Sunday, December 13, 2015

We break and break and break and break Ourselves Upon the Beach

Well it's December, I did actually do quite a bit of writing last month. I still have a bit of Christmas shopping to do, this week is a big one for me because I have to have everything bought and packed by Thursday while also doing all of my little other things, like the Doctor and counselling; I also want to sort out my room and possibly the freezers before I leave. I feel like I have so much to do and so little time to do it. 
Pillows cat attacked my face this morning because I wouldn't get up and feed her and also I wanted my bed. 
I was on a Charmed fanfic kick which resulted in me watching quite a few episodes, now I'm reading ebooks on my computer as I contemplate all of the things I still have to do.
My brain is a little preoccupied with all of the lists I need to write down but it still has time to contemplate my Opus, I need to write proper profiles out for all of the characters and how they develop, I also need to figure out where technologically they are and how a lot of their tech works, curse my mind for focussing on a new world instead of a society that runs adjacent to Earth, there's also geography and culture to consider, the way different peoples interact socially, not only on Chimera but on the other worlds that they're allied with, not only that but the Solar System Chimera is a part of is also being afflicted by a group called Slave Takers, Chimera itself is magically shielded whilst entrenched in its Civil War but once that's resolved they're going to be busy trying to rebuild their alliances and more, why does my mind create such an intricate Universe? Well once I get it all written out maybe it'll become super popular, who knows.
Before that, however, I need to get it written, I need to sort out the history, mythology, geography, societal hierarchy, and more. Phew

Currently Listening to: Sam Smith- Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Current .gif feeling: 

Sunday, November 22, 2015

The 23nd Of the month

I'm supposed to write things out in an ordered manner but my mind doesn't work like that. 
I'm stalled in my chapter it's set in the time when Hermione meets the boys but my mind keeps focussing on the death of Selene Lovegood and the various plots of Dumbledore and Lucius Malfoy and the Death of Walburga Black which canonically happened when Harry was five but which I'm making happen when he's six/seven early in 1998, I'm also a little stuck on Sirius and Marlene McKinnon and the idea that they dated pretty seriously during their last few years of Hogwarts and the early years of the war before the entire McKinnon family was killed, I've been thinking that they'd be killed soon after Lily finds out that she's pregnant and for a while Sirius can't cope properly and stays with the Potters, he goes to Lily's birthing classes with her when James can't and he's the one who buys the strange foods that she craves and discusses baby names (trying to slip Elvendork in there and talking both Potters out of naming the baby after friends who've died {if you did that Prongs the kid would have so many names it's not funny, he jokes despite the horrible truth of it, so many of their friends are dead now}), the Potters are the ones who help him grieve Marley and then Regulus, when he finds out that his Slytherin brother (who he hasn't properly spoken to since he left home at sixteen, even years later he wonders whether if he'd tried harder to convince him Reggie would have come too) has died trying to escape his fate as a Death Eater. It's Harry's birth and being named godfather that allows Sirius to properly begin to move on with his life which makes it all the sadder when you realise that no-one was there to help him grieve the Potters properly.
All of these things are busy dancing around in my head ideas snow-balling or fading and that's just for this fanfic. I started thinking about my Opus and now I'm wondering if I should write about Melchiors descent into Necromancy and beyond as a catalogue of his change trying to get people to sympathise/empathise not realising who he is and them BAM the realisation that one of the main characters they've been rooting for is in fact the depraved lunatic whose death they've been longing for, it'd be a good twist but I'm not sure how I'd do it. I think it'd be a good way to show that even in fiction there isn't always a clean tidy solution and ending for everyone, not every bad guy starts out that way and some times the best intentions lead to the worst sort of corruption and that sometimes there is no redemption especially when they're so far gone that even at the end they don't see that they've done anything wrong, how do you rehabilitate someone who is sure their right? I've been wondering if I should kill off one of the focal characters but I'm so attached to them I don't want to, I can't be the Lord Farquad writer whose like "Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make." I don't want the ones I like to die! I barely want the ones I don't like to die why do you think my main evil character is a Necromancer? Most of his army are just reanimated dead people sometimes even reanimated people who fought against him, which let me tell you can lead to some heart-wrenching moments especially since even when they're put down again he can just reanimate them, though most of them are just the soul-less bodies powered by his magic others he put actual effort into and they're back completely, except with little to no control over themselves, they are merely receptacles of his power bound to do his bidding.
Right, I haven't been good with the updating of the blog but I will! For now I shall go forth and write, getting it on here was a good way to sort it a bit in my head, good blog, helpful blog.

Currently Listening To: The Corrs- So Young
Current .gif feeling

Friday, November 20, 2015

It's been 10 days

So I was bad. I was really tired and I missed out on the last ten days. I haven't written in that time either. A couple days ago I went to WINZ, while earlier in the week I did a little Christmas shopping which I'm going to continue doing until it's all done, I also wrote out a list of what to get everyone. I've been reading Harry Potter fanfic, and watching Durarara a lot recently. Today I did my dishes and my washing, yesterday I had the worst most terrible headache ever, B-Dizzle and I are going to make buns today so that's a Yay. I also recently went through a phase where I responded to everything with Bah hah hah, it was weird.

So as I mentioned earlier I've been reading Harry Potter fanfic, I think I want to write more of my fanfic but I don't know just yet. The ones I spent a good several days stuck on were ones where James and Lily come back from the grave and let me tell you I have got some freaking bones to pick! For one Albus Frickidy-fracking Dumbledore was the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the Chief Mugwump of the ICW so a politician/ ambassador, and the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot a judge for the Wizarding court/ chairman of their political thingy, whatever no where in there does he have the right to decide custody over a child, no where in there is it up to him to decide whether a kids parents can live with said kid, I mean for the love of Gotham, these are the people who died for their son and suddenly Dumbledores allowed to tell them whats best for him? Or even better Molly Weasley is believed to have more right to mother him and parent him deciding what information he is and isn't allowed to know than his own parents? By the power of Batman I am irked, IRKED I say, I mean yes they came back from the dead but the person who should be allowed to decide what happens to Harry should be the person they entrusted with his care, Sirius should be the one to decide what Harry hears and how he's parented not them, I always get so annoyed. The fifth book is where I blatantly stopped reading, number one because of Umbridge, no teacher should feel perfectly safe and comfortable torturing students children whose care she has been trusted with in an environment that is meant to be safe, number two the end of it I will speak no further, number three Harry watched a fellow student, one he had played against and cooperated with one with whom he had an amicable and friendly relationship die and everyone decided that it would be a great time to ignore him in his borderline abusive household without talking to him about what he might be feeling like say survivors guilt? Real freaking smart idea and then they're all like why are you so angry your acting childish, he's stilling coping with watching a fellow student whom he was friendly with DIE and the man who killed his parents come back to life I'm sorry that his feelings are inconvenient to you. Number four Molly and Sirius argument about how much Harry should know, I don't care how much she supposedly cared for Harry it was not her place to decide and then to say Sirius only saw Harry as James? That was a low blow especially when staying in his house, the place where he was abused and that he swore never to return to. Essentially I hated the fifth book and only ever read the sixth and seventh in Characters Read the Books fanfic because I wouldn't have been able to make it through without trying to kill something without having the characters butt in.
For my fanfic I'm thinking about Selene (Luna's mum who's name hadn't been released when I started) Lucius and Dumbledore plotting, the fact that Walburga didn't die until Harry was five but I've already past that and now I want to use her death for something, there's also the Basilisk to deal with and Luna's grandparents. Oh well I'll get there.

Currently Listening to: Florence and the Machine- The Queen of Peace
Current .gif feeling

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

The Middle of the Second Week

Well today I worked on my Bleach fic, I've decided to write the random adventures of Urahara, Yoruichi, Tessai, Ichigo and the Visored up to canon so currently the first four are heading to America, Urahara to study Science, Yoruichi and Tessai for the vacation and Ichigo because well he basically just goes where Urahara goes, at this point I'm pretty sure neither of them know how to correctly function without the other which is going to make canon so much fun. Kisukes had all of his Shinigami life and a strong portion of his human life to get used to Ichigo helping him with experiments and dealing with people for him, suddenly a lot of his actions in canon can be looked at in a completely different way. At this point I'm pretty sure that by the time canon comes around the only people he'll actually be able to interact with without making some sort of faux pas and having Ichigo fix it will be those who he went into exile with and canon-Ichigo since he's still Ichigo.
It's going to be fun to go through that. In the meantime I still have to fold my washing and I have dishes to do now, yay. 
I slept a lot today and now I'm uber-boiling some eggs to mash onto toast for my dinner/breakfast. It was raining today so I got to enjoy yet another part of the season of Spring where it can't make up it's mind what season to be so it throws both at you. Luckily I didn't have to be anywhere.

Currently Listening To: Broods- LAF
Current .gif feeling

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Double Digits Today

So today is the tenth day of November. I rewatched several episodes of One Piece, I want to say I did it to help me with my writing but that would be a lie. I just really wanted to watch the episodes where the Straw Hats reunite after two years. Reunion and revelation fics are some of my favourites.
Working on the One Piece fic, also thinking on ways too develop the characters of my opus. I need to remember to treat every character as an individual person no matter how insignificant their part may be initially. Just because I don't think I'm going to use them much at the beginning doesn't mean I won't need to bring them back in occasionally. I also need to copy all of my writing onto my hard drive so I have back ups. Nothing sucks more than spending ages working on something only for it to get wiped.
Today was also quite warm, and over cast. I've read the two last chapters of Detective Conan and I'm working up the nerve to read the latest Ubel Blatt, it's just so difficult because you want him to dominate and kick ass but he's so not used to his teeny little fairy body.

Currently Listening To: Hozier- Work Song
Current .gif feeling

Monday, November 9, 2015

It's hot

Today the weather has decided to give us a sneak peak of what is to come this summer. By which I mean that it's been hot and sunny.
I'm chewing on strawberry bubble gum thinking of how to work the One Piece fanfic. As always I know where I want to go but getting there is the problem. It niggles at me at the most inopportune moments. I have flashes of scenes but I have no idea of how to approach them. Bah!
I need to fold my washing, return my library book, turn in my volunteer form, check when my next WINZ appointment is. Also need to see when my sisters coming to visit or if she still is with all the bad lck her family's been having recently.
I've read a few of the JD Robb books now I'm reading more. Eh heh heh.
I hope tomorrow is sunny but less hot.

Currently Listening To: Taylor Swift- Wildest Dreams
Current .gif feeling:

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Bah Hah Hah...hehe mebbe

It is Sunday. The day of rest. Sleeping and chillaxing.
I almost booked a bus ticket home but I don't know if the cheaper one actually runs to where I want to go or not, it's really irksome. I hate travelling on the more expensive one because there's all these stops, there's so many people and I always get car sick (bus sick?) but the day I can go home is in the middle of the week so I don't know if my sisters partner would be able to come get me if I book a cheaper ticket to the closest city to our town. Darn it life is hard, and now I'm stressing about it when I should just stop thinking about it.
I re-watched episodes six and one of No Game, No Life, and the first episode of Tokyo Esp. I don't really know why I just really wanted to. I also came up with a realisation while I was watching Tokyo Esp, I remembered what happens in the show because the first episode is set right around the last two so it's sort of like starting with an end statement to highlight something. I got to thinking about the fact that the Government in the show created this law that ended up imprisoning a whole ton of Espers as a reaction to terrorist actions by a group of Espers. Doing this basically means that most Espers who would have helped them have been imprisoned and disillusioned against normal people. Also when the terrorists launch an attack there are few-to-no Espers able or willing to stop them. It got me thinking that this is something that happens in real life; say you have a group of some thirty people and nine of them do something bad generally people blame all of them. I'm just like don't blame the many for the actions of a few, blame those who are responsible not everyone else. It's not fair.
I haven't written anything yet, I don't know if I will today, I'm tired and today is supposed to be the day of relaxation but we'll see.

Currently Listening To: Demi Lovato- Confident
Current .gif feeling

It's Saturday, I thought it was Friday.

Right so I've written some more of the One Piece fic, Luffy and his Papa and the ASL trio reunite *Squeee* I've also put more into the Bleach fic, trying to catch up to canon while also writing out the hundred years in between the exile and canon. 
There's excitement for the new Alice: Through the Looking Glass movie that's coming out next year, it looks so good! I'm so excited.
I texted my Mum today, she seems to be doing well.
Had garlic bread and Rocky Road chocolate for dinner. So healthy. I also brought a lot of gum to chew on while I write, there's so many flavours.
Today I was in the mood to read One Piece fanfic while I work, also I really wanted to reread some of my JD Robb books. I love ASL on the Moby Dick fanfics, especially when they're younger, it's so cute, the Whitebeard pirates having no idea what to do with them.
I was very confused today, I knew the date but I didn't know the date and it left me feeling a bit off kilter. In the good news column I had a shower and I finally feel better after sleeping all the way through instead of getting woken up every few hours.
It's B-Dizzles birthday tomorrow, so there's excitement.
People are still shooting off fireworks. Which is disconcerting especially since last night our neighbours were being idiots and trying to burn down our house, well not really but that's what it felt like when they shot their fireworks so they skidded across our driveway.
That's me for today I think.

Currently Listening To: Nightcore- Viva la Vida
Current .gif feeling:

Friday, November 6, 2015

Numero Seis

I had the shittiest sleep ever because of this frickity frackin headache. In the good news column I finally did my washing and I also washed my dishes, huzzah. But back to this freaking headache, it sits in the right of my head causing a lingering sense of pain and discomfort, getting to sleep is next to impossible, sleep itself is uncomfortable and then there's the constantly waking up, my eyes are all heavy and I feel like shit. Also I took my last panadol but when it stops working I'm screwed. 
I watched all of No Game, No Life in one go and didn't realise, I just got so into it that I didn't notice how many episodes I'd watched then I scrolled down to load the next one and there wasn't one. Sadness.
The anime itself was really good, I can't think of ways to phrase it. I laughed a lot.
Well there's a Ryohei in my KHR fic now and the closest I've ever gotten to an action scene. So you know pride. Also my time line is a bit skewed, so lets say, Tsuna starts using ATs (6), T meets Shouichi, Hibari buys ATs (Hibari age 8), T befriends Kyoko and Hana (7), Yamamoto Shizuka sees Tsuna, buys Yamamoto Takeshi ATs dies, T Y and H meet at Shouichis, T saves Ryohei and Kyoko (8). But in the fic it's not quite so linear. It causes a few brain problems thinking it out. Mental gymnastics and mathematics.

So all in all today was productive. Also my sister might be coming to visit me. It'd be the first time any of my family has visited since we moved. So excitement.

Currently Listening To: Chainsmokers Remix- Goodness Gracious
Current .gif feeling

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Day the Fifth

Yuuuurgh, I am sick. It Sucks, I slept a lot today in the hopes I'd feel better... I didn't. My throats all sore so I took some throaties now I'm om nomming on my leftover pizza while people shoot off fireworks. Today is Pillows annual date with V so we're trying not to disturb her, our Kitteh wants to go outside but she isn't allowed due to the danger of fireworks.
Also the fireworks sound like cannons going off.
I hurt still. Writing isn't coming, it's all working out in my head but I'm not in the right place to translate in onto paper. I'm still cold and also shaky, and my head hurts.
Damn it.

Currently Listening To: Lady Antebellum- Downtown
Current .gif feeling

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Progress Minimal

Right, so today I went to counselling, talked about a lot of stuff ended up on the topic of my family as I generally do. Haven't really written anything as I'm dead tired and will soon be heading to bed. It's freezing cold today so I'll be happy if the Kitteh decides to join me in my slumber. Also pain...
I've been reading more KHR fanfics trying to get in the right mind frame to work on things when I wake up. I dried my dishes but didn't do my washing, which is unfortunate since I really want a warm/hot shower and my long pjs which are in my laundry hamper. 
Well I can't really think of anything else to say as I am mentally wiped. Later.

Currently Listening To: One Republic- If that's what you wanted
Current .gif feeling

Day the nom nom cookies

Ooh I feel all droopy today. On the bright side I have cookies and grape fanta. I've just read the most amusing line of the day "God give me patience, for if you give me strength I will smash their heads into the wall" It made me laugh.
I've been thinking of ways to add Ryohei and while also getting Tsuna, Hibari and Yamamoto into alliance together for the KHR fanfic, I've also been trying to add to the Bleach fanfic, getting it to canon and then figuring out whether to write snapshots or go all the way through. I've also been thinking off getting prompts for the third Harry Potter fanfiction, also expanding Angelina and Alicia's parts.
I hurt.
I have counselling tomorrow, I really need to sleep tonight. I've been doing the breathing things and letting go of all the 'what if' thoughts, I'm going to take my volunteer form with me I think.
I need to dry the dishes and do my washing too. Sigh

Currently Listening to: The Script- For the First Time
Current .gif feeling

Monday, November 2, 2015

What kinda timing do you call this?

That stupid thing that happens every month has happened, I did not calculate this into my plans, I don't know how I forgot something that occurs every month but I did. Idiot.
I will persevere, however. Panadol and sugar are my friends, thank goodness for extra Halloween chocolate.
I wrote some more of the KHR fanfic, so far the idea is one where Tsuna, Yamamoto and Hibari all get into Air Treks and eventually meet, over time they unite to protect and control all of Namimori's Underground, including the fringe that Storm Riders sit on. I've introduced Kyoko and Hana as well as Ryohei, Tsuna introduces them to the World of Storm Riders and eventually Kyoko and Hana befriend Haru and make a Gang of Storm Riders. I've been toying with the idea of introducing members of the Varia and other people building up to when Reborn comes to tutor Tsuna. It should be good...ish.
To get in the right head space I've been reading Skull-centric KHR fanfic. I love Skull, he cracks me up and there's so much potential in his character. Right now I'm thinking of adding him since he's a stuntman he'd probably be really interested in ATs. Well that's me for today.

Currently Listening to: Paradise Fears- Sanctuary
Current .gif feeling

Sunday, November 1, 2015

And so it begins...

Well it is now officially November. The Beginning of NaNoWriMo. Am I ready? I don't know. Will I try anyway? Yes. Maybe. Yes. Halloween was it's usual even B-Dizzle, Pillow and I all dressed up then sat on our couch eating chocolates and watching scary movies... scary for me anyway probs not for other people.
I have no idea what I'm going to write for NaNo, I was thinking just as long as I write something I should be ok, so my plan is to just write something every day it doesn't have to be the same story just write, and update the blog as proof that I wrote that day.
I wonder if anyone's ever noticed that there are different writing styles for different fandoms, or at least for me there are, I always feel terrible in regards to most anime fanfics because there's so much more action in them than my Harry Potter ones and the way I write changes, I don't have a lot of confidence in my ability to write action scenes, people and interactions are so much easier, but I suppose learning is important if I want to finish my Opus one day.

Today I worked on a KHR fanfic, which is crossed over with the a basic idea of Air Gear, there are none of the characters and I think I've changed a lot of things but the basic idea is the same... I think. I got the idea while I was reading some KHR fanfic where Tsuna practices parkour. My mind works in odd ways so that's what I got. 

Currently Listening to: Ingrid Michaelson- Girls Chase Boys
Current .gif feeling

Friday, October 16, 2015

Sticks and Stones may break my bones but F*ck your sh*t I'm Deadpool

Well, lets see what have I been up to? I went to WINZ, talked to my counsellor, I wrote out a schedule for November, I brought a book of names for my Sims.
I started watching Rurouni Kenshin, so far it's been going well I'm quite enjoying it, I especially like his "Oro"'s. I also watched the first episode of Monochrome Factor which seems interesting and I think I'll go back and finish watching it too. I've decided to read/reread the manga for Black Cat, while I wait for Detective Conan to update, while I do that I've realised that I have watched the anime for it way too many times.
I read some Gundam Wing fics, some FFVII fics and now some Bleach ones. 
On Pinterest I started looking at feathers painted with watercolours along with watercolour style tattoos which are really cool. Not that I'm thinking of getting a tattoo, I don't do pain, not of any kind, but they please me aesthetically which is enough. I txted, Facebooked and called my sister which was nice, also txted my Mum and Dad, that that's my family contacted. My sisters was helping me figure out what I should get her troupe for Christmas, one of them is obsessed with Deadpool which is brilliant, since I also am a slight Deadpool fangirl so I know what to look for and where to look.
I haven't been feeling well these past two days, I don't really know why it's just some sort of bug maybe. I should be over it soon I hope.
I was building a tropical hotel on Sims; since I started watching house building videos furnishing houses has gotten quite difficult because there's all the minutiae that you never realise until you start thinking about it.
I'm suppose to be adding more fish and omegas to my diet, also exercise, my schedule now has swimming. I'm also filling out a volunteer form for the local library, there are a few of the questions I'm having difficulty answering like why I'm interested in volunteering at the library, what do I write that I'm bored and I want something to do that I know I can actually do well? Also I'm suppose to be farewelling the 'what ifs' and such like that my brain loves to dwell on.
Ah I need to remember to move a pen over to by my bed. One of the things I'm suppose to do to help me sleep is clear my mind by writing all of my thoughts down but I moved the pen.
Last night I had a thought about a story following this pair of soul mates through their incarnations, as a sort of demonstration that soul mate doesn't have to mean lover, I came up with student-rivals, siblings, tutor and pupil, bartender and alcoholic, slave and master, priest and confessor, best friends, and so on, I was thinking the story would follow them showing that each incarnation was their soul learning something so that they could achieve fulfilment, as a way of showing that despite reincarnation theory every person is different because our souls are growing and changing, after all I'm not the same me I was two weeks ago let alone the same as two years ago or twenty, we're constantly learning and growing so why wouldn't our souls?

Anyway that's enough from me.

Currently Listening to: Paradise Fears- Sanctuary
Current .gif feeling: 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Woowee there's a lot of things to do

It is the beginning of October, Halloween is coming, we couldn't find any new movies to watch this year so we're thinking of going Old School and watching Ghostbusters. I have a meeting at WINZ next week, my counsellors coming with me so maybe the Dementor-like effect it has on me will be reduced. I have to email the dude before then though.
I went to the Doctor, I have now got a list of exercises I'm to do twice a day to help my back, I hope that they work, it says I should see improvement in 3 months. There's also breathing exercises that my counsellor gave me to do every night when I go to bed... or every morning when I go to bed, the important part is that I do them in bed to calm down. I almost had a panic attack last night in bed I got to thinking about all the things that I need to do and all the things that could go wrong and all the ways that I could mess up and well it was bed but I stopped and I breathed and I actually felt much better.

I'm up to date on Detective Conan, I also read Ubel Blatt which was/is(?) quite good. I spent an entire day watching Nanatsu no Taizai, which is hilarious and ranks as one of the best anime I've seen. It just cracks me up so much... especially Ban... and Meliodas and oh all of them!
I also watched all of the Librarian movies, how had I never seen them before? They were brilliant, Flynn Carson you are my hero, they're like a brilliant crossover between Lara Croft or Indiana Jones and Warehouse 13 with their own special twist. I loved them. The reason I watched them, however, was not because I saw the name and thought 'Ooh Librarian' it was because I was on Tumblr and someone had posted some gifs from the new show The Librarians and I started watching the first episode when I realised that there were references to something and I went a hunting and found the movies which I then watched with the first episode of the series paused right in the middle. I've only watched the first to episodes thus far but it certainly looks interesting, though Judson and Charlene!

My Sims and I have been well. I've been building people and Warehouse Apartments and houses with waterfalls and houses suspended above giant pools. Ooh and the Fairies, and Nymphs, so yes Sims have been good.

NaNo's coming again this year and I am ready! Ok, no but I'm getting there, I'm thinking fanfic. I'm also thinking I'll update this everyday so I can keep track. There's a lot of Fanfic ideas spinning around in my head.

Theres a One Piece one, where Luffy was with Dragon until he was three, when Sabo's boat gets shot by the Celestial Dragons and Dragon saves him after he recovers he asks to see his brothers before joining the Revolutionary Army. Luffy recognises his dad, there's like reunion things, Sabo decides to stay with his brothers until he's seventeen, the ASL trio and Dragon stay in touch, when Sabo and Ace are sixteen Garp starts talking about enrolling all three boys in the Marine Academy and so the three set out to sea a little early. Stuff happens there's adventures, they manage to sneak onto a high level marine ship to inform Garp which leads to Smoker (said high level marine) chasing the three all through the Grand Line while Ace flirts with him and Garp demands he catch the little brats before they do something that gives them a bounty, Dragon tries to get the three of them to travel with some of his men until they're a little older, Shanks tries to get them to sail on his ship or settle on an island for a little while. Of the three only Ace gets a bounty and that's because he ate the Mera Mera no Mi and then 'accidentally' burnt down a corrupt marine base and eventually they join up with the Whitebeard pirates, where they're known as ASL on the bounty poster that they share. More things happen, Smoker ends up being demoted back to Logue Town after some political thingy, Ace gets promoted to Second Division Commander, Luffy saves Thatch from dying, Sabo heads off the join the Revolutionary Army, time passes and then of course Luffy turns seventeen. Canon happens, mostly, though in Logue Town Luffy informs 'Smokey' that Ace misses him. More canon, Luffy never tells his crew that he's lived in the Grand Line for a strong percentage of his life, then of course there's Ace and Sabo who's visiting, (Ace isn't hunting Blackbeard) and eventually the Straw Hats find out all about their Captain. I don't know I haven't really thought that far ahead.

There's a new Naruto one. I know, I know. This is a High School AU. The story starts with a seventeen year old Naruto moving to Konoha Town from Uzushio City. He's staying with his baa-chan (Tsunade) the mayor along with his mum (Kushina) the former Police Commissioner of Uzushio and newly appointed Police Chief of Konoha, his 'brother' (fostered) Kakashi is a teacher at his new school, while his 'sister' (also fostered) Anko works as the receptionist at the Police Station though she also temps at the school. Naruto is referred to by his mother as an aggressive overachiever and is reminded right at the beginning that he's suppose to be keeping a low profile, on his first day he manages to convince everybody that his brain is basically filled with ramen and he ends up befriending the schools 'Losers'. Time passes his new friends find out that his mother is the Police Chief, though they remain oblivious to his relation to Kakashi, there's hints that he has a strange history with the estranged eldest son of the influential Uchiha family, Itachi who's a police officer. I want to prolong the mystery, so there's like meeting Obito who's the secretary of the High School and who's dating Kakashi; there's also hints at the activist group Akatsuki which was working to reveals corruption in local corporations and governments, there's also mentions of the Defence Minister who's being endorsed for the position of the new President/ Prime Minister. As time passes Naruto's new friends learn that he's much smarter than he acts, they learn that his 'delinquent state' started when he was eight and paint bombed the Town Councillors, many of whom he was related to, as Uzushio is home to a great deal of Uzumaki. While all of this is happening there are hints to a secretive group of Vigilantes who, in three years, managed to reveal a great deal of corruption also beating up street gangs and stopping several corporate entities from fulfilling their evil plans. It is eventually revealed that Akatsuki allied with the vigilantes several times. There's hints at romance between Naruto and Hinata, the daughter of one of the largest Import and Export families in Konoha. He ends up tutoring her in math despite the fact that she's in a much more advanced class than him this is when we meet the mysterious character that has being hinted at since the beginning, Naruto's oldest and best friend, Gaara, with Gaara and Naruto's godfather (Jiraiya's) arrival we learn more about Naruto's past, along with the fact that he and Gaara completed their first three years of high school when they were twelve and stopped attending school for three years. You also begin to learn about the dynamics of Naruto's family. It's mentioned that Naruto's father is the reason that he's suppose to be maintaining a low profile though no reason is given, Gaara settles into the school, where the popular kids quickly learn that the status quo means next to nothing to him, they goggle at the way stoic Gaara handles the ever hyper Naruto. The students settle back in, time passes people become accustomed to rarely finding Naruto with Gaara or vice-a-versa, then the Konoha Fight Tournament is announced. It's a popular and well known tournament that draws fighters from all over but from nowhere more so than Konoha itself, almost every student in the school enrols. This is when much more of Naruto's and Gaara's past becomes apparent, this is also where we meet several other important characters. The Vigilante group that for three years sought corruption and investigated several dodgy people was known as the Bijuu, they were created by a then twelve year old Naruto and Gaara along with their friends, the group was created after the murder of Gaara's father Rasa Sabaku a well known diplomat who was killed after discovering something incredibly dangerous. The nine members worked under code names with masks, they all had their own reasons for joining and after the three years when they discovered the truth they put down their masks and returned to their ordinary lives though they all kept in touch. The nine members reunite at the KFT; Roshi is there with the mayor of his town, Iwa, to watch the mayors granddaughter compete; Han is there with a tea stall; Utakata and Fu are there to compete and to see their friends; Yagura is there with the mayor of his town, Kiri, also to compete, and Yugito and Bee are there as bodyguards for Bee's brothers company Raikage Security. The members of Akatsuki also arrive to view, compete or bet on the tournament. It is eventually revealed that Yugito and Bee are there as bodyguards for the Defence Minister, who's been receiving death threats, the Defence Minister is revealed to be one Minato Namikaze, Naruto's father and the reason he and his mother are using her surname is to hide from the people who have been threatening not only him but his family. Whew and that's all I got so far for that one.

Right that's me for today.

Currently Listening to: Shania Twain- She's not just a pretty face
Current .gif feeling: 

Sunday, September 13, 2015

That Waz My Hat!


Hmm what have I been up to? Many things. It is September I have celebrated the day that I entered this world. My Sims is working once more. HUZZAH! We have another Flat Inspection coming up. 
In the inbetween times I made a pinterest. I went through a One Piece Fanfic stage where that's all I wanted, I'm now spam reading Naruto fanfic. Oh sweet Naruto. I've been having a lot of fanfic ideas though not for the ones that I need to be having ideas for. Which is unfortunate.

We're trying to be more healthy so last night we tried Stuffed Peppers. They were quite tasty and I kind of wish that I hadn't eaten both of mine, we used different coloured ones mine were red and orange (the orange was my favourite). Exercise has also been suggested... and we're getting there, slowly.

I brought the new Devil May Cry game. Which looks amazing I'm just waiting until the stars reach the correct alignment before I play it. I've also been playing Lara Croft: Rise of the Tomb Raider which is brilliant. 

What else? Pillow and I watched the Second Season of Sword Art Online (OhMyGawd!) and we started watching the second season of Log Horizon. Speaking of Log Horizon one of the best fanfic I've read for Log Horizon is called Dislocation, it's by Vathara, and seriously anyone who loves Log Horizon should read it as it gives you a unique and brilliant new way of looking at things that you don't really think about while you're watching. Vathara is FANTASTIC, they do crossover fics mostly. Oh they also got me into this online comic called Girl Genius, which is hilarious. I love it, especially the Jaegermonsters. They crack me up, with their Hat obsessions and their way of talking.

Well I can't think of anything else right now.

Currently Listening to: Mumford and Sons- Ditmas
Current .gif feeling:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wah hah hah! Feel the long text Post!

So I have an idea for a Bleach fic. I've written some of it out but I don't know if I'll ever post it up anywhere.

The basic outline is that Kurosaki Ichigo and Urahara Kisuke began life way way way back in the time of the Samurai, where they were a little more than bros if you know what I'm saying, when they died instead of losing their memories and basically reforming out of soul particles they are regressed back into child forms, Ichigo ends up being taken in and raised as a Shiba cousin while Kisuke befriends Yoruichi and gets adopted by some Shihouin retainers. They eventually become Shinigami and reunite. Theres good times, theres bad times and then of course the Hollowfication happens and the Visored and Kisuke and Tessai are exiled while Yoruichi self-exiles. Ichigo in a show of loyalty, since he's friends with a few Visored and one (Aikawa Love) is his Captain, resigns from his position and follows them before anyone can deny his resignation. Once he tracks them down in the Human realm he motivates them to continue living and not let what's happened make them unhappy, (unhappier?). Decades pass and Kaien dies then Isshin is quietly exiled, he ends up in the Human realm and falls in love with a young woman named Kurosaki Masaki whom he weds, the two keep in contact with Ichigo, Kisuke and the Visored and when Masaki gets pregnant they tell them. On the day the child is to receive it's soul (since I have no idea how a lot of stuff works) Ichigo and Kisuke discover that the Central 46 isn't allowing the soul that would end up in the child to incarnate, after a discussion with Isshin and Masaki it is decided that Kisuke will but a seal bloke on Ichigo and his soul will be the babys. Basically mostly canon happens though instead of people mistaking him for his cousin he ends up wandering how most of the older Shinigami know his name, these Shinigami end up thinking that Shiba Ichigo died sometime after his resignation and that's why he's now walking around as a Human with no idea what the heck is going on. After the war with Aizen is over Ichigo still has his powers and when he turns Seventeen the seal on his memories is broken which results in a huh moment as Urahara (the one who had created the seal) did it in the middle of a party which all of Ichigo's friends Human, Visored, Shinigami and Arrancar were attending, this results in a huh moment and also Ichigo punching Kisuke before attempting to explain what had happened and who he was.

Here's a bit of what I have written so far: "Ichigo is seven when his life changes.
He is fourteen when he makes another change.
At seventeen he thinks he's sorting some things out.
At nineteen he's settled into himself, he knows who he is and what he's doing.
At twenty-three he dies. And everything changes again.

Since he was seven Ichigo's life had revolved around the rogue samurai named Kisuke who had saved him from the bandits that killed his family. Ichigo had wanted to stay with Kisuke but was told it was too dangerous. He was placed with a noble family that owed Kisuke a favour and it was expected that he'd stay with them for the rest of his life, as they gave him stability and a new home. He left when he was fourteen, set out with a wooden sword and the need to find the man who'd saved him. Kisuke was less than impressed when Ichigo showed up in his campsite, and he became down right irritated when Ichigo refused to leave, following Kisuke around trying to learn the way of the sword. Eventually Kisuke gave in and took the boy as an apprentice. Ichigo proved to be an adept student learning eagerly, soaking up all the knowledge, his mind for battle was a truly terrifying thing and by seventeen he had surpassed his teacher. No longer were they master and apprentice. Kisuke expected the boy to leave, not to say that's what he wanted over time Ichigo had grown on him he didn't know what he'd do without the company. Fortunately he didn't have to find out, Ichigo stayed, Kisuke had saved his life and so he felt his life was Kisuke's. When he was nineteen Ichigo downed four bottles of sake and kissed his now ex-teacher, instead of being pushed away he was accepted. His saviour became his teacher became his partner became his lover, now a partner in every sense of the word. The two pledged themselves into the service of a daimyo who treated his people with fairness. They served faithfully, until when Ichigo was twenty-three they were set to guard a narrow passage into the Daimyos land, they had heard rumours that his closest neighbour wished to absorb the prosperous land into his own. For two days and three nights they held the pass waiting for reinforcements, theirs was a small group no more than seventeen men not including the messenger who had been sent off early in the skirmish, finally on the dawn of the third day they heard the bugle of their backup just as an arrow made it's way past Ichigos guard to lodge in Kisuke's chest, a moment of despair and a swift sword stroke led to Ichigo's own demise. So just as he had lived the young samurai died following the one to whom he had given everything.

However, this was not the end of these two noble swordsmen. As Kisukes lifeblood drained out and he passed to the world of death a soundless voice questioned Will you fight on, warrior? Or will you rest? Fighting was what Kisuke had known for so long, but he couldn't answer for he knew this was not something that would dictate only his life, Ichigo had long sworn he would follow where Kisuke led, “Maa I'll wait a while if you don't mind?” If you wait too long you will not be given the choice, you will remain a soul tethered to the earth until someone comes to relieve you. Before he could question this, being as he was a curious man, another form appeared in the foggy world of death, it took him not a moment to recognise the bright head of his lover, “Ah, Ichigo I thought you'd last longer.” The younger man looked rueful, “I got distracted.”
I thought I taught you not to do that?” He chastised.
Before Ichigo could respond the question was asked again Will you fight on, warrior? Or will you rest? Ichigo frowned, “I'll go where Kisuke goes.”
Resting sounds a little boring don't you think, koi? We are men of action after all.”
Ichigo smiled and nodded, “If it is well with you voice-san we will fight together as is our way.”
The voice seemed troubled as it responded, You will be sent to the Soul Society to continue fighting, as for together, this has never been asked before, you wish to remember your life when you truly lived?
Of course.” Ichigo stated as Kisuke asked, “Do people normally forget their lives?”
The people of the Soul Society are regressed when they die, they form from soul matter and so their previous lives are lost. You do not want this? But you wish to fight?
Yes.” “Of course.”
Hm, you are strong, if you retain yourselves you may perhaps be even stronger, the voice seemed to come to a decision, Very well Kisuke no Kuikkuburēdo and Ichigo za Sō though you will be regressed you will retain yourselves. Farewell Warriors, may we meet again.

When Ichigo opened his eyes there was a sky above him and a sword in his hand. The sword was much smaller than his usual katana but looking down at himself this was understandable, he heard a low groan to his left and turned to see a miniaturised version of his partner, Kisuke looked no older than fifteen, he too held a much smaller sword. “Well,” Kisuke remarked in a light tone, “I see what Voice-san meant about being regressed now, you look about four, Ichi-chan.”
Ichigo scowled at the ridiculous nickname he'd not had to hear since he was seventeen and finally defeated his teacher in a mock battle, his scowl deepened as he realised what Kisuke had just said, he was four, four, how was he supposed to fight as a four year old?
The two spent several days readjusting to their new ages, despite their memories of their lives they actually felt the age their physical (were they physical afterall they were dead this was something Kisuke was interested in looking into) ages, sometimes Kisuke was forced to pick Ichigo up and piggy-back him as the four-year old tired quickly and like to take naps.
Finally after nearly a week of readjustment and learning what people to avoid and where to get food things changed. The changes were two fold and swift, they began with a girl knocking into Kisuke apologising and running off, this was followed by a tall dark haired man who bore a striking resembalance to Ichigo stopping and staring, as the man approached the two boys heard a shriek that Kisuke noted to sound very much like the girl who'd run into him earlier, they both started to head toward the girl when the man touched Ichigo's shoulder only to find himself under the scrutiny of two near feral gazes, “I apologize, my name is Shiba Kaien and though I don't know you, you appear to have the look of one of my clan, I suspect you're one of my cousins and as such I can't just leave you wandering the Rukongai, especially not at your age.” He looked over at Kisuke, “I can take you both to the Shiba Clan Compound, there's food and soft beds and well our family.” Kisuke frowned, the resembalance between the two was too strong to be merely superficial so these Shiba might very well be Ichigo's long deceased family members who had reformed from the spiritual energy, as such the safest place for Ichigo would be with them, as they were obviously strong enough to protect him until he'd regrown into himself enough to do it, Kisuke knew that Ichigo would be able to track him down again once that had happened and so he came to the decision and looked down at his smaller partner, “Take Ichi-chan, I have to do something.”
Ichigo frowned at him something that he was rather amused to notice was mirrored on the face of the man, Kaien, “Are you sure? There's more than enough room and I'm sure he'd like to have you with him for support and familiarity.”
Kisuke shook his head, “He'll be ok.” Looking down at the smaller boy, “You'll be ok, I have to go help that girl, we'll meet again.” He grinned, Ichigo nodded and sighed, “Good Luck, Kisuke. Try not to get into too much trouble without me.”
Maa Ichi-chan you say that like I can't look after myself.”
You can't.”
Kaien stifled a laugh at the interaction, both he and his little cousin waved as the small blonde darted off. "

Currently Listening to: Demi Lovato- Nightingale
Current .gif feeling: 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Beware the Ducks

Eugh, so Flat Inspection was today and so I spent the morning at the Esplanade, swinging and jumping on the trampoline and taking pictures.
Also talking to myself, singing along to the iPod rather loudly, being paranoid about the ducks and being terrified of the Barrel of Doom.

I will not leave you all hanging and instead will give a blow by blow account of my morning.

First you should be aware that I haven't slept, I know this is a shocking and deeply surprising occurrence that is incredibly rare, as such I brought a can of Kaboom on my way.
As most of you will be now be aware when sleep deprived on caffeine I tend toward insanity and that was certainly true today.
I was by myself and yet managed to have several deep and meaningful conversations, I also referred to myself in plural several times, I think the only thing we should all be glad about is the fact that I was obviously quietly talking to myself or else there would be several mentally scarred children.
Me and Myself enjoyed an invigorating walk taking several pictures of the many things that fascinated us (there I go using plural for my single self) there were trees and leaves and flowers and BUNNIES! 
Of course the stupid fancy new phone decided that it's battery was going to die despite the fact that I needed the phone to be working so I could receive B-Dizzles message for when it was safe to come home and unfortunately none of us are well versed in smoke signals so that wasn't an option. 
Cursing my phone I went to the playground part of the Esplanade and proceeded to swing away my problems. Things I learnt are 1) you can't sing and swing if you want to be able to breath properly, 2) always choose the right swing my sit testing first, 3) Swing meditation is the best, just swing and be, everything else just sort of fades out. After a while I got tired of swinging not mentally but physically swinging is hard work so I went and jumped on the trampoline for a bit, then I lied down on the trampoline to cloud watch but there were no clouds so I went back to the swing. 
I was a bored of the swing by then so I thought I'd have a try in what have since been dubbed the Barrel of Doom, I'd seen little kids play in them before and I figured you know... how hard can it be? A stupid question. Very, is the answer. So for those who don't know the Barrel of Doom is like the prelude to a treadmill, you walk and the barrel rolls. What you may not know is that as you walk it gets faster. And you fall over. And it keeps going leading to you going up and sliding down and laughing like an idiot while simultaneously swearing at the pain in your butt and your wrist where you fell. Now a normal person would think ok I've been defeated by the Barrel of Doom I'm gonna stop. I didn't. I tried again. It went slightly better though I was was very discombobulated afterwards.
Then I decided to walk around a little more and have a look in the gardens. On my way there I came across a gathering of the Duck Army. Now many people say that I have a very irrational paranoia in regards to ducks, you know what I say to that? It's not paranoia if they really are plotting to overthrow the human regime and begin what I have coined as 'The Duckpocalypse'. Behind enemy lines, surrounded by their hellish armies, I made what may have been my last message warning mankind (and Pillow who mocks my perfectly rational suspicion) of the amassing duck army. They were every where, watching, plotting, quacking.
Thankfully I escaped with my life and proceeded to look at various pretty flowers. I took pictures of some and then my phone gave up the ghost and passed on. Once more cursing the stupid thing as I still had not received the all clear from B-Dizzle I proceeded onwards in my wandering, eventually I found myself in the rose garden, wishing I had a camera because of all the pretty colours and the images I could have captured.

Eventually I headed for home, where B-Dizzle assured me that the Inspection had happened and was over. 

Wasn't that exciting?

I like the Esplanade. I like sleep more. But not philosophy. Colours are pretty. My phones camera not so much.


Currently Listening to: Kelly Clarkson- Dark side
Current .gif feeling:

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

I have a lot of deep Philosophical questions, most predominant currently is Where did the Chocolate go? I'm sure I never ate it.

What am I doing with my life? No seriously? I've spent the past couple of days reading Gundam Wing fanfic and sitting on my sweet patootie. I mean I've had a good reason... it's been raining so even though we have a Flat Inspection coming up I couldn't go outside and do the jobs that need doing... or at least that's what I've been telling myself, in truth my sleep took a turn for the worst and I haven't been awake enough in the daytime to be able to do things. My Counsellor mentioned a hormone or something that's suppose to aid with sleep so 
I'm going to see about that but I dunno. 

What else is up with me... I've been pretty unmotivated as per usual, though I did weed the back gardens and clean the bathroom, my room and organise the book shelf we moved into the hallway so that's something. Yesterday was Imbolc and I slept through most of it. It's the first day of spring in the Northern Hemisphere so thats a fun little fact for people.

I should probably update all the (non existent) people who are interested, I failed in regards to NaNoWriMo, all the good intentions none of the motivation though I did compile a very interesting Bleach fanfic in my head. I dunno how I'm going to write my novel out when I'm so shit at fight scenes I mean I can see it all in my head and it's truly beautiful but then I write it down and it's all "she flipped over his head and like turned around in the flip so she was facing him and it happened really fast so he couldn't tell..." which isn't great for keeping the attention.

I have a complaint. I have a tumblr, I very rarely use it because it's filled with people that seem to revel in being angry about something, show them something that pleases you and they will pick it apart until it's all just shit. I'm pretty sure it's filled with English teachers, you know like "oh the author meant this and this symbolises this" the author didn't mean any of that you're just seeing that because that's what you want to see, now don't get me wrong I was doing a major in English I love it, I love looking at a poem and being like "ah hah hah hah feel all the meanings that I have discovered" but thats poetry which is filled with hidden meanings Poetry is to English what a Tomb is to Lara Croft or Indiana Jones, it's filled with traps and treasures and hidden parts that need to be uncovered and it tells you a ton if you know where to look. 
Novels, however, are something that aren't suppose to be picked apart, I mean yeah they can be and yeah there often is a lot of hidden meaning but most authors writing a novel are more interested (speaking for myself as an aspiring Novelist) in telling the story and having people be like "ohh this happened and this guy sucks". 
Back to my point Tumblr likes to tear things apart to find a point that isn't there or to blow shit way out of proportion, and I get that there's a lot of inequality and shit human beings in the world but being an unequal shit human isn't going to make it better, even if you're doing it from the opposing side. If you want equality you can just automatically discard people who oppose you or are from a different standing that's exactly how the inequality started. It's not an issue of who's better it's an issue of being equals. 
If someone makes a statement about how say feminism makes them uncomfortable you don't go around saying that they're a male pig or something or that they've been programmed by men to think things like that, you look at what you're doing and wonder why is feminism making this person uncomfortable, because trust me it doesn't make me uncomfortable because I'm a dude I'm pretty freaking sure that I have to strap a bra on everyday and that my period comes regularly, no feminism makes me uncomfortable because a lot of feminists aren't about having men and women standing on equal ground, they're about having women standing on top of men to pay them back in some way for the repression they feel that women have had to deal with. I'll just say now two wrongs don't make a right, two wrongs leads to you heading backwards, going in the exact opposite direction to the one you say you want to be heading in. What we need is understanding, what we need is for people to stop being so shit to each other to stop looking at one another and thinking he's/she's black/white/Korean/Jamaican/gay/straight/Whatever and instead to look at each other and be like they're human and as such they deserve the exact same rights as me. 

Anyway I've ranted enough.

Currently Listening to: Best Mashup Mix 2014 Vol. 1
Current .gif feeling:

Friday, January 23, 2015

It's January why in Gotham are you selling Easter eggs?

Ah le New Year... tis sunny. Thus far it seems like it's going to be another year where my luck is fucked. But positivity and all that.

Good news. I updated my fanfic... both of them in fact, so that's a 'Yay me!'

Uhm other good news, there's been good music thus far this year... I got a fancy new phone for Christmas. Pillow has an xbox 360 and we have been gaming and cutting down on our near physical attachment to the internet and so huzzah!

In other news, the last month of last year was spent complaining about increasingly small amounts of money, buying Christmas presents, and going home.
B-Dizzle, Pillow and I enjoyed our last night here before Christmas with two bottles of Riccadonna Asti and Noodles and Dumplings, we exchanged Christmas presents, wrapped the ones that were being given to other people and admittedly got a leetle schloshed. My hometown was as brimming with expectations as usual, and I went to Pillows a few days after Christmas to celebrate her birthday, the big two-one as it were.

On New Years Day we bundled all of our loot into Dave (B-Dizzles car) and returned triumphantly alive to our humble little abode. The cat was pleased to see us though a little pissed that we'd all left her. Witness her sulking on the table, not best pleased with the fact that our return heralded a great upheaval in her otherwise well organised life. Poor Kitty... just the teensiest bit spoilt.
In celebration of the New Year, (which we spent dancing around to music and socialising with each other) Pillow decided that she wanted a change and so we have once more shuffled things around in our lounge, admittedly it looks really good but I'm just terrible with change.

Right that's all I can think of to talk about now so I'm off

Currently Listening to: Avicii- The Nights
Current .gif feeling: