more Sims 2 custom content, I don't know why it's just become rather addicting and I can't help myself... Ooh my head just filled with that dude I don't know where from but he says "Do or Do not there is no try." Maybe Yoda? I googled it, it was Yoda... the things you remember without actually meaning to.
Oh I also found a new anime that I'm quite enjoying called Noragami, I won't go into detail except to say that it balances humour and drama along with superb animations and the fight scenes dear batman! It's brilliant.

And I'm pretty sure that's me for the night/morning. I shall now return to attempting to write fight scenes... which hate me. I'm outtie!

Currently Listening to: Lustra- Scotty Doesn't Know
Current .gif Feeling:

Friday, March 28, 2014

Little Bit Of A Rant

Alright so this is just a bit of a rant that I feel like sharing. It's about some of my pet peeves in regards to fanfics.
One of the most irritating things to me is when authors post authors notes as chapters, I can understand it in some fics but continually posting like five authors notes as different chapters?! Thats just annoying. Even more so when they leave them there but post a new chapter after them, there are ways to post a new chapter and delete previous ones, honestly! Do people not pay any attention?
Another thing that annoys me, though sometimes I just get amused, is when people throw a whole lot of overboard plots together and expect it to make sense, it isn't going to. Sometimes I read them just because the whole idea is ridiculously over-dramatic but other times it's just too much and I have to shake my head at the silliness.

Anyways that was my rant, the first one was actually the major thing for me, the other was brought on by an Over-the-Top fic I tried reading recently that combined a whole lot of really stupid things and thought it was cohesive when really it looked like someone grabbed all the worst ideas they had and threw them together to make something. The reason I'm complaining on here is that I hate flames, even if it's badly written someone had the guts to write and share that, which to me is amazing, personally I get really uncomfortable sharing my work (this blog mostly just gets the scraps off the top of my head because I'm like 80% sure no-one actually reads it... except maybe that guy who keeps quoting scriptures... I dunno), it's because of that bravery that I never review unless it's to encourage and congratulate authors, because they're being so brave and putting their ideas out there, and yeah some of them are pretty bad but you know what? Some of them probably don't have a great grasp of the English language or they're still learning and maybe one day they'll write an brilliant best seller and be really famous; and really no-ones making you read it, you have free will you are allowed to look at something, as I did, and say "You know what this isn't actually what I want to read so I'm going to stop now." Exit out and don't worry about it, it isn't that hard. And that's my advice on how to be an ok person rather than a shitty one who basically tries their best to make other people feel bad because they feel bad.
And yes I did complain about a fic on here and I did get angry but I didn't do it to the author I did it in the space that I basically treat as a diary, it wasn't directed at a single person but rather at an idea that I dislike, no-one was 'name and shame'd and this post will probably never be read by anyone save myself anyway (and that one dude... you know who you are).
And thats me for the day. See ya

Currently Listening To: Whitney Houston- I Wanna Dance With Somebody
Current .gif feeling: 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Fanfiction, Country and Dinosaurs

Alright so I slept late and never called any of the people I was supposed to, curse my stupid Sleeping issues. Apart from that I haven't really got much to comment on but I have to keep in the habit of updating this. I need to work on my fanfiction so that's probably what I'm going to do tonight.

Heres a picture that I'm quite fond of, it quite amuses me. Well I'm off to do something productive, or you know read fanfic... one of the two. Laters

Currently Listening To: The Band Perry- Forever Mine Nevermind
Current .gif:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Too Much of a Community

Well today was much lazier than yesterday. I made a trailer park in Sims 2 and thats about it.
Currently I'm working on a Road trip CD for later this year while also working on the playlist for our flat 21st. It's due to conversation about this and various other things that the title of this post is what it is. One of our ex-flatmates moved out citing that we were "too much of a community" and yes we are, we sit down and eat together, we have movie nights and nights where we watch shows together. We are very close and I personally think it's a good thing, after all the point of moving in with friends is to live with friends rather than strangers.
I also watched some Doctor Who, specifically The Doctors Wife, which is one of my favourite episodes, it's so quotable "I like biting, it's excellent, like kissing only there's a winner!" Brilliant.
Tomorrow's going to be busy as I have to call certain people in regards to money and also perhaps place a call to my Dad who I've not talked to in quite a while.
I'm thinking of buying myself an Easter Egg once I've got money, just to cheer myself up, as I've been kind of in the dumps lately, but we'll see.
This is a bit of a free writing exercise I did earlier this year:
" Drip drip drip. I look to the side, there falling down the grey stone walls following a coating of green is water. I'm thirsty it's been days weeks months so long since I've had anything to eat or to drink, so long since I've seen anything but this faint hint of light, my nails are grown and stained yellow I can feel all the bones in my body, the is the rhythmic clank clank clank as the guards walk back and forwards back and forwards hitting their batons on the bars. I miss my brother. I miss sunlight, I wonder how did it come to this, how did I get here, sometimes in the bad times I try and remember why I am here. I can't. All I know now is the knawing hunger and the darkness and the cold. The hard ground beneath me. "

Currently Listening To: Frank Sinatra- New York
Current .gif: